Some kind of feelings.


I can't deny the fact that I'm jealous of Hailey right now. She's living a luxurious life, a life that I'm supposed to be living. I'm not going to relent on my pursuit of Calvin. I'm going to make sure he's mine.

The car stopped at a restaurant and we both alighted from the car. We walked in and a waitress walked to us with a wide smile.

"Good day ma'am, this way please." She said. I scoffed inwardly when she didn't even acknowledge my presence. We were led to a VIP lounge.

"Wow." I muttered as we both sat down. Some waiters walked to us with trays of appetizers.

"Here's the menu ma'am." The first waitress said and gave us the menu. I was appalled at how expensive the meals were. Ok, I know I'm used to expensive things but this is way over the top for me. I can't believe this.

I looked at Hailey who was talking to the waitress about her menu. She doesn't even have a look of surprise on her face. She's definitely used to it already.