Yes Mr Calvin.

"Come on, let’s bath." He said and carried me from the bed into the bathroom. We both had our bath, not after a little smooching. I wore one of his T-shirt because my clothes were in the washing machine.

"Your house is so beautiful." I complimented as we walked down the staircase, hand in hand.

"Thanks." He said. We walked to the kitchen. "I will make us breakfast." He said.

"You cook?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah." He said. I sat on one of the kitchen stool.

"That's cool. It means I don't have to get my nails dirty then." I said and he laughed. He set off to cook. I just watch as he prepared the meal single handedly. The doorbell chimed.

"Please help me check who it is." He said.

"Okay." I said and stood up. I walked pass the living room to the main entrance. I opened the door and was surprised to see a girl. She stared at me for some time.

"Um, is Eric in?" She asked.