It's been a week since Gulf came back to the Palace after childbirth, Mew never visited and weirdly Mew never asked for Gulf's presence.
Gulf's heart aches whenever he recalls how Mew wanted to kill their baby but he immediately lets go of the thought as he doesn't want to believe and accept that Mew has really changed.
He just finished breastfeeding his baby when a knock was heard, it couldn't be Gabby because he would be studying by this time so he wondered who was knocking...he carefully kept Ava on the bed and dressed up well before opening the door only to behold the man that still makes his heart beat very fast...Mew
They were still staring at each other before Mew broke the awkward atmosphere by clearing his throat which also brought Gulf out of his trance
"Won't you allow me to come inside?" asked Mew
"I'm sorry, come in" Gulf then gave space for him to enter the room
Mew's eyes immediately caught the sight of the little girl child lying on the bed and looking into space, Mew's eyebrows twitched and his heart skipped a beat looking at the little creature but he dismissed the feeling almost immediately.
"Leave this Kimgdom" Mew suddenly said
"Huh??" Gulf asked confusedly,he didn't grasp what Mew said
"My engagement is in two weeks time, I do not want to make Prince Song uncomfortable seeing your presence still in the palace and also because the sight of you disgusts me so now I am telling you to leave the Kingdom and never come back. I am cutting off all ties that still binds you to me and that includes Gabriel" Mew narrowed his eyes dangerously at the last sentence while Gulf was left bewildered..
"I don't understand you Mew, you're asking me to leave my son???...Mew I know you hate me now and I have come to accept it because no matter how I tell you that I didn't commit any of those crimes you would still never believe me...but please Mew do not involve my son in know fully well that Gabby is my life and I can never leave him..have you thought of how he would feel??...I am sorry but if you want me out of your life completely you have to give me my son and I promise you will never see us again" Gulf said bravely despite the pain in his heart
Mew suddenly started laughing...of course there was mockery in the laughter
"Sorry did I hear you well?? *chuckles* Have you looked at yourself properly huhh?? I am the King of this Kingdom and you are nothing but a mere peasant..I gave you a life of luxury and I can take it back, well I have taken it already...Gabriel is my son and my heir, I created him!! just carried him for nine months, you were just my baby carrier so don't think yourself as something just because you gave birth to him. I didn't ask for your opinion in this because obviously your opinion doesn't even matter, I have said my decision and that is for you to leave this Kingdom tomorrow's night with that child of yours, you two should never been seen in this Kingdom or dire consequences will await you if ever you're seen here again..." Gulf then cut Mew off
"I don't care what you do Mew but I am not leaving my son here, I can't leave my Gabby, never..." Gulf said as tears started brimming in his eyes 'how can I leave my Gabby here, my son and never see him again, why is Mew this heartless? Why is the Heavens punishing me? Where would I go to with my one week old daughter? At least if Gabby comes with us I would still feel complete just as far as my children are with me..I can't leave my child no matter what' thought Gulf with his tears already trickling down his face
"You really dare to disobey me...If I come back here tomorrow's night and still find you here then do not blame me for what would happen" Mew then smirked and left
Immediately he left, Gulf fell on the floor trembling..he didn't know what to do, his daughter was still too small to travel especially when he doesn't even have anybody or anywhere to go to.
Gulf was conflicted, heart broken and pained.
The next day, Gulf woke up with a heavy heart..his body and mind were stressed, he couldn't even sleep properly the previous night and was glad that Ava didn't disturb him a lot.
He then took his bath and also bathed Ava, after he was done he then breastfed Ava with the little breast milk he has left. He hasn't eaten since yesternight.
He planned on seeing his son today and explain the situation to him so they could run away.
After going to the kitchen with Ava in his arms to eat, he then left for his son's room but met no presence, he then went to check in his study room but met no presence too..he then asked a guard that was close to the room if he had seen Gabby and the guard said that Gabby went to visit Leo in his house with the permission of King Mew.
Gulf then retired to his room to wait for his son, he then fell asleep due to not sleeping the previous night, he was utterly stressed and tired.
Gulf woke up to a very loud knock, he looked outside the window only to see that it was night already 'Heavens!! I the person knocking Gabby??' thought Gulf as he quickly went to open the door only to see Mew and some guards..his heart started beating very fast in fear...
Mew immediately pushed his way inside the room glaring at Gulf who stepped back in fear
"I was informed that you were still in the you're really bent on disobeying me right?" Mew calmly asked...a calmness that was dangerous
"I-I am sorry Mew b-but I can't leave here without Gabby" Gulf answered
"I warned you already, seems like I have to do it the hard way..after this I am sure you would never disobey me in your life again, it's a good thing you disobeyed me..I have always wanted to have my fun with you before you leave the kingdom..Guards carry the child outside and lock the door from outside till I tell you to open it" Mew commanded and the guards harshly took Ava from Gulf making Ava cry out loud at the struggle
"Mew what are you doing!!..please tell them to give me my daughter back, she's just a week old!!..they might hurt her" Gulf cried as he struggled to free himself from Mew's grip but to no avail
The guards carried Ava and left the room..also locking it from outside.
Gulf was shaking badly as he looked at Mew who was removing his garments 'please not again!!! no no..Gabby where are you?' Gulf thought, he knew he wouldn't be able to escape this time around
"Mew please don't do what you're about to do, I beg of you..I just gave birth a week ago, my body is not ready yet" pleaded Gulf as he kept stepping back from Mew who was venturing towards him
"You were lucky the last time because of Gabby but it wouldn't happen today because I made sure Gabby would spend a night at Leo's place" Mew smirked
"Mew p-please don't do t-this to me, I only w-want my son, don't break me like this M-mew" Gulf cried
"That's exactly what I want to do to you Gulf, I will break you and throw you out just like the garbage you're, you better behave yourself...remember your daughter is with the guards" obviously there was a threat in that sentence..
Mew then threw Gulf on the bed, tore his clothes and raped the crying and struggling Gulf over and over again till he was satisfied.
"You're still so tight after having many men inside of you" commented Mew as he dressed himself
"Give me my daughter and my son" Gulf said with no emotion, his eyes were swollen due to crying too much, he was in pain..physically, emotionally and mentally
"I will give you your daughter but I can't give you my son, it's time to throw you away..I am done using still taste good though but I think Prince Song would taste better" Mew said, then he brought out a garment where Gulf kept his clothes and threw it to him
"Hurry up and wear it unless you want the guards to see you like this..well I'm sure it's a normal thing though" Mew said as he approached the door for the guards to open it
Gulf though weakly hurriedly wore the garment before the guards entered, his eyes were only fixed on his daughter. He hurriedly took her away from the guards, Ava was hiccuping due to her excess crying, Gulf was calming her down and didn't even care as Mew was dragging him out of the palace in the middle of the quiet dark night....a tear fell on his face as he thought of his precious son Gabriel who he might never see again.. 'Be safe and strong my son, I pray the Heavens makes us see each other again, I love you Gabby' Gulf thought as he was handed over to some guards
"Take him across our boarders and leave him anywhere as far as it isn't my Kingdom" Mew said and glanced at Gulf but something happened his heart was hurting like if it was disapproving his actions but he didn't care about it, he left for his chambers to have a good night sleep.
Gulf was taken across the boarders, luckily the guards didn't do anything to him..they just threw Gulf and his daughter to a foreign kingdom.
It was late at night but Gabby was still awake playing with Leo. After some minutes, his heart and body started getting restless as if something was wrong somewhere, he stopped playing and went to sit in the bed.
"Why are you crying Gabby, are you hurt?" asked Leo who was shocked to see Gabby crying just when minutes ago he was playing
"I don't know Leo, I just feel hurt..I didn't even know I was crying, I hope my mommy is ok..Daddy didn't allow me to see him throughout today" Gabby said as he wiped his tears..and that night he slept with a heavy heart with the reason unknown.
The next day, Mew was burning with fever with his heart still hurting, he couldn't sleep the whole night and couldn't understand what was happening to him, everywhere was hurting him so badly, it was like his head was being hit with a very heavy hammer..the pain was agonizing.
Few minutes later, the servant that comes to prepare Mew's bath arrived and did her work, she then went to wake her majesty up but saw him whimpering in pain and burning with fever...the King was getting pale.
She quickly ran and informed some guards, then they sent for Mr Sing the Royal Physician who immediately came after hearing the King's condition.
He checked up on the King but couldn't find the cause of the problem, despite not knowing the cause of the King's predicament, Mr Sing gave him some herbs to reduce the fever but instead it increased..the King was groaning in pain now
Mr Sing immediately ordered them to get Mr Qiang the Healer, maybe he would know what was happening to their King.
After some minutes, Mr Qiang arrived and checked up on Mew only to be greatly shocked at what he found out.
Mr Sing was alerted seeing the healer's horrified face and sent the guards and servants away, it might be something that should be kept a secret looking at Mr Qiang's expression..
"What's wrong Qiang, is the King dangerously ill?" asked Mr Sing with an alarmed face
"Sing, the K-King...King M-mew is not the one, he is not himself, he is not the real King Mew!!" Mr Qiang shouted whispered which made Mr Sing's face go pale in fear.