... admit that you missed me.


I sat impatiently in the board room as I was shown different models. There were other board members with me. I was actually looking for a model to market my product. Okay, if you must know, Vera group of company is a company for selling different cosmetics ranging from cream, soap, make ups, perfume etc. Both for male and female. We manufacture and sell them. I've got five manufacturing industries here in the States and so many around the world. Pretty big deal right?

I watched as the models came in one after the other, saying their names, countries and other necessary informations. Yeah, models from other countries were present. Who wouldn't want to model for the most famous cosmetic company? Most of them were giving me flirty glances and flirting with me but I just ignored them.

Mum barged into the room. I could see anger written on her face. Urgh. What is it this time?

"Mum, I'm busy right now." I said and she glared at the models.

"Everyone out." She ordered and they all scuttled out of the room, including the board members. I sighed tiredly.

"Mum, what is this about? You can't just interrupt my work like this. You did not even inform me that you were coming." I said.

"Calvin, I am your mother." She said.

"Yeah, I know that." I said.

"I have the right to barged in whenever I like." She said and I sighed. I stood up and walked to her.

"Alright, I am sorry for my outburst." I said, embracing her. "Let’s have a seat." I said as we refrained from each other. I helped her sit down comfortably. Well my mum loves to be treated like a queen, that she is. I sat beside her. "So what brings you here?" I asked calmly.

"Calvin, you are busy selecting a model for the new Vera collection…" P.S, Vera is the name of my products. "..when Janice is there. Have you forgotten that Janice is a model too?" She asked.

"Mum, Janice had been our model for 2013 and you know we change models every year so what are you saying? This is 2016, I need a new model." I said.

"Why can’t Janice be your model?" she asked.

"Because it's my company and I determine who gets to model for my products. And making Janice to be close to me is the last thing I want right now." I stated.

"It doesn't matter, I want Janice to be the next model." She said.

"My company does not accept a model twice. She has had her year. There are so many models who are looking for the opportunity to model for Vera. I can’t just keep giving that opportunity to one person. Even if Janice was my wife, I still would not let her." I said.

"Then let her be your wife." She said, diverting from the topic. I stood up.

"Mum, stop trying to do things that would bring Janice and I together. We are done, ‘DONE’" I emphasized. She stood up and left without another word. I really don’t know what to do about my mum. I sat down and called everyone in. We continued from where we stopped after I apologized for the inconveniences.

After an hour of the interviews, I chose a model from Italy and dismissed the rest, not without giving them a consolation envelope.

"Welcome to Vera group of companies, Miss Rina." I said as I shook hands with her.

"Thank you Mr Hart, it will be a pleasure working with you." She said with a sultry smile. I merely nodded and walked out of the board room to my office. I took off my grey suit and wore it at the back of my chair. I sat down with my legs crossed on the desk. My mind wandered off to Hailey. I glanced at my wrist watch. It was already one o’clock, which means she would be off duty. I dialled her number. She picked up.

"Hello." Her voice came up and I smiled. "Calvin, what up?" She asked.

"Cool, I just wanted to check up on you." I said.

"I'm okay. I'm at my restaurant right now." She said. I kinda missed her. It's has been a week since we saw each other. That is, after our hang out at the local market. I have been so busy.

"How is the business?" I asked.

"It's going on well. How about you? I haven't seen you for a week now. I guess you have been busy, right?"she asked.

"Yeah, do you miss me that much?" I teased her.

"What?"she asked and chuckled.

"Come on, admit that you miss me." I said.

"You are so full of yourself."She said and I laughed.

"I really miss hanging out with you." I said sincerely.

"Oh, so you admit it now." She said.

"Yeah, whenever I'm less busy, I will come see you." I said.

"Okay then." She said.

"Alright… take care." I said.

"Bye." She said and I hung up. I smiled. I really can’t explain how she makes me feel. But I like it.


I smiled blissfully as I remembered him saying he missed me. Oh no. Gosh, Hailey, he did not say he missed you. He said he missed hanging out with you, not you, yourself.

"Why are you smiling?" Someone asked and I looked up to see Darcie.

"Darcie." I called and stood up to embrace her. "Have a seat." I said and we both sat down. "What brings you here?" I asked.

"Well, I was just coming from a pathetic date and I decided to cool off here." She said.

"Pathetic date?"I asked.

"Yeah." She said and I chuckled. Darcie has had so many suitors, most of which were wealthy and influential but she doesn't want to agree to any of them.

"Darcie, you are being too picky. Don’t you want to fall in love?" I asked.

"I do, but not with just anyone. I have my dream man. They don’t possess the required qualities to date me." She said proudly. I folded my hands.

"So, if I may ask, what are these required qualities you speak of?" I asked in amusement.

"Well, he must be filthy rich, I mean, really, really rich. He must be handsome and sexy." She said.

"But most of the guys that ask you out are rich, handsome and sexy."I said.

"Yeah but not to my taste."She said.

"Wait… do you already have someone in mind?" I asked.

"‘Yeah, but I'm not sure he notices me." She said.

"Do I know him?" I asked.

"Um… not quite." She said and I nodded.

"Well, you shouldn't be too picky." I said.

"I have to, I don’t want to end up with a broke guy. No never." She said and I chuckled.


I was driving back from my dad’s office. My dad is the governor of the state. He was just talking about giving me a job because I had strongly opposed to working after college. But it's not my fault.

Okay, all my life, dad had always imposed his decision on Eric and I, Eric is my elder brother. While my mum was always in support of him. He insisted that Eric studies polities while I studied business or law. We both opposed to his decision and Eric went as far away from him as he could, Germany. There he studied his dream course, and is now a highly sought civil engineer and he is doing so well at it. But I remained here and went to a business school which I hate. I actually wanted to be a fashion designer. I so much love fashion. I made most of the designs Janice and Ashley wear for modelling, but dad would not hear of it, so I kept it secret. Only Janice, Ashley and my brother knows about what I do. So I seriously cannot accept any job from my dad. Most especially one I hate.

There was a familiar car parked beside a club house. I decided to check it out. I parked my car carefully and stepped out. I adjusted my pink mini skirt before going further. I walked inside. It was not really busy due to the fact that it was still day time. I looked around in search of him. Then I saw him at the V.I.P lounge as usual. He was surrounded by half naked strippers. I tightened my fists in anger or jealousy. 'Calm down Emma, you don’t need to get so worked up about this.' Just be cool. I inhaled and exhaled and placed a smile on my lips. I cat walked to him.

"Hi."I said and he turned to me and his eyes widened in shock, maybe he was surprise to see me. He quickly pushed one of the strippers off him and chased them out. I smirked secretly and glared at the girls as they filed out. I made sure he did not see the glares.

"Em… Emma." He stuttered walking to me.