Chapter 16; The Twins

MI-GHUMI << I believe you....!! >>

Natsa << eh... And why this sudden change?! >>

MI-GHUMI << because my instinct pushes me to do it... Or maybe my love towards you, you saved my life and everything so I can't really not believe you natsa, but why falling born to born with lucifer, I don't know, my life is really out of the ordinary! >>

Natsa << Having an unusual life makes it more exciting, don't you think?! >>

MI-GHUMI smiles and responds

MI-GHUMI << yes, too much, it changes a lot of things although we sometimes want to get rid of it!! >>

Natsa << hahaha!!! >>

_ well well where are they?

Door opens*

_Ah, you are here!!

Natsa/MI-GHUMI << hello Mr Franck!! >>

Mr. Franck<< you both took a shower, oohh young lovers!!! >>

MI-GHUMI blushes and looks away

Natsa << haha... MI-GHUMI is about to heal my wounds! >>

Mr. Franck << okay, is that why you are both in towels? >>

Natsa << no, we took a shower first! >>

MI-GHUMI << Mr. Franck, can you let me take care of natsa now please?! >>

Mr. Franck << ooh.. sorry ha, I'm going, have fun young couple! >>

He closes the door and leaves.

MI-GHUMI takes bandages and medicine products.

Natsa << do you know how to treat the injured? >>

MI-GHUMI responds happily

MI-GHUMI << of course, I played the role of medicine for a while so I had to learn! >>

Natsa << you were really living a lie, but although you are super good at learning, it's not for nothing that you were so effective in the NSDR!! >>

MI-GHUMI blushes again..

MI-GHUMI << you are really adorable!! >>

Natsa << hum... Besides, what's your master's name? >>

MI-GHUMI << His name is "Krehaan" he is the minion of an entity like the others>>

Natsa << this entity that suppressed my power?! >>

MI-GHUMI << That's it! >>

Natsa << have you ever seen this entity? >>

MI-GHUMI << no, Never, and I have never seen the members of the NSDR superior except through my master who it seems is not the strongest of these members, Natsa, be very careful of yourself! >>

Natsa << hum...! >>

MI-GHUMI and I were sitting, she was treating my wounds, in the shower, both in towels. MI-GHUMI took good care of my wounds, it's all fascinating

MI-GHUMI << Natsa...I...I want to...ask you something!>> She said, starting to blush again.

Natsa << yes what?! >>

MI-GHUMI << why do I want your happiness so much? You are only the devil himself yet I want to do everything for you, I want nothing bad to happen to you, I also want you always near me and again I am.... >>

I cut him off and reply

Natsa << what you currently have is called affection, or love, you have a lot of affection towards me, it's cute! >>

MI-GHUMI << affection? I've never had one before!! >>

Natsa "the conditions simply did not allow it"

MI-GHUMI released the last bandage, I was covered in bandages on my back and arms, so the damage was that bad!

MI-GHUMI << How do you plan to beat Krehaan? >>

Natsa << I'm still thinking about it, don't worry, but once my powers are restored, I will go without mercy this time! >>

MI-GHUMI << I will help you in this battle >>

Natsa << eh, did you know that there are only two of us against thousands?! >>

MI-GHUMI << indeed, but I want to fight for you, if I have to die, I have to do it defending your cause!! >>

I stare at MI-GHUMI for a moment and I could see this determination in his eyes, his desire to help me, to please me..

Natsa << hum...!! >> A little snicker*

I stand up and extend my hand towards MI-GHUMI.

Natsa << would you like to become my war partner, MI-GHUMI?! >>

Sitting on the floor, she observes me and tears flow from her eyes, she was completely amazed by my request, she gets up immediately and gives me a hug.

MI-GHUMI << yes, yes, yes, yes!!!! Natsa I want to fight by your side until the end of my days!!! >>

(It's difficult, as they say you have to see it to believe it, MI-GHUMI's life must certainly have been harder than she showed, she went through several stages while escaping death, she had to kill , and lie several times to live, she has never known love and so on, and the funny thing is that her first real affection is towards the devil himself, this world is made of a way to expect everything about everything.

After a few minutes we were each in our room, I was in mine I was thinking, I would have liked to communicate with Johnson to tell him the news but unfortunately I was unable to. What a shame, I only see this as a defeat. The NSDR sect has a major asset which is this entity. She's going to be a big problem for me I can tell... Huh... I have an idea, what if I call on the phone and tell Johnson to meet me here to help me get this over with... but I think It's ultimately a bad idea, I'm not sure he could beat an entity capable of stripping me of my powers. Moreover, Jamila would be all alone and I imagine the worst... No, he must stay close to her and monitor her. As for me, I will always be content to regenerate my powers with the negative impulses around me, but even there it's super slow, at the same time regenerating the powers of who I am is a task far too important for this place of life, in my environment it would have taken an instant because the atmosphere is so dark and even in my environment I will not have lost my powers. If only I had powers of illumination, light and not just darkness I wouldn't have to worry, I would just have refueled again without damaging my human body.

Well, the best thing is to sleep first, I'm worrying too much at the moment.

I turned off the light and fell asleep.

The next day I wake up believing that maybe it was all a dream but finding myself still on the bed where I slept last night, I force myself to understand that it is indeed reality.

Natsa << sigh!! >> I get up and walk towards the living room where I saw MI-GHUMI was with two little girls who look very similar

They must be Mr. Franck's daughters.

MI-GHUMI sees me arriving and says

MI-GHUMI << Natsa, finally up!! >>

Natsa << how long ago did you wake up?! >>

MI-GHUMI << two hours before you, take a look at these twins, they are Mr. Franck's daughters, Rose and Rosie, say hello Natsa!! >> She said to the twins.

Rose/Rosie << Hello Mr. Natsa!! >>

Natsa << are you okay my little ones?! >>

Rose/Rosie << yes very good sir!! >>

Under MI-GHUMI's gaze, the twins seemed to like me, which made MI-GHUMI smile without her realizing it.

Natsa << they remind me of Elara! >>

MI-GHUMI << Elara Desgodor, you must miss her a lot!! >>

I look at MI-GHUMI and a smile appears on my face.

MI-GHUMI << Natsa, Mr. Franck said that we should go to the market to shop for what the twins and we want to eat! >>

Natsa << where is Mr. Franck? >>

MI-GHUMI << he went to work, so natsa we were waiting for you to wake up to go, shall we go? >>

Natsa << no problem, hey Rose and Rosie, go put some shoes on.... Wait a second, how are we going to the market? >>

MI-GHUMI << with a car that he left for us, he is very rich, he told me that it is thanks to you that he is like that you are wonderful natsa!! >>

Natsa << hum... And you know how to drive? >>

MI-GHUMI << hey I have the impression that you are ignoring my compliments!!! >>

Natsa << I'll take that as a yes, let's go!! >>

MI-GHUMI started to growl and started shouting at me, this situation amused Rose and Rosie who thought we were like a couple having an argument.

After this hilarious moment, MI-GHUMI, Rose, Rosie and I went to the car.

MI-GHUMI << hang on everyone!!! >>

MI-GHUMI accelerates sharply and drives like crazy.

Rosie and Rose were enjoying this moment.

Natsa << MI-GHUMI!!! >>


Logic, how do you think you can hear me with such speed!!

Rosie << Go faster!!! >>

Rose << yes, faster Ms. MI-GHUMI!!! >>

Don't these little girls know that we can come close to death at any time?

MI-GHUMI << oh, you like thrills!! It's good for me too, so hang in there!!!! >>

MI-GHUMI press the accelerator and the car is now traveling at over 180 kilometers/hour

The car was going so fast, the twins were completely excited.

Fortunately all along this road is mostly empty otherwise I imagine the worst

Rosie << hurray, faster, faster!!! >>

MI-GHUMI accelerates again and we reach 200 kilometers/hour


Proouuuuffff!!!!!* Perforation.

Something pierced the wheel of the car, with this speed, it's hard to slow down.

Rosie/Rose << aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!! >> Terrified screams from the twins prevented MI-GHUMI from maintaining control, the car began to turn randomly to the point that it was driving straight into the tall grass.

MI-GHUMI << Na...Natsa, I can't keep control!! >>

Natsa << hum...! >>

Rose << help, we're going to die dad!!! >>

Okay, I have to act

Natsa << pass me the steering wheel MI-GHUMI! >> MI-GHUMI lets go of the steering wheel and I grab it.

Natsa << well, here we go! >>

The important thing is always to stay calm, currently I'm no better than a normal human so this rule applies to me too.

Natsa << hang on!! >> I press the brake and maintain balance at the level of the pierced wheel. The car capsizes less and less and almost slows down.

I turn the car to my right so the phenomenon which made the wheel turn constantly is found in contradiction with my movement

Natsa << MI-GHUMI, put on your seat belt right away!! >>

MI-GHUMI nodded and put on his belt

MI-GHUMI << hey, girls hold on to each other very tight!! >>

Rose/Rosie << okay Ms. MI-GHUMI!! >> The twins hugged each other.

The car for its part, following this movement of contradiction, submits again to the holed wheel which made it detach itself from this wheel. A huge grinding noise follows, releasing several sparks where there was no longer a wheel. This continued for up to 18 meters before the car came to a complete stop, almost hitting a tree in front of it.

After all the commotion and failed death, everyone in the car breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Myself included.

MI-GHUMI << Natsa, you are our savior!! >> She said giving me a hug.

Rose << Mr Natsa we are enormously grateful to you sir!! >>

Rosie << yes, we're sorry for playing speed! >>

Natsa << unfortunately don't blame yourself for anything children, the fault is MI-GHUMI who followed your request! >>

MI-GHUMI << hum... Yes he's not wrong sorry children, I apologize to you too natsa! >>

Natsa << it's nothing, well everyone gets off, we'll walk to the market, all we have to do is figure out what we'll say to Mr. Franck about his car>>

MI-GHUMI << ahahahah!! >> She gave an embarrassed laugh.