Chapter 108


"Take a right up there..." Maverick mumbles

"So I take it you're going to be a good little rogue and play along?" I raised an eyebrow towards him.

"Yes.." he grits out, staring daggers at the dash.

"Good, no one else but you and James is to know. If word gets out to the council of what is happening one if us will get to you, and you better pray it's the council."

"OKAY! I get it! Fuck! I do anything you deem wrong I die, I run my mouth I die, someone else runs their mouth I die, I don't do the job right I die, I don't work with you I die, Anything else!?" he snaps

"You raise your voice at me again, you die." Kratos growls making Mavericks eyes go wide.

"okay... okay.." he practically whispers.

"but you're going to want me and James to drive, while you and your buddy go to the back. If they see you they'll kill us all on sight." he continues

"What's the security like?"