You hypnotized me.


"Good morning ma'am." Eva greeted as I walked in.

"Good morning." I said and signed in. I walked to my office. I dropped my bag on the desk. I changed into my scrub and wore my white coat. It was just eight o’clock. I walked out to check on the kids. I placed a smile on my face even if I was feeling sad.

I won’t deny the fact that I’m still hurt about the dinner. It pricks my heart so much to know that Calvin’s mum doesn’t like me. Although it's a relief that his dad likes me. He is really fond of me. He even texted me on the phone this morning to know how I was feeling. He apologized on his wife’s behaviour toward me. But both parents has to give a positive consent for a relationship to work, right? I really hope she learns to like me.

After my morning routine, I walked back to my office. I was surprised to see Calvin’s mum in my office. She sat on a chair opposite mine.