therefore directly raising the Rapier, he rushed to them, and at the same time, he yelled at those two pirates each holding a spear and an axe who were both breaking the locked main door of the nearby clothing & shoe store,
“Forget that damn shop! that dork is right here! get him!”
Therefore instantly raising the spear and the axe, those two pirates also rushed to them, soon, as soon as those three pirates surrounded them,
the blade of Forest’s sword and the blade of the pirate’s Rapier, the blade of Arran’s sword and the blade of the pirate’s spearhead, and the blade of Arwyn’s sword and the blade of the pirate’s axe hit each other wildly,
and a little later, as soon as Forest killed the pirate with the Rapier first, Arran slayed the pirate with the spear secondly, and lastly Arwyn struck down the pirate with the axe,
they ran in the direction of the building of the British navy force headquarters again,