You've got the job.


I checked myself in the mirror for the umpteenth time. I had to make sure I am dressed well enough. Well as it is, I was accepted for the interview and I will be going today being Monday. I brushed my hair and contemplated on packing it in a ponytail or letting it fall across my shoulders. It is a hospital not a bank. I think I will pack it in a ponytail.

I walked out of my apartment and locked the door with the key, after that I dropped the key inside my bag. I will have to check if Louisa had opened the restaurant. Louisa is a girl I pay to watch over my restaurant when am gone. She actually just finished high school and wanted a job in the mean time.

I flagged down a taxi and got in. We arrived at the restaurant, I paid the driver after coming out from the taxi. I walked towards the restaurant. I saw the open sign and I knew she was already in. I walked inside, there were a number of customers who were seated in tables. I walked to the counter where she was.

"Good morning miss Hailey." She said.

"Good morning Louisa. You are early." I said with a smile.

"Yeah, I don’t want to be late on my first day." She said.

"Well, I also don’t want to be late, so I got to go." I said.

"Good luck, I am sure you will get the job and probably your boss too because you look so beautiful right now." She flattered and I laughed.

"Thanks for the compliment." I said and walked out. I boarded a taxi and gave him the address. After fifteen minutes, we arrived. I got down and paid the taxi man and I turned to the hospital.

"Oh my God." I muttered as I stared at the beautiful and huge building. Gosh, whosoever owns this must be fucking rich.

Am I well dressed? This seems to be a classy hospital. I look at my dress if it was intact. I walked to the gate. The securities questioned me on what I came to do. After telling them I came for an interview, they let me in. I couldn’t help but admire the environment. It would be an honour to work in a prestigious hospital like this.

I got inside and marvelled at the beauty. It’s so beautiful. The doctors and nurses look classy. I walked to a lady sitting at a counter.

"Good morning, ma’am. How may I help you?" She asked with a warm smile. I smiled back at her.

"Good morning, I am here for the interview." I said.

"Oh… come with me." She said and stood up. I followed her to a corridor. There were other applicants there too. "You will wait here till you are called in there." She said, pointing at a door with an inscription, ’BOSS OFFICE’. I nodded.

"Thank you." I said and she left. I sighed deeply and looked at the other applicants.There were both male and female. They were all dressed in expensive clothes and it kind of made me feel nervous. Am I really well dressed? These people look smarter and intelligent. God, I just hope I get employed today.

A lady walked out of the door with a frown on her face. I guess she didn’t get the job.

"Miss Regina Donald, you are next." A lady said and a girl wearing skimpy clothes stood up. She sashayed into the office. I sat down, trying to calm myself before I am called.

"You are nervous?" Someone asked and I turned to a guy sitting beside me. I smiled.

"Yeah." I said and nodded.

"Don’t be. We just have two outcomes, either we get employed or we don’t. Whatever the outcome is, just take it as it is. No stress." He said and I nodded.

"Thanks.. Have you been here for long?" I asked.

"Not quite long… out of every applicants just five would be chosen and only one person has been chosen out of the ten persons that have been interviewed." He said.

"Really? This is going to be harder than I thought." I said.

"I heard the Boss is pretty strict." He said, but he seemed calm about it.

"Why are you so calm even if you know there is a fifty percent chance you won’t be picked?" I asked and he smiled.

"Because it’s not good to get worried." He said and I smiled. "I’m Liam by the way." He said extending his hand for a hand shake.

"Hailey." I said and shook hands with him.The Regina girl, stumped out of the office angrily.

"Quite the sassy type." Liam whispered and I chuckled.

"Miss Hailey Drew, you are next." The lady announced and my heart skipped a beat.

"That’s me." I said and stood up nervously.

"Good luck." Liam said and I nodded. I walked to the door and took a deep breath before going in. The boss seem to be making a phone call. The walls were made of transparent glasses but I guess it could be tinted, which explains why we couldn't see the inside from the outside.

There was a laptop on the desk, a telephone and some other stuffs. On the walls were beautiful art works and a large painting of a beautiful lady. Maybe she is his wife or girlfriend or whatever.


"But you said you'd be coming today" I said.

"Yeah I did, but mum wants me to stay for today. But I promise you, I will be back tomorrow." Valerie, my girlfriend, said. She's actually been away for a month now. She travelled to Mexico for a relative’s wedding. It was actually her home town, Mexico, Miami.

"Promise?" I asked.

"I promise babe, trust me." She said.

"I miss you a lot." I said.

"And I miss you too." She said and I sighed.

"Alright, I will call you a little later. I have been busy all morning." I said.

"With what?" She asked.

"Interviews." I said.

"Oh… ok, do get some rest ok? Don’t stress yourself too much." She said.

"I'll try, bye baby." I said.

"Bye." She said and I hung up. I walk back to my swivel chair and noticed a lady who was staring at the paintings on the wall.

"And.. you are?" I asked and she quickly turned to me.

"Uh… hi… I mean, good morning sir, boss, Um… sir?" She said a little nervous. I just shook my head and drop the phone on the table. "I sound awful right?" She asked in disappointment.

"I don’t know, you tell me." I said and sat down.

"Ok I will try again." She said and cleared her throat. "Good morning sir." She said with a smile. Okay her smile is kind of contagious, I had to smile back. I stared at what she was wearing from her head to her toe and nodded in satisfaction.

"Have a seat." I said and she sat on one of the chairs opposite me and placed her bag on her thighs. "Your name?" I asked tapping on my laptop.

"I am Miss Hailey Drew." She said and I looked up at her. So she is the Hailey Drew. I removed my hands from the laptop, not bothering to check her profile anymore, I leaned on the swivel chair as I moved on it.

"So you are Hailey, huh?" I asked.

"Um…. Sir?" She looked confused.

"Nevermind… Your credentials says you studied medicine and surgery. You are twenty three years old and all that right?" I asked.

"Yes sir." She said.

"Um, I’m just curious… in your CV, you said you went to college in Billhard university and I was wondering, Billhard university is quite an expensive college. So how did you manage to go there?" I asked and she stared at me like she didn’t hear what I said. "Hello?" I said and she blinked.

"Um… uh, that information is kind of personal. I don’t feel comfortable talking about it." She said and I shrugged.

"Oh well, I also attended that university." I said.

"Really?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah." I said. "Anyways, take this…" I said and gave her a file for her to put her personal details in. "Fill it up and give it to the lady who showed you to this place. She'll know what to do." I said.

"uh, sir, I thought you were going to interview me. What’s this file for?" She asked.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot to tell you that you have been employed. Congratulations." I said.

"But… but I didn’t do anything." She said.

"Yeah I know, but you've got the job and that’s it." I said and I could see that she looked perplexed. She stood up.

"Thank you sir." She said and turned to go but stopped and turned to me. "Sir, can I ask how this was possible?" She asked.

"Well, you helped someone close to me, so this is my way of saying thank you." I said.

"Who did I help?" She asked.

"Next please." I said, deliberately ignoring her question. She got the message and happily walked out. I smiled and picked up my phone. I dialed Calvin’s phone number and he picked up. "Hey, bro." I said.

"What’s up?" He said.

"Your girl just walked out of my office." I said.

"My girl?" He asked.

"Hailey Drew." I said.

" Oh, but she is not my girl." He said. The door opened and a lady came in with her credentials in her hands. I pointed to a seat and she sat down.

"Yeah but I have to admit it, she is one cute lady. I think you should listen to Davis, not the using part, just be friends with her and see how it goes." I said.

"It's just been a week since I broke up with Janice, how could I possibly move on?" He asked.

"There is no rule that says you have to wait for a long time after a break up for you to go into another relationship, come on." I said and he sighed.

"Anyways, thanks for you what you did." He said.

"No problem bro. Later." I said and hung up. I dropped the phone on the desk and turned to the lady in front of me.


I can’t believe I got the job this easily. He didn’t even interview me. And with the way he spoke, he seems like a jovial guy, not harsh or strict as Liam described him to be. I wonder who I helped that made me get employed quickly. I really need to thank him or her. I walked to the lady at the counter after filling the form. She took me around the hospital, showing me everything and she described the nature of my job to me.

I just have to handle the children’s ward, like giving them their daily drugs, checking how they are feeling and so on. I could also be called to assist the head surgeon if there is an emergency. My time shift was from 7:30am to 12:30pm, another doctor would take over for the rest of the day. It won’t be that stressful and it’s convenient enough for me. I just have to wake up earlier than usual as from tomorrow.

I couldn’t contain my happiness, I went to Darcie’s office in her dad's construction company. She was the second in command as her dad was the first. Most times, she sits in the office doing nothing, her dad does most of the work. I met her secretary.

"Hi, is Darcie in?" I asked.

"Yes ma’am." She said and I went in. Darcie was operating her phone. "Darcie." I called excitedly and she looked up at me.

"Hailey." She called and stood up. "Oh my God, please tell me you have good news." She said and walked to me.

"I got the job, Darcie." I said and she screamed in excitement and embraced me.

"Thank God. I’m so happy for you." She squealed as we refrained from each other.

"Thank you… do you know that I didn’t even get interviewed like other applicants?" I asked.

"What? Really? Then how did it happen?" She asked curiously.

"He just said I got the job and I was so surprised. I had to asked him how it happened and he said I helped someone close to him so this was his way of saying thank you to me and I was like, what the hell?" I said and she chuckled.

"So who did you help?" She asked.

"I don’t know, he wouldn’t tell me." I said.

"Well… let’s forget about that. The most important thing is that you got the job and I’m sure that your salary is mouth-watering." She said and I laughed.

"You can say that again." I said.

"Alright, we have to get you some new clothes and shoes." She said.

"Why? What happened to mine?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just think you need a new wardrobe.You have to get well dressed tomorrow and other days." She said.

"I’m going to be wearing my white coat on it anyway so I don’t think that new clothes are necessary." I said.

"It doesn’t matter. Don’t worry, I will cover the expenses." She said and took her bag. She quickly linked arm with mine and we walked out of the office. "Tell Dad, I will be out for a while." She said to her secretary. We both walked out of the company.We got into her car and she drove to the mall.