You promised not to go all formal with me.


There is no way I am letting Calvin out of my life, I will do everything to be with him. He can’t just break up with me like that. We've been together for too long for us to just break up. The whole world knows that I am his fiance and it should remain that way.

I drove to his house. I was actually going to see his mum. His mum and my mum are close friends and she likes me a lot. I am going to use that to my advantage.

"Hey mum." I called and ran to embrace her. She was watching T.V. She did not reciprocate my embrace. I could tell she is still upset with me, probably because of what I did. I sighed and sat beside her. "I know you are upset with me mum, but I did not mean what I did." I said.

"Janice, you broke my son’s heart. You and I know he loved you a lot, so why would you sleep around?" She asked.

"Mum, you know how busy Calvin is. He never has time for me, he does not even touch me that much. He's always on one business trip or the other. I was really weak when it happened, I needed someone but Calvin was not there, I gave in to the temptation. But I regretted it immediately, I should not have done that." I said and she sighed and turned to me.

"Be honest with me, was it the first time you cheated on my son?" She asked. Well of course not, I have done it so many times. I have to satisfy my urges too.

"Yes mum. It is the first and last, I would never indulge in that ever again. I really love him, I don’t want to lose him." I started faking tears. "Mum please help me talk to him, I want to get married to him, please mum." I pleaded in fake tears and she bought it.

"It's okay, don’t worry and stop crying." She said and wiped my tears with her palm. "I am going to talk to him on your behalf. I will make sure you both get back together. And as soon as that happens, we'll start preparing for the wedding, ok?" She said and I smiled.

"Thank you mum." I said and embraced her. At least, she's got my back.


Barry and I walked out of his office. I was actually coming from my building site when I decided to stop at his office.

"Dude I can’t believe you are building a house when you could just buy one." He said.

"I know, I just want it to be my style, I am doing it my way, how I like it." I said and he shrugged.

"Your call." He said and I chuckled, with my hands on my pockets. "There is your girl." He said gesturing towards Hailey Drew. She was doing something at the receptionist desk.

"Is she off duty now?" I asked.

"Yeah, her shift is over." He said, glancing at his wrist watch.

"How is she doing over here?" I asked.

"Bro she is amazing. Ever since she started working here last week, the children's wards has been doing well. The kids love her a lot." He said. I looked over at her. She was done signing and was chatting heartily with the receptionist. We walked towards them.

"Good afternoon sirs." The receptionist greeted and it made Hailey turned to us.

"Good afternoon sir." She said to Barry and turned to me. "Uh… you?" She asked with a knowing smile. "It's Calvin right?" She asked and the receptionist cleared her throat and Hailey turned to her.

"It's 'sir' Calvin." She whispered to Hailey.

"Uh…?" Hailey looked perplexed.

"Never mind." I said. She turned to me.

"What are you doing here? Are you sick?" She asked.

"No, I came to meet a friend of mine." I said pointing at Barry.

"You two are friends?" She said and gasped. "That means you are the one who made me get the job." She said and embraced me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She said and refrained from me. "Uh… sorry about that." She said and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

"No problem." I said. "You're actually the one who needs thanking. Thanks for helping me out that day." I said and she nodded.

"You're welcome. Um.. I have to go now." She said.

"Uh… wait, why don’t I drop you off?" I asked.

"Hmm…?" The receptionist asked with creased brow, obviously surprised. Barry glared at her and she kept shut.

"Ok." Hailey agreed and I smiled. "Bye boss." She said to Barry and he nodded. We both walked out to the parking lot. We entered the car and I started driving.

"So where are you going?" I asked.

"To my restaurant." She said.

"You still operate the restaurant? I thought you would have closed up. You'll be earning a lot now." I said and she chuckled.

"Yeah, that’s what my best friend told me. But aside from being a doctor, I also love baking. I would love to have my own baking establishment. That would give me more earnings too, don't you think? And I will be receiving large orders from different companies, hotels and so on. They are all going to patronise me. I'll get there some day." She said, looking dreamily at nothing in particular.

"That's..That’s an impressive vision you've got." I said and she smiled.


I looked ahead and discovered that he was driving the wrong way.

"This is not the way to my restaurant." I said.

"Yeah, I changed my mind. We are going somewhere else… that is.. if you wouldn’t mind." He said and I thought about it. It wouldn’t hurt to go out for once right? And he is not a stranger to me. Although, I don’t know him that much, but it's ok.

"Alright." I said and he smiled. We drove to a huge building and he parked the car. It was a restaurant but it was classy and beautiful. I glanced at the flashy cars parked here.

"Wow." I muttered.

"Are you not coming out?" Calvin asked and I snapped out of my thought. I got down from the car. "Shall we?" He asked and I nodded. We both walk side by side to the entrance.

Immediately we stepped inside the restaurant, everyone gasped and we're staring at us, especially the girls. I was really surprised.

"What’s going on?" I asked looking at Calvin who was the least bothered.

"Ignore them." He said and held my hand and pulled me along with him.

"I love you Mr Calvin." A girl yelled and I arched an eye brow. Wait… were they screaming because of him? Is he like a public figure or something?

Two able body men walked to us.

"Good day sir." They both said in deep voices. Calvin calmly nodded. The two guys trailed behind us and made the girls scared. We walked to the escalator and got in. We came out after we got to the top. We walked to a separate spot and he pulled out a chair for me.

"Thanks." I said and sat down. He sat opposite me while the two guys stand at the entrance of the VIP lounge. I was really curious about the reactions of those people earlier. I looked at Calvin and he was staring at me. "What was that all about?" I asked and he sighed.

"They were just elated to see me." He said.

"But why?" I asked.

"Well…" he trailed off.

"Go on." I said.

"Promise you won’t stop being free with me." He said.

"Promise." I said and he sighed.

"Bring out your phone." He said and I brought it out of my bag. "Search for Calvin Hart on the internet." He said. The internet?

"Ok." I said and I did as he said. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I can’t believe that I have been talking with a mini god all along. It says here that he was the only son of the famous Billionaires, Mr and Mrs Hart, and he is the heir to their empire. Apart from his parent’s huge empire, he established his own empire which was across the world. His company, Vera group of companies was all around the globe. He owns properties worth trillions of dollars. He has been in a lot of fashion magazines. He even lends money to the government. And he is known worldwide. Like, this dude is fucking rich.

I was starting to get nervous around him and feeling too low class before him. I was nothing compared to him. I slowly drop my phone on the table and started fiddling my fingers anxiously.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked, raising up my chin. Now I know why Eva wanted me to address him as sir. That means I have been disrespecting him all along. Gosh. I had the nerve to call him by his name. I hope he is not mad at me? "Hailey." He called and I looked at him. "You promised not to go all formal with me." He reminded.

"Hmmm… sorry." I said and he sighed.

"Listen Hailey, you don’t have to feel intimidated because of what you've known. And I’m not mad at you, if that is what you are thinking. I didn’t tell you all these because I enjoyed the informality you used on me. It's really nice so don’t stop for anything." He said and I sighed.

"Ok. Fine, I guess I’m over thinking this." I said.

"So… can we be friends?" He asked and I smiled.

"Yes sir." I teased and he laughed. He called on a waiter and made an order for both of us. Soon the order was brought to us and we started eating. "So tell me, why did you get so drunk that night?" I asked.

"Well, I was hurt. I caught my fiancé cheating on me and I broke up with her." He said.

"Oh, Janice?" I asked and he looked up at me.

"You know her?" He asked.

"No. I don’t. I read it earlier on the internet, it says she's your fiance. And moreover, you kept on calling her name in your subconsciousness." I said.

"Oh…" he mouthed.

"I am truly sorry you have to go through all that." I said.

"It's ok, at least I know better." He said.

"I must say, you really loved her. Seeing the way a guy of your standard, becoming drunk and lying subconsciously on the road, under a heavy down pour. I’m sure if anyone had recognized you, it would have been on the internet." I said.

"Yeah, like famous worldwide business tycoon, found unconscious under the rain." He said and we both laughed. "And you are also right. I really loved her a lot… but not anymore." He said.

"Really? You no longer love her?" I asked.

"Yeah, I don’t. Finding out that she's cheating on me kinda replaced my love for detest." He said and I nodded.

We finished eating and the waiter took the things away, and brought dessert.

"Why are you not at work?" I asked.

"I was bored so I decided to check out my building site and there after, I decided to see Barry." He said.

"Hmmm, what are you building?" I asked.

"A mansion." He said.

"So you just build houses whenever you like?" I asked playfully and he chuckled.