Chapter 91

*Ares POV*

I wake up at 5:00 A.M. smacking at the alarm clock, fumbling around trying to find the 'OFF' button. I hit a button and it stops much to my relief, my eyes open and close several times until they close and don't open back up. BEEP BEEP BEEP, my alarm blares much louder than the first time. My eyes were cloudy and I still couldn't find the right button to stop the ear piercing sound.

I yank the cord out of the wall and the sound stops, I let out a audible sigh and lay back in bed. I rub my eyes and start to yawn before It's cut off by the blaring sound of the alarm clock again. I jerk up, grabbing the alarm clock and rip the batteries out of the back. The sound stopped, I let out a grumble before heading to the bathroom.