Chapter 8; Harder than expected!!!

We are at the Marlha stadium, it is 9:55 a.m. the tests against Thounma start at 11:00 a.m. both in writing and in practice

_ Natsaaaaaaaa!!!

Here, it's Jamila

She was coming in my direction. To not play the important guy too much, I also went to her until we found ourselves face to face.

Jamila << Natsa how are you this morning? >>

Natsa << As usual and you look good, it seems that Thounma is having trouble with you right now! >>

Jamila << uh... Ahahahah!!! You talk nonsense Natsa! >>

Natsa << of course not Thounma has a lot to worry about with you, you know if there's someone I've really feared since I was born, it's you! >>

Jamila << No but... Hahahahahaha!!!! Did you drink something or what?! >>

Um... She thinks I'm joking, she doesn't realize the immense potential she's accumulating within her just through her liver which can engender divine powers if exposed to her. Jamila is an untapped God in view of her liver, her holiness, her attitude the only thing she lacks is divine guidance.

Jamila << Natsa, how are you? >>

Natsa << of course, why this question? >>

Jamila<< you seemed to me to be a little absent>>

Mr. Eric << go children, that those who have been oriented in writing go to the room upstairs and those in practice you do not move from this stage understood?! >>

_ YES SIR !!!

Jamila << let's go Natsa?! >>

Natsa << sorry my pretty, but I was oriented in practice! >>

Jamila << oops, bad luck!! >>

Natsa "don't worry about me" because that's exactly what I was looking for.

Jamila << So I wish you good luck Natsa even if I think you don't need it >>

Natsa << coming from you a chance becomes a miracle that already seems granted, so coming from you I can only accept it with the greatest respect! >> Jamila blushed as she avoided my gaze

Jamila << you then you will not change, I'm going Natsa !! See you tonight >> she was leaving

Meanwhile the students of Thounma had just arrived on a bus, which means that the tests were about to begin.

Honestly if I decided to be at the practice it is because of Johnson Rey who is also there. I don't think he's human and my intuition is never, ever wrong.

The students of Thounma who should be doing the practice are also warming up but something still gives me the shivers. But that we will see later.

_ Everyone line up!

Said a Marlha examiner into a microphone.

The students of Thounma and Grenoble lined up each on their side.

_ well, today the events have been decided on 4 major events namely the obstacle course, the long jump, the high jump and the fight of the participants

_ the fight, is that feasible?

Asked a student.

Marlha's examiner << alas small yes, combat tests were prescribed by the founder himself of this university for the first day but after that it's just a friendly fight.>>

_ haha, Grenoble who fears a beating hahaha!!!

Shouted a student from Thounma

Marlha's examiner<< The tests will be eliminatory, in the combat phase only the best will meet in the final now we still leave you a little time to warm up after we started go ahead now !! >> The students are all warming up in one way or another except me of course who is not impressed by any tests at the same time I am lucifer when even no human can beat me hum...

_ Hi you, you don't seem to be stressed haha...!!

Said a student to me with a shy voice

Natsa << I don't see why I should and you are stressing out?! >>

The student << yes, I don't even think I can reach the fight >>

Natsa << hum... My liver, try to do your best you represent Grenoble anyway! >>

The student "yes I know, but the students of Thounma seem so sure of themselves"

Natsa << Don't let yourself be impressed, you can be too >> this girl was too shy she should have been oriented in writing, here it is clearly not her place. She's so shy she couldn't even look me in the eye. She will very quickly be devoured by Thounma.

The student << you are probably right, I must not let myself be intimidated or impressed, I will do my best! >> She even spoke very softly and seemed to me to be even smaller than my 18 human years

Natsa << how old are you? >>

The pupil << I am... I am 15 years old! >>

Natsa << you are really too small!.. >>

The student "yes I know they keep telling me"

Natsa << You don't have a friend with you? >>

The student << no, it's shameful to say it but I don't have any friends, my only friend stayed in Grenoble. >>

Natsa << I see that, would you like to be my friend? >> She started to blush

The student << er.. really? It would be with pleasure >> I hold out my hand

Natsa << my name is Natsa Desgodor enchanted and you? >>

The student << Nirvana Lorlhé >> she said taking my hand

Natsa << Nirvana, I am your friend and I ask you to have confidence in yourself, just give everything you have in these tests and so even if you lose you will not regret anything because you will have given everything! >>

Through Nirvana's eyes it seems that she took notice of the situation and also took into account what I had just said.

Nirvana << Yes, yes.. you are right, I.. I will give everything!! >>

Natsa << I prefer this attitude, would you like to warm up with me?! >>

Monsieur Eric << end of the warm-up children!!! >>

Natsa << shit, too bad! >>

Nirvana << such a pity! >>

Mr. Eric << good children, I ask you to concentrate well, give your all and let's go home at least with the first victory which seems to be more important than the rest including the children? >>


Mr Eric << on this I have nothing more to say to you, I will just be a spectator good luck children!!! >>


We were gonna line up now

Nirvana << Na.... Natsa I suddenly...!! >>

Natsa << um.. no but!!! >> She is clearly shaking like a leaf, olala she really should have been oriented in writing

Natsa << listen Nirvana, if you were directed here it is not by mistake but because you are capable of it, do not let this doubtful stress of the observation of the examiners you understand >>

Nirvana << huuuummm....!! >> I don't even know if she listens to me shit well I'm going to have to use some of my magic

Natsa << "Penghapusan" >> I say while touching her head

As if by magic, she stopped shaking and opened her eyes again

Nirvana << huh... It's weird, I don't stress anymore!! >>

Normal, I removed her stress from existence she will never stress again, what she had was a deadly mix between stress and her shyness, these two factors can destroy an individual's potential by constantly making them doubt of himself, so I had two options either I suppressed his shyness or I suppressed his stress and stress is the most suitable for this

Marlha's examiner << well, well, well children, you are 24 from Thounma and 24 from Grenoble, during each event 6 will be disqualified from the team with the least points and those who arrive in the final will have 1 only winner, who will be the best, don't ask too many questions we will know how it will be now everyone on the race track!! >>

We line up on the track both the students of Grenoble and Thounma.

The referee approaches

The referee << gone, all in position! >>

We got into position

The referee << on your marks, get set, go!!! >> He fired a gun into the sky and everyone started running like their lives depended on it

I tell myself that ... Exhausted damn in one step, I arrive at the final destination and I warn the referee of the finish line

Natsa << I'm done, Mr. Referee! >>

The referee << no but you are not normal, you covered 8 kilometers in one second it is not logical!! >>

Wait, he says you?!

I look around and see Johnson Rey and another participant from Thounma

Johnson << hey Natsa Desgodor, you're quite slow I'm tied for first by arriving just in 1 instant with the other guy there !! >>

Natsa <>

Johnson << crap, you're last and you think you're qualified enough to say not bad? Hahahahahaha!!!!! >>

Another participant appears, a girl this time from Thounma

The girl << I have arrived !! >>

The referee << no but what do you eat in the morning, 8 kilometers in 8 seconds I'm not even talking about the obstacles on the track, even a student who arrives in an hour would have surprised me but that's illogical!! >>

The girl << it's ok mister the referee you know times change haha!! >>

Natsa << 8 kilometers in 8 seconds?! I died laughing you traveled for each kilometer a second or what?! >>

The girl << what am I getting involved in, you the guy from Grenoble, and if you want to know it was on purpose to not arrive too quickly>>

Ha... I see, the characters around me right now aren't simple, they're either angels, or gods, or spirits, or even demons, they've unmasked themselves, even if they're all enemies, well that's it. Is so likely they too can notice that we are all special here, that's certainly why they all chose an orientation in practice like me just to quickly unmask us.

After 12 hours of time the first test ends. Students almost died for lack of this and the survivors are in bad shape. Grenoble finds itself with 6 fewer students because we had the fewest students arrived and Thounma are still 24

We are offered no moment of respite, it is 11 p.m. and we continue with the high and long jumps which went very quickly.

In terms of height and length of jumps Thounma won 100,400 points

And Grenoble just 10,900 points we had lost 12 students again and Thounma they still have their 24 students

You can't imagine how frustrated I am, but in high jump I'm 100% sure that we had collected more than that. Anyway, it's 3 a.m. and we have the right to rest until 8 a.m. for the fencing bouts.

Nirvana is getting closer to me

Nirvana << Natsa look I held up well!! >> She said while being proud of herself

Natsa "I'm proud of you Nirvana now rest and try what we can to win"

Nirvana << they have 24 students and we just 6 do you really think we're still lucky there?! >>

Natsa << of course because I am now moving on to the serious thing, I had never been so humiliated and all that makes me sick tomorrow I will be able to beat Thounma on my own!! >>

Nirvana << we are really sorry not to be able to follow you Johnson and you are extraordinary Natsa it's just that we are cannonballs !! >> She said while being sad

Natsa << A cannonball can be a weapon of destruction, if it is badly used it will only slow us down but if it is well used it is the enemies who will have to worry, don't worry, I will know how to exploit the best of you Nirvana!! >>

Nirvana << wow, you're really nice ok, I'll do my best to win!! >>

Natsa << this is the attitude I'm looking for, currently you're turning into a destructive ball!! >>

Nirvana <>Laughed Nirvana

Hum... Since when do I offer so much good humor? Could it be my human side that dominates me far too much now?

Nirvana << see you later Natsa, rest well above all! >>

Natsa << yeah, see you tomorrow Nirvana! >>

And she was leaving. Me too I have to go, it's weird how I'm suddenly proud of the good humor I can bring. Weird, in only 18 years on earth uh... People are talking above me... Hugh... He's talking about hardships

Looking slightly above me I could see that the individuals conversing were Marlha's referee and examiner,

The referee << we are soon sure to finish quickly with Grenoble! >>

Natsa << finish with Grenoble but why?! >> So I whispered.

Examiner "more than the fencing combat event, the two we should eliminate first are Natsa Desgodor and Johnson Rey, they are hyper problematic"

The referee << don't worry, tomorrow I will take care of all that, if Thounma wins we would have too much recognition towards this big city compared to Grenoble which will bring us absolutely nothing in view of its small size no but, the city ​​of Thounma is 7 times that of Grenoble and that of Marlha is 11 times that of Grenoble, we have absolutely nothing to do with this shit >>

The examiner << haaahahaha, once we're done we would only have to benefit from what Thounma will send us and even the meager benefits from Grenoble despite their defeat! >>

The referee << indeed yes! >>

Hmm... I've heard enough.

So the tests were rigged and will be rigged again, fine... Tomorrow we win and those there will be forced to accept it.

I go to my bed and fall asleep.

The next day, it's 8:45 am, the stadium was so full, there was even Jamila in the stands. Every time it's me she came to encourage, the written exams are over pretty quickly, we're done today. The whole crowd was surprised because Grenoble which had only 6 participants and Thounma 24 .

_ Grenoble is that bad?

_ how it is possible ?

_ it is clear that Thounma wins and by far Grenoble was clearly not the weight.

Weird rumors are circulating all over the stands and these rumors were unfavorable to us.

The referee << that the last test begins fencing fight, the loser will be the one with the least points, in bad posture or out of the combat field, now first participant Johnson Rey de Grenoble !! >>

The crowd screamed

Johnson Rey meanwhile does not go straight to the arena but to the referee.

Johnson << ref can you do me a favor?! >>

The referee << I listen to you child! >>

Johnson << I would like to face 18 participants right now! >>

The referee "What?! >>

Johnson << if only one among these 18 touches me only once no matter how I lose conversely if I expel them all before that I win! >>

The referee << Are you sure, kid?! >>

Johnson << yes and even some! >>

The referee<< very good !! >>

The referee took the microphone

The referee << Johnson Rey informs me to inform you that he will beat 18 participants on the side of Thounma at the same time and that if he is touched only once he loses then so be it!! >>

The stadium is on fire, people are screaming everywhere

Jamila <>

Said Jamila in the bleachers

Poor thing may not know right away that Johnson is no ordinary student, but she'll see him soon enough.