Chapter 1; The start of the school year

I had already spent a few years on earth playing my role as a baby and now that wasn't the case anymore, because I had grown up now, I had to play the role of a fucking 12 year old kid. I would so love to grow up and be done with this, but no, I have to stay focused on being a normal human.

Today, according to my mother, is the big day because I will go to school for the first time. Yes you are going to tell me that I am too old to go to school at this age but no it is not the case my mother did not have enough resources with my father they did not even want me to go to school I had to persuade them for that.

Well I prepared myself now I'm ready my mother and my father decided to accompany me on the first day of class So why not?

Mother << Natsa, behave well in school, I hope you understand? >>

My father << Natsa if you have good grades in class your mother and I promise you a good surprise you will be amazed >>

My mother << Natsa you are so adorable in your uniform >>

the lyrics were raining my parents are charming and keep sticking with me, but i'm not against the love they have for me you know in the past no one had loved me this way except the dark Djelfa. Seeing them so loud and sticky was good for me too.

After a few minutes of walking I finally arrive in front of my school. Yes for my first class I go directly to 3rd class because if I went to final year directly or to university my mother and my father and maybe everyone would find it suspicious because no 12 year old child is supposed to be able to do that

Even for the course I'm doing, everyone was already looking askance at me, so I prefer to limit suspicion.

My mother << gone have a good day Natsa and above all stay wise understood? >> My mother gave me a kiss on the forehead

Natsa << don't worry mum, see you tonight>> my mother behind started crying shit... All the other students around me were looking at me weirdly as if they wanted to make fun of me I'm going to ignore that .

_ Hey, wait!!

Hmm... who are these three? Three boys taller than me looked down on me and I didn't like their smiles, especially the one in the middle.

The middle one << kid, aren't you a little too young for the third one? You're even still being driven to school by your mother and father crying for you, it's ridiculous >> and the three morons started laughing at me. What exactly did they want from me? Humiliate me? To put me down? Anyway I'll ignore this so I keep walking but one of them grabs me by the shoulder

Natsa << but what do you want from me in the end? >>

The gang leader << shut up brat and give us everything you have in your bag >>

Natsa << what do I have in my bag? >>

The gang leader << you understood well, quickly or we break your face >>

Natsa << uh.. very good >> I took off my backpack

Natsa << take my bag >> they took my bag

Natsa << now let me pass >>

The leader of the group << you don't care about us, giving us your bag like that so easily? >>

Natsa << you asked so did I do wrong giving it to you?>>

The gang leader << grrr !! catch him, we'll settle her account >> shit I don't understand why humans act like that? unless they want to influence me and that's how the acolytes of the gang leader grab me violently but a girl... Of their age maybe because they are in the same class arrived towards us.

The girl << stop, leave this boy alone if you touch only one of his hair you will have to do with the principal >>

The gang leader << pff always the first of the class to spoil the atmosphere >> everyone started laughing then they let go of me.

I picked up my bag and the girl was looking at me worriedly.

The girl << poor kid I hope you are well? If I wasn't there, those big thugs would have slaughtered you >>

Hum.. on the contrary, my poor girl, your intervention saved the three big brutes from extreme suffering hehehe!!!

Natsa << yes thank you I'm fine >> I went back to class

The girl << waits !! >> No, but what does this girl want? Whore !!

I turned around and answered him

Natsa << yes!! >>

The girl "you can hang out with me so bullies don't come near you, it's safer"

Wow, what does this girl want from me? she has nothing else to do?

Natsa << no thank you it's fine, have a nice day >>

The girl << ha.. uh ok good day to you hihi ... but if you feel alone I'm here ok >>

Natsa << ok it's understood >>

Hum.. in short I continue my journey. The bell rang it's time to go to class I went to my class with my name and sat on the first bench the lesson was exciting it was the history lesson I had never paid attention to all the stories of the human world in time as i was too busy in my field, the human stories were completely simple not as complex as my story and that made the course interesting for me but boring for others. After a while the bell rang and the teacher left, I was packing my bags to get out of class and guess who I see again?

The three big bullies, they were in my class and they looked at me laughing at the back of the class honestly I don't understand them what do they want from me? They don't even have the age that goes with this class, the others in the class were 14 so I was the youngest with my 12 years but those were the oldest with 17 and 18 shit..

Please forget that. I took my things to go to the canteen, I took a tray in which I had been served lots of good things and now I had to find a place to sit down but all the places were occupied so I walked a bit looking around and by chance I saw a place with only one person I went straight there. When I arrived I recognized the person who was sitting, it was the girl from earlier, the one who defended me against the bullies. She wasn't eating when her tray was full she kept turning the food over with a fork and seemed to be thinking about something else that made her sad so I planted myself in front of her table and she still hadn't felt me ​​coming

Natsa << Hi, can I sit here with you to eat? >> She looked up and looked at me

She << oh... It's you, you can sit down >>

I sat down

Natsa "thank you very much" then I started eating again and again and again it wasn't as good as what my mom used to make but it wasn't bad either.

After I finished my meal, I became interested in the girl in front of me who still hadn't eaten anything. She was so sad she let out a tear that made me realize there was a problem

Natsa << uh, excuse me but are you crying there? >>

She << oh..! Sorry ! >> She wiped her tears and stood up

She "sorry, I have to go" and then she left. I watched her disappear into the crowd

The day ends at 5 p.m. I came back there were people everywhere. Between adults who had just finished their work and young people who had finished their studies

While walking, I could see this girl from earlier, about 15 meters in front of me, she still looked sad, so sad that she walked not looking ahead but looking at the floor. Finally, who is this girl? Why is she like that? And why did you defend me if she's still so sad? I'll see that next time for now I'll just take the road to the left and go home