Who’s Alpha?

After the kiss, Ajay leaves to prepare for tomorrow. I don't see him all night. Sleeping right under the tree, the moonlight warms my skin.

"You're not coming inside, Usdi," asks Chetan?"

"Don't call me baby!" I snap.

He wraps his arms around me as I turn to leave.

"Just touching you, I can't explain the reaction you are having on my body. Your very scent overwhelms me." His face inches closer to mine, and honestly, I feel my lips wanting him, too.

Seeing Kiara hurt in my mind overwhelms me. Putting my hand up in protest, I tell him, "No."

"I know you feel the way I do; we are Mark mates."

"I won't hurt my sister."

"She doesn't have to know; just let your body have what it desires."

Thinking of kissing Ajay earlier makes my heart happy, and my legs grow weak. Is Ajay what I desire? "This is a bad idea. I don't think I desire you at all."

"That's because you desire me, huh, Adagyudi?" Ajay walks up next to me.

Relief runs through me, I am glad he is here. Not only because he saved me from making a mistake, but because I want to spend time with him.

"Zare is my mate!" Ajay declares.

Chetan changes into his gray wolf form, while Ajay changes into his black wolf form. I am a dark brown wolf, Dev is light brown, and Kiara is white. The wolves stand face to face, growling at each other, but none attack.

"Guys, stop, please!" I beg.

Ajay was the first to change back. "Chetan, stand down immediately!"

Chetan changes back, but not after getting in one more growl.

"I am Alpha. You need to keep that in mind."

"If you were a true Alpha, you wouldn't go after my Mark mate."

"You are with Kiara."

"You know what it does to me thinking about you two together."

"The same thing it does to Zare seeing you with Kiara."

"You're right, and I will have to indoor it," Chetan says before walking away.

"I keep thinking about our kiss, and I was hoping you would remind me how it went. I want to remember every detail, to have it burned into my mind," Ajay says.

I feel my cheeks turn red. He is simply adorable, there was no denying that. Grabbing his face in my hands, I place my lips on his letting the taste of his lips excite me. He pulls my body closer; there was no space between us. He runs his fingers through my hair. Wrapping my arms around his neck, it felt like I was floating on a cloud. He was so kind and gentle. These feelings for him came out of nowhere.

Ajay isn't my Mark mate, but can this be true love?

"Oh snap! Zare is the Alpha's girl!" Dev walks upon us, his mouth dropped open.

We both laugh after our lips pull apart.

"I want to see if you need me to do a cemetery run," Dev says.

"Yes, go," Ajay agrees.

I watch as Dev changes into his wolf form and leaps into the trees.

"So you'll let him go?"

"Yep, I want you near me, '' he states, pulling my body back into his embrace. "We all need to get to bed early tonight; we leave at first daylight."

I nod.

"Are you sleeping under the stars again?"


"I was hoping you'll be my snuggling partner and join me on the couch."

I feel my lips break into a smile. Are we rushing into this?

"I don't know."

"Okay, Adageyudi, I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

My body wants his touch, but my heart doesn't want to make a huge mistake. "I will be outside tonight."

"Okay, I don't want you wandering around. Stay by the camp, Zare," he warns.

"I will." I watch as Ajay goes inside the camper.

Dev returns shortly, goes into the camper, and I hear him say, "All clear."

Walking over to a nearby tree, I change into my wolf form. It is too cold for a human to sleep outside, but not a wolf. The moon is full, and the stars are bright. Listening to the frog's croak, I feel at peace. I notice Ajay peeking out the window to check on me. He was always protective over me, making sure I was okay in battle and wasn't alone for too long. I always thought it was because he was Alpha, but now I wasn't so sure.

How long has he had feelings for me?

The sound of rustling leaves behind my tail causes me to jump nearly five feet high. Should I howl for Ajay?

Growling sounds reach my ears. I would know that sound anywhere; it was a zombie. Turning around quickly, I glance around, my eyes searching for the beast. Letting out a big sniff, I now have a clear picture of where it was. I dash towards the trees, and there was the zombie. He would have been a horrible sight if I wasn't already used to seeing them. They have blue skin riddled with holes from decay. Sometimes they are missing eyes or limbs. This one has all his limbs and eyes. He is wearing a ripped-up tuxedo and has deep bags around his eyes. His face is thin, and like I said his skin is blue.

He growls at me when his eyes meet mine, foam coming out of his mouth. He dashes at me, and I rush towards him, showing my sharp teeth. I take a bite of decaying flesh, and the horrible taste clouds my senses. Temporarily distracted, I feel a bite being taken out of my neck; I howl in pain. A moment later, I hear a dash zip by and followed by growls and yells of despair from the zombie.

It wasn't long; all the sounds stop, and I notice the zombie lying motionless on the ground and Ajay is standing over him. To kill a zombie, we have to rip out their heart and crush the heart. Luckily, from a zombie bite, you won't get changed into a zombie. You have to be injected with their blood or come in contact with their tissues. And since werewolves heal pretty quickly, hopefully the bite will be healed in a few days or so.

I am in huge trouble.

"What the hell were you thinking? Your neck is bleeding, and you disobeyed me," yells Ajay.

"I didn't have time to call for you. I just reacted."

"Bullshit, you know all you have to do is howl."

"I am sorry"

"You're not sorry yet, but you will be.'' He snaps.

I have never seen Ajay so mad, ever!

"Get walking to camp now!"

For once, I did what my Alpha commanded. I reach camp a little before Ajay. He had to destroy the zombie's body by setting it on fire. He joins me, howling for the group to assemble. Once everyone was there, we all gathered in a circle.

"I want to make something known, I am fucking Alpha here, and my orders and commands will be obeyed. I owe nobody an explanation for what I do," Ajay says, glaring at me. "We are going to try a little exercise again; yell my name when I ask this question, who is your Alpha?"

"Ajay," we all say,

I feel ashamed of myself. I should just listen, but I always miss up.


"Ajay," we all say.

"Not one wolf better never forget it again. And you, if you ever disobey my command, you'll be kicked out of this pack. Is that clear, Zare?" he demands.

"Dominant and submissive, that's super sexy," Dev declares.

"Quiet, Dev!" Ajay yells.

"Sorry, Alpha," Dev mutters.

"From now on, until I feel like you will follow my commands, you are sleeping inside the camper." Ajay points his finger at me.

"That's not fair."

"Excuse me, Zare, what's not fair is I am continuously getting you out of trouble. The rules are simple. You asked for permission to leave and call for help, don't fight alone. Your neck is a reason why. There are zombies waiting to rip you apart!" he remarks.

"Okay, I will." I feel something wet hit my cheek wet and realize I'm crying. How embarrassing.

Ajay's face softened. He walks over and kisses me on the forehead.

Relief instantly rushes through me. He's not too mad anymore.

"That's a good girl; get some sleep, all of you," Ajay says.

"I am sorry, Alpha."

"We have to stitch up that neck," he says.

Putting my hand to my neck, I feel warm, wet sticky blood. I feel his arms wrap around me, and then my feet lift off the ground. Laying my head on his chest, I nestle up to him. He kisses the top of my head. We are soon in the camper, and he sits me down on the couch.

"Drink some of this whiskey." He hands me the bottle.

I take a big drink; it burns my throat going down. I hear him open the lid of the kit. We have everything you can think of in a first aid kit. Soon I felt Ajay stitching up my neck. It stings a little, but the whiskey helps. I am not a drinker, so it isn't long before I am buzzed.

"All done Usdi," he says.

I nod before lying down on the couch.

"No matter how close we get, I am still your alpha, and I will treat you like such," he mentions.

"I know."