It wasn't my fault.


I sat behind the counter, reading a magazine.

"Hello." A lady called and I stood up.

"Hi, welcome to Hailey’s bakery, what do I get you?" I asked the lady in front of me.

"I want an apple pie." She said.

"Coming right up." I said and went inside and got a freshly baked apple pie. I wrapped it up and gave it to her. She paid me before leaving.

"Bestie." I heard someone call and turned to see Darcie.

"Darcie." I called as we embraced each other. Darcie is my best friend. We both attended the same high school and college. But she’s doing well, unlike me. Her dad is so wealthy and she got a job in her dad's company immediately after college. I guess she’s lucky.

"So you have to tell me everything about him." She said and I chuckled. I actually told her about the guy I took into my house last night.

"What else do you want me to say?" I asked.

"So how is he like? Is he really a drunkard?" She asked.

"Hmmm… I don’t think so. I think he was just stressed and heartbroken, that was why he got drunk." I said.

"Heartbroken?" She asked.

"Yeah, I think he might be heartbroken since he kept on mentioning the name Janice." I said.

"Hmm… anyways, it’s good you weren’t hurt by him." She said.

"He was actually nice to me. He gave me a ride to my shop." I said and she sat up.

"He owns a car?" She asked.

"Yeah, a Ferrari." I said.

"That means he must be rich." she said.

"Yeah I think he is. He looks wealthy." I said.

"So did you take his phone number?" She asked.

"What? Why would I do that?" I asked.

"Come on girl, you came across a wealthy guy. It was your chance to get to know him better. You know, things might actually change for you. He would be able to provide for your needs and.." She said.

"Gosh Darcie, I can’t believe you are saying this. I don’t need anyone to provide for my needs. All I need is a good job, that’s all." I said.

"Ok, I'm sorry.. but you know I was just concerned about you. I just want the best for you." She said.

"You know me better than that, I’m not that cheap." I said and she sighed.

"Okay fine, sorry." She said and I heaved a sigh.

"It’s fine." I said.

"So how is business?" She asked looking around.

"Business is going pretty well, thank you. How about the office?" I asked.

"It’s okay. I just wanted to drop by and see you. You know, I've been quite busy." She said.

"So I've heard." I said with a smile.

"Ok.. it's nice seeing you but I gotta run along now." She said and stood up. I stood up too. I saw her off to her Lamborghini and waved her goodbye. I walked back in and sat beside the counter.

I recalled what she said about me going out with Calvin just because he is rich. I cannot do that. I don’t want to end up like my mum. I don’t want to be anyone’s mistress. I know I don’t earn much but at least I have a roof over my head, I don’t starve, I don’t go naked or beg anyone and I pay my bills alone. That’s enough for now. I still have to look for a good job though, but first, I need someone to look after my shop while I’m away. I already have someone but she'll resume next week. So from next week, I will begin a job hunt. I just hope I get successful this time.



I parked the car and got down. I walked in

"Good morning sir." My secretary greeted and I nodded in response. She walked along side with me as we walked into the elevator. I adjusted my suit and walked out of the elevator as it stopped at the top floor. I was greeted by everyone but I just nodded. I walked into my office after it was opened by my secretary. I sat on the swivel chair. She placed some files on the glass desk.

"These are the files you requested for yesterday." She said and I nodded. "Do you need anything else, sir?" She asked.

"No Jane. Just inform me on any new developments on the new products." I said.

"Ok sir." She said and left. I took out my phone and called Barry. Barry is one of my closest friends ever since high school.

"Hey buddy." I said as he picked up the phone.

"What's up, Calvin?" He asked. "I didn’t see you last night and your mum was asking me on your where abouts. What happened? I hope you didn’t take things too far because of what Janice did?"

"Dude, I actually got drunk last night." I said and leaned on the swivel chair.


"You heard me right. I mean, we were about to get married dude. She accepted my proposal and we were ok. But then she revealed her true nature as a slut. I just couldn’t handle it."

"God… so what happened to you? Where did you spend the night? You should have called me, stupid." he said and I rolled my eyes.

"It slipped my mind. I wasn't even in the right frame of mind bro. I was wasted." I said and remembered the lady who helped me. "I was helped by a lady though." I said.

"What lady?"

"She goes by the name, Hailey, but I’m sure I don’t know her."

"Let me guess, She screamed in excitement when she saw you." He said.

"Actually, it was quite the opposite. She doesn’t know me."

"Who doesn’t know Calvin Hart?"

"I guess Miss Hailey doesn’t. She actually called me by my name and talked to me informally."

"Wow… so what did you do? Introduced yourself properly?" He asked.

"Not really, I actually liked the informality. Maybe if she knows who I really am, she would behave like those crazy girls." I said.

"That’s right." He said.

"According to her, she found me lying on the road under the heavy downpour and she helped me to her house. I found myself in her house when I woke up." I said.

"Well, it is good that you are ok." He said.

"Where are you right now?" I asked.

"I am at the hospital, a little busy." He said.

"Alright, I'll see you later." I said.

"Yeah. Bye." He said and hung up. My mind drifted back to Hailey. She doesn’t look like most girls that I have met. She is simple and I like that. I remember her telling me patronise her at her shop.

I chuckled.

Who would ever believe or won’t be surprise to see me in a shop that is not classy?


I parked my car among the fleets of cars in the garage and came out. I adjusted my sexy dress. I made sure I was dressed in a captivating way and I’m sure Calvin would not be able to resist me.

I am Janice Hathaway. I am twenty four years old and an international model. I am endowed in the right places. I am an only child of my parents, Mr and Mrs Hathaway. They are so wealthy which makes me wealthy too. I'm Calvin’s fiancée, although, we are having some sort of complications right now but I’m sure we will sort out our differences. Calvin is not a guy that makes rash decisions, he is gentle and calm. And that is to my advantage. He won’t be able to resist me. I'm pretty sure after a good sex he would stop being mad at me.

I walked into the building and I was greeted by all the workers. Yeah, everyone knows that I’m his fiancée and so I was respected. I entered the elevator and it stopped at the top floor. I walked out and headed to his office.

"Good morning ma'am." Jane his secretary greeted me as she stood up. I ignored her and made to enter his office. "He is not in there." She said and I turned to her.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"He's in a meeting at the board room at the moment." She said.

"Ok, I'll just wait for him inside." I said and walked into the office. It was a really luxurious one. Calvin is freaking rich. I can't afford to lose him.

I sat on his swivel chair and dropped my bag on the desk. I busied myself with my phone. After some minutes, I heard the door open, revealing Calvin. I smiled widely and dropped my phone on the desk as I stood up.

"Sweetheart, you kept me waiting." I said and walked to him in a sultry manner. I wanted to embrace him but he stop me.

"What are you doing in my office?" He asked.


After the board meeting, I walked into my office and saw the one I least expected. Janice. She was in a dress that exposed sensitive parts of her body. Typical of her. I would have been enticed right now but I wasn't anymore.

"Sweetheart." she called walking towards me. I stopped her before she could embrace me.

"What are you doing in my office?" I asked calmly.

"Come on baby, I’m your fiancée, I can come in here whenever I want." She said and I scoffed.

"You lost that privilege the moment you cheated on me." I said.

"But I apologised already." She said without any feeling of remorse.

"And you think apologising will make me change my mind?" I asked in anger.

"It wasn’t my fault and you know it." She said.

"What? Are you listening to yourself right now? It wasn’t your fault?" I asked.

"It wasn’t… you and I know that you are always busy. You don’t have time for me, you are always cooked up in your work." She said.

"Does that give you a good reason to sleep around with other men? You know I could never say no to you. If you had told me about your needs then I would have gone out of my way to make sure you have them… but you know what? It’s over between us. I can’t get married to a lady who can’t control her urges." I said and made to walk away but she held me.

"Come on Calvin, you can’t just break off our engagement just like that. I love you very much and I can’t lose you." She said.

"Well, you already did. I want you out of my office and out of my life." I said and snapped her hand off me.

"Calvin I’m sorry." She said walking to me.

"If you don’t leave this place this minute, I’m going to call security on you and I’m sure you won’t like that." I said.

"We are going to get married whether you like it or not." She blabbed and took her bag as she left.

I sat on the chair and face palmed myself.

"FUCK." I muttered. I can't believe I am still hurting from everything that happened.