I went overboard.

"This time I'm going to choose where we'll go." She said and I shrugged.

"That's fine with me." I said and she smiled happily. She directed me on where to go. I finally parked the car at the corner of the road were she directed. I looked around but this does not look like a hangout spot or restaurant. In fact, it was a local market.

I'm sure I have never been here. The people around were locals and they were definitely surprised to see my car in their vicinity.

"I will be back." Hailey said and got down from the car before I could stop her. Has she left me here all by myself? I saw her bag on her seat and I heaved a sigh of relief, at least I know she is coming back. But what are we doing here? This place looks filthy and the roads looks a bit muddy.

I looked as people bought and sold. Where is Hailey?

The door opened and she came in.

"Okay, I've got a lot of questions." I said.

"Yeah, I know." She said and I noticed a blue bag in her hand.

"What is that?" I asked and she opened it and brought out a blue flip-flop and pink one, a baseball cap, nose mask and black eyeglass. "What are they for?" I asked.

"We are going out." She said.

"Out? Out there?" I asked and she nodded.

"No way. I can't go out there. What if they go crazy on seeing me? They might touch me, embrace me, overcrowd me and all that." I said.

"What is wrong with their touch? They are humans too… Anyways, that is why I got you a disguise, no one would recognize you." She said.

"Why do we have to hang out here? There are other decent places to hang out, certainly not here." I said.

"Oh, so you could choose a hang out spot but I can’t?" She asked.

"That's not what I mean. You have to understand, this place could actually get me sick." I said.

"You are just being a baby." She said.

"I am just being health conscious." I said.

"You are not going to get sick. I love it here, we are going to have fun, trust me." She said.

"No, I can’t be seen here. It's not just me." I said.


I try my best to convince him to hang out here but he was being adamant.

"Calvin it's going to be fine. If you think coming here will attract people I've already got that covered." I said raising up the disguise. He looked around and swayed his head.

"No Hailey, I can’t." He said and ignited the car engine. He started driving out of the market. I felt really bad, I slowly kept the things back into the bag and remained silent. I felt his glances at me but I didn't look back.

As soon as we got to the main road I took my bag. "Stop this car." I said calmly.

"What? You want to get something?" He asked calmly too.

"Just stop the car." I said, still not sparing him a glance. He pulled over and I quickly got down from the car. I started walking along the side of the road.

Maybe he's not used to it but he would have accepted anyway. That was how I was not use to classy restaurants but he took me there anyway, not minding if I was comfortable or not. I endured it just because of him. I must be a fool to expect the same thing from him.

He is a reputable person, it is not like he could just stoop to my level. What was I thinking? He asked me to feel free with him just like a friend and I went overboard.

A car pulled over besides me. I looked to see Calvin's car. He got from the car and walked to me.

"Why did you get down from the car just to continue the journey walking? Are you upset because I did not accept to come with you? If that is it then I'm sorry, I will come with you let’s go." He said.

"It's alright, don’t apologise. I am sure I over stepped my boundaries. I'm not upset with you I just want to go home now." I said. I could see guilt in his eyes but I didn't want him to feel guilty. "Listen Calvin, you did nothing wrong." I said.

"At least let me drop you home." He said.

"No thanks. I'll take a taxi." I said and walked away from him. I flagged down a taxi and got in. I directed him to my restaurant. I alighted from the taxi and paid the driver. I walked inside and got to the back of the counter.

"Good afternoon miss Hailey." Louisa greeted and I nodded. "Is something wrong?" She asked.

"No I'm fine." I said and sat down. Maybe I shouldn't get closer to him like this. I don’t know why I feel sad because he refused my request.

'Hey girl, stop being sober, you've got a lot of things to think of.' I mentally scolded myself.

Maybe I should talk to Darcie. I dialled her phone number, she picked up and I explained to her what happened.

"What the fuck were thinking, taking a man worth billions to the slums? Gosh, Hailey, that was so demeaning, even for you." She scolded.

"But Darcie, you know I love the people there…"

"Enough with that." She interrupted. "Come on Hailey, I know you love the people there but he is different. How did you expect someone of his class to associate with filth?" She asked and I felt worse.

She was right, what came over me? I really have to apologise to him and keep my distance. "Hailey." She called calmly.

"Darcie." I called.

"Sorry if I made you feel bad, ok? I was just surprised. You shouldn’t have done that." She said and I nodded.

"I know better now. Thanks. I will make sure I apologise to him." I said.

"That’s better, don’t feel bad ok?" She said soothingly.

"Ok Darcie. Bye." I said and hung up.


Maybe I was not considerate enough, but I seriously can’t go out there. It freaks me out to see those people suffering and living in abject poverty. I drove into Barry’s compound and parked the car. I noticed the blue bag was still in the car, maybe she forgot it. I got down and walked inside.

Valerie was sitting on Barry’s thigh in the living room and they were chatting banterly.

"Am I interrupting something?" I asked and they turned to me.

"Calvin." Valerie called and stood up from Barry’s thigh and gave me a hug, shortly. I shook hands with Barry before sitting down.

"What's up with you? You don’t look okay." Barry said and I faced palmed myself.

"Dude, I think I messed up with Hailey." I said and Valerie sat back on his thighs.

"Who is Hailey?" She asked.

"A girl he likes." Barry said.

"Oh.. least I forget, I am so sorry about your break up with Janice. I've always had a bad feeling about the bitch." She said. That's right, Valerie never got along with Janice for a reason best known to her.

"It's okay, I am way over her." I said.

"What is the issue with Hailey?" Barry asked and I explained vividly to them.

"Come on, she just wanted to show you how simple she is, not all girls are classy and bitchy." She said and I knew she was referring to Janice.

"And how did she take it?" Barry asked.

"She looked okay with my refusal, she even apologized for trying to make me go with her but for some reason she preferred taking a taxi home than riding with me in my car." I said.

"Dude I think she is upset." Barry said.

"Come on guys, why wouldn’t she get upset? Wanting to introduce you to something she likes and then you see that same thing as worthless, it will definitely break her. Trust me." Valerie said, playing with Barry’s hair.

"So that means she is sad because of what I did? But it wasn't my fault, was it? I freaked out with the environment. I wasn't use to it." I said

"I think you have to endure whatever you can to be close to someone you like." Barry said. I leaned back on the sofa tiredly.

"Come on, quit sulking." Valerie said and stood up. "I prepared something you guys would love." She said and pulled both of us up. She turned to me. "Just apologise to her, you'll be fine." she said.

"I'll do that." I said as we walked to the dining table.