
When the moon goddess created our pack, she did something very different than the others. We got our wolves once we hit puberty, other packs such as the Obsidian pack or Dark Claw pack got their wolves at 16-18 depending on Ranking. Alpha bloods always got their wolves earlier to establish dominance against the lower ranking wolves. Beta bloods also got theirs earlier, but never earlier than an Alpha.

It seemed like their beta wolves were connected to the Alpha bloods in the pack and made sure to never try to upstage them. Alphas typically got their wolves and shifted when they were 16, give or take a few months, the strongest Alpha of their packs got his at 15 years and 3 months. The Beta, his long time childhood friend, had his wolf awaken on his 16th birthday. The Beta was a few months older than his Alpha so they shifted almost at the same time.

It's very uncommon that a Beta shift as soon as he turned 16, they were normally 17 or Older seeming to wait on their Alpha's permission. The strongest alpha was Alpha Lucas, his Beta was Beta Marcus, They had an amazing bond from the second they met at age 4. Once the Alpha could shift he could find his mate, he was straight and even dated women before he shifted. Beta Marcus was bisexual, he knew what he liked and had no problem with having a male or female for a mate.

Lucas was excited once he shifted to his wolf, he was a very large mahogany colored wolf with deep brown almost black eyes. He was already as large as his father's wolf and was still a juvenile with no training, he had trouble controlling his wolf from taking over any time he wanted. He avoided Marcus and the rest of the pack for over a month trying to learn to control his wolf. His wolf let out his calling, calling for all worthy Beta bloods to shift and come forth.

Alpha wolves normally see their packs to size them up and establish dominance before allowing the new generation to shift, usually allowing several months to a year before releasing their calling. Lucas avoided his pack, the only people he saw was his mother and occasionally his father. His mother was the only one who could calm him, the sight of his father made his wolf come forward to try to challenge him. Only his mother could stop their wolves from fighting to the death.

Lucas avoided his father, he loved him with all his heart but until he got his wolf under control he refused to allow it. He would take over the pack once he turned 18 anyway so there was no point in having to kill his father. The Alpha's calling made it to where the Beta wolves could awaken soon, not in days but months. His alpha calling was so strong that worthy Beta males started shifting within hours and females days.

He was worried about his best friend Marcus, who was the first to shift. He asked his mother to come with him to visit Marcus, knowing that she would be the only one to stop his wolf if something bad were to happen. Lucas and his mother showed up to visit Marcus to see that he was still shifted, almost feral looking. The Alpha's calling so strong that Marcus completely shifted within a hour of the calling being released.

He told his mother to leave, which she refused saying that they needed to get the pack doctor. They were going to sedate Marcus hopefully making him shift back in the process. Lucas let out a murderous growl, and his wolf took complete control. His wolf, only being able to shift for a month could take control of Lucas in seconds with no warning.

No alpha wolf was strong enough to take control so soon after emerging, Let alone send out an Alphas aura so soon. His alpha wolf was having none of what his mother, the Luna, was saying. He let out the deadliest alpha aura known to the wolf species, his mother submitted immediately and went racing back home. Lucas's wolf, Crimson, turned his sight to the house, seeing the door shaking roughly and beginning to crack down the middle.

Lucas was screaming in their head trying to take back control telling Crimson that he better not hurt Marcus. As Lucas finished his sentence a raging ball of inferno busts through the door charging directly at Crimson. Lucas's heart sank, knowing that his childhood friend was going to die at his own hands. Crimson began to shift to his wolf form just to abruptly stop.

He sniffed the air and his teeth elongated, Marcus's wolf was inches from tearing a chunk out of Lucas's leg when Crimson side stepped and snatched the wolf up by the scruff to sink his teeth into his neck without a second thought. Crimson released Marcus and let him drop to the ground, giving Lucas control back to watch his friend die. Lucas let out a heart wrenching scream doubling over in pain, tears streaming down his face. The scene had brought nearly the whole pack out of their homes to see what happened.

"Mate.." Lucas heard in a quiet voice

Lucas let out a feral growl, who dare try to stake claim to him right now? Whoever it was will die a slow painful death for interrupting the mourning of his best friend, even if his death was from his own hands. Lucas whipped his head in the direction of the voice barring his teeth, only to be met with a very naked and stunned Marcus. Lucas looked around to see the whole pack on one knee, tilting their head in submission.

He looked back at Marcus to see a aggressive red mark on his neck signifying he found his mate.

"Mate" Marcus repeated.

Lucas sat stunned, looking around trying to find who he was calling out to. Just to get the shock of his life when teeth sank into his neck and the bond snapped in place.

"MINE" Crimson growled taking control sinking his teeth into his mate once again.

Now, why am I telling you this? After the bond snapped in place, Crimson calmed down BIG TIME. No longer forcing control or challenging anyone who even tried to look at him, the scent of his mate all over Lucas's room was driving him mad with aggression. Lucas didn't realize it was his mate's scent because to him it was just his friend Marcus.

They were the strongest wolves to exist, the Alpha's of the Obsidian pack, well.. until I came along. My pack normally shifts as we hit puberty, the most dominant hitting puberty first and shifting shortly after. Since we get our wolves at puberty they also grow with us and mature with us as well. Wolves normally shifted at about 14 or so, late bloomers 16-18, I got my wolf at 12.

Since we get them at puberty they grow with us, she should have been tiny with me being so young. To everyone's surprise, my wolf was the size of the Alpha's wolf when I first got her. Normally wolves are sized relative to the persons age, me being 12 she should have been comparable to a 6-8 month old puppy. She was absolutely massive, and very protective over me.

We were omega's by rank, but by blood we were Alpha's. My grandfather was Alpha of Nightshade pack before the Obsidian pack killed my grandfather and anyone who apposed the takeover. Anyone with disabilities or elderly was cast out or even slaughtered, many families left along with the exiled and went rogue or joined other packs as quickly as possible. My father was out on his journey to other packs to find his mate when the takeover happened.

He found his mate, An alpha female, they immediately fell in love and marked each other instantly. As soon as they marked each other he felt his tie to his father snap and knew his father had been killed. One after another he felt the tethers to his pack snap after they too were killed. They were rushed to the pack doctor where he and my mother were put in medically induced coma so they didn't feel the pain.

My mother woke after 2 days, my father took nearly a month to wake up. His body frail and hardly able to move his limbs, he never fully recovered. My father used to be a formidable opponent, now he is lucky if his wolf makes an appearance. With the loss of his pack my father lost his ranking, along with his rank went his strength.

Now you're probably wondering why we're Omega's if both my mother and father were Alpha's, that would be my grandfather's fault. Not the Alpha of Nightshade grandfather, my mother's father. He demanded her to reject my father because he had no pack of his own and was too weak to protect her. My mother knew if she rejected him he would die immediately, she loved him too much to hurt him by even considering it.

So she and my father ran in the middle of the night, she didn't tell him what was happening just that she wanted to visit family. If my father knew what was happening he would've rejected her so she didn't have to leave the only home she ever knew. My mother knew my father would give his life for hers and wouldn't let it happen, she spoke to a distant cousin who set them up a meeting with their Alpha. They arrived at her cousins pack, the second they crossed the borders a shiver ran up their spines, my mother had second thoughts but pushed forward dragging my father behind her. She would not lose her mate.

As they walked through the woods to the pack house they could feel that they were being watched, she always heard rumors about the LOR pack but never believed them. Walking through the woods she came to an opening with a large wood cabin. She wondered if it was the pack house but thought that it couldn't possibly be, it was very outdated and there was no one around. They continued walking towards the building before a loud thundering voice sounded behind them, They froze.