Chapter 11; Natsa gets kicked out

Currently I am very thoughtful, I am too sure of myself, are there not possibilities in which my plans fail? What if Jamila dies? What if my power affects her and she becomes impure?

What if it's a demon who takes care of it and makes it impure?!

Why is the power of light in Jamila still so weak?

Hum.... Finally... If these unforeseen events become real I will destroy all of them

_ Natsa!!

Um, who is it? Johnson!!

Johnson << how are you this morning?! >>

Natsa << very good and you?! >>

Johnson << um... >>

Natsa << what's wrong?! >>

Johnson<< oh.. it's nothing, can you tell me about Belphegor?! >>

Natsa << what, I really don't have time for that, if you want to know him, ask him because Belphegor has an eternal life that is too long and endless! >>


Natsa << Belphegor is just the way he is, I can't really understand his behavior you see! >>

Johnson<< oh....!! >>

_ Student Natsa Desgodor is called to the manager's office!!

Mr. Eric said completely elsewhere.

Natsa << hum...! >>

Johnson << Mr. Eric, did Natsa do something wrong?! >>

Mr. Eric << I don't have the slightest idea, but as I know Natsa it would surprise me! >>

Natsa << well, let's go! >>

Mr. Eric nodded

I was leaving the dormitory with Mr. Eric who started telling me nonsense

Mr. Eric << Natsa.. I know that you are a brilliant student, so no matter what the manager tells you, keep your cool ok? >>

Natsa << why are you telling me that? >>

Mr. Eric<< well... Natsa the laws here in Marlha are often very unfair and mainly on students from small towns like us for example! >>

Natsa << I see... If I understand you correctly, what awaits me in the manager's office might not please me? >>

Mr. Eric<< you understand everything, but don't worry, no matter what happens to you, I will always fight to change that and put you at ease>>

Natsa << hum... That's admirable coming from you sir! >>

Mr. Eric<< shut..! Here we are ! >>

Knock Knock knock !!

Made the sound of the door being knocked by Mr. Eric

_ come back !!

Responded an authoritarian man inside the office

Mr. Eric opened the door and we went inside.

In front of me there was a desk and on the other side of the desk was a slightly wrapped up bald man sitting on his desk, on his hands were lots of valuable rings. To his left and right were two soldiers in black suits and also wearing dark glasses.

Who was this bald, shrouded man?

Mr. Eric << Mr. Manager, I introduce myself to you with the student named Natsa Desgodor! >>

Ah... So this bald man is the one responsible!

The manager << good... Very good Natsa Desgodor, how old are you? >>

Natsa << I'm 18 years old, Mr. Manager! >>

The manager << hum...!! >> He started looking at me in a concerned way before plunging his hand into his little jacket pocket.. what's he going to get out of there?

Oh.. just a cigar!

The manager << Natsa Desgodor, I am proud to finally see you in front of me! >>

Natsa << sorry?! >> He put his cigar in his mouth and one of his soldiers took a lighter out of his pocket to light the manager's cigar.

Then the manager started smoking for a while. I think he wants to waste my time or annoy me.

The person in charge << well.. my little natsa Desgodor I am the person in charge and if I wanted to see you so much today it's so that you can tell me where my bag of gold is!! >>

But what is he talking about?

The manager << Bring the video! >>

A woman opened the door, she was quite sexy with long red hair, black lips and a black dress as well. She went to the manager and took out a phone.

The manager took the phone and showed me a video where I was stealing his bag of gold... But it's impossible... It's a set-up for sure

Natsa << I don't admit to having done something like that!! >>

The manager << so who is it in this video? An astronaut perhaps? >> He stood up and knocked violently on his desk

The manager << where is my bag of gold my little one? I could put a bullet in your head right now what do you say?! >>

Mr. Eric << it's not worth it to come to that you know... At least give Natsa a chance to explain!! >>

The person in charge << you shut up, obviously, you want your little kid from Grenoble to get away with taking advantage of my gold, what makes me not say that you are an Accomplice? >>

Mr. Eric<< but calm down, Mr. Manager!! >>

The manager << shut up I said!! >> Mr. Eric said nothing more

Note, humans only live to serve my word, they always harm their neighbors while always hoping to get what they want No matter what.

Natsa << Mr. Manager, what do you expect from me? >>

The manager << hum..?! ..>>


Fit everyone in the room

_ sir, it seems that this little one is not cold-eyed in front of you!!

Said the pretty woman dressed in black in the manager's ear

The manager << it's a small problem that just wants to become a bigger one Janette!! >>

So this woman's name is Janette?!

The manager << Natsa, my little natsa, I would simply like you to bring me back my gold! >>

Natsa << just that? >>

Janette<< oh... Hihihi!! >> Was saying Janette who was laughing softly

Honestly, I find her magnificent, Belle, with a big chest to please me even if she is older than my human form, I would love to have her if the opportunity presents itself.

The manager << little idiot, don't make fun of me!!! >>

But he can't keep his mouth shut?!

The person in charge << if you don't find my gold in a month I warn you that I will kill you, transforming your body into a sieve so I will stab it with a knife! >>

Mr. Eric << we don't have to get to that point!! >>

The manager << if you don't shut up, you'll regret coming to Marlha! >>

Mr. Eric << hum...!! Sorry ! >>

The manager << then, Natsa seeing how you act proud you have one week to bring me my gold, beyond that you will lose your life


Natsa << ok, that's it! >>

The manager << now get out of my office and I don't want to see this Natsa here in this university so I advise him to go and do his business! >>

Natsa << that's understood, I'll prove to you that this is all a set-up, you'll see! >>

The manager << get ready!! >>

I then left this liar's office, I know that it is a set-up and that this manager is part of it. I headed to my dorm where I just took a few small things so as not to attract too much suspicion, I also called Johnson over to explain the situation.

Johnson << This is all a set-up, you wanted me to eliminate them for you? >>

Natsa << not the paine, I also have something that I have to check outside, you on the other hand you know enough the importance of Jamila, so I order you to protect her as if she were your own... No , protect her even more than your own existence!!


Johnson << it's understood!! >>

Natsa << I warn you if when I arrive she has completely changed and become impure, I will kill you in the worst way possible!! >>

Johnson put his right hand to his chest and said

Johnson << I promise you, Jamila will have absolutely no change I swear! >>

Natsa << you will keep me more informed by phone about how she is doing and also invent a story to avoid putting her in trouble with this one >>

Johnson << what if we made him understand that you went to see your parents for a moment?! >>

Natsa << good idea, people will say that my little sister is in bad shape and that they needed me, now I have to go Johnson!! >>

Johnson << see you soon!! >>

I left my dormitory, and after a few steps I also left this huge university. I was out there left to my own devices so what to do?

First find a place to spend the night

It wasn't very difficult, Marlha is full of so many hotels that the choice is in abundance.

I'll start there!!

I head towards the hotel within my line of sight.

Wow...there are people here! Marlha is quite large after all

_ Hello sir, what do you want?

A woman asks me on a counter

Natsa << I would like a room at least for tonight please!! >>

_ hum... And do you have what to pay?

Natsa << of course! >>

_ very good, then do you want a luxury room, simple....

Natsa << a single room will be enough! >>

_ It is understood, you would take room 12, here is the key!!

Natsa << Thank you ma'am! >>

_ oh... But you don't have much business!!

Natsa << I know yes, thank you for the welcome though! >> I turn around and head straight to my room.

Hmm... Will I take the stairs or the elevator?

Ugh... The choice doesn't even arise, if I take the elevator it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm lazy no, but just because I want to do it.

I enter the elevator and press button 12. As soon as I do, I go up

Room 9, room 10, room 11, room 12.

Here I am, I'm going to settle in... This room is magnificent, humans are very good architects, I should hire one to design hell haha...

Well I'm going straight to rest a little, tomorrow I'll take care of this theft and I'll finish this business too.

Hmm... I can't sleep, I hope Jamila is well...

Hey, what if I talked to Johnson about it?

First I close my eyes and concentrate.... Again... And again... There you go

"Hey Johnson!!"

Johnson was lying in his dorm room, he opens his eyes and sits up on his bed

Johnson << Mr natsa... I mean natsa?! >>

Natsa<< Glad to see that you can hear me!! >>

Johnson<< it's normal, I've always been able to communicate telepathically! >>

Natsa << happy to know that, so Jamila did you watch over him as I wanted when I left?! >>

Johnson << yes, I calmed him down from his worry towards your departure! >>

Natsa << and what exactly did you say? >>

Johnson<< uh... Please look in my memory at the scene of your departure and what I did afterwards >>

Natsa << very good! >> Johnson let me have access to his memory I could see his thoughts and what he saw and did today, I'm proud of him he played the role properly. Play well champion.

Natsa << I'm proud of you Johnson! >>

Johnson smiled with pride

Johnson << thank you for telling me! >>

Natsa << well... However, I not only plan to find the thief, tomorrow I will find this famous thief but my outing has a completely different objective, 6 years ago Jamila spoke to me about an association, this association intrigues me a lot! >>

Johnson << and how?! >>

Natsa << the association carries out a lot of crimes, I think they are sacrifices! >>

Johnson << sacrifices... Oh no, who says sacrifice says entity behind!! >>

Natsa << you understand very quickly, this is my real goal here outside, there is an entity lurking in these regions from Grenoble to Marlha I need to know what entity it is. act! >>

Johnson <>

Natsa << I would obviously kill her, she can destroy my objective by targeting Jamila which is very likely, besides I am still surprised that she has not yet been targeted >>

Johnson << do you have the name of this association?! >>

Natsa << but let's see Johnson.... What man will go and engage in a war without knowing the name of his enemy?! >>

Johnson << um... I'm embarrassed... sorry this question was not appropriate! >>

Natsa << it's nothing, the association is called NSDR just this abbreviation I don't know more than that apart from their murder>>

Johnson << they do this and never get caught? >>

Natsa << It seems like it >>

Johnson << very good, I will help you if I have more information here! >>

Natsa << in fact nothing is to be neglected, but watch Jamila because it may be that this famous association is already calculating her, if there is indeed an entity it will not be able to ignore Jamila it's impossible!! >>

Johnson << indeed! >>

Natsa << well I'll leave you now! >>

Johnson << see you later! >> Our telepathic conversation broke off, now I have to sleep, tomorrow I will be moving a lot...

Good night to myself...