


I really had a fun time with Calvin. Although, he would not stop teasing me about what happened during and after our first night. It was hilarious. But I was free with him afterwards. We had a lot of fun, we visited so many places in Huwaii, but spent most of the time at the beach.

I looked over at him as we rode home. He was focused on his phone again and there was a deep frown on his face. He does that a lot lately. Whenever he is with his phone, he is always angry. That was why I hid his phone from him and I only returned it to him today. I held his hand and he flinched a bit.

"Is something wrong?" I asked and he smiled a bit.

"No. There is nothing wrong. I just have to get to the office, that's all." He said.

"You are going to work tomorrow, right? So why are you tensed up?" I asked and he sighed and shove the phone into his pocket.