


The year rolled by like it was just yesterday Hailey and I got married. And it’s been a really great experience, except for few bickering we have sometimes. Trust Hailey to scold me for the slightest things, but she's still my bestie.

I walked down the stairs of the plane. I had been away for a month. I have been in Australia for work. And all through my stay in Australia, my wife kept calling me each and every sessions of the day, just to ask me if I had eaten and most times, I do forget to eat. So her reminders were necessary.

"Welcome back, sir." One of the securities said and I stood in front of him.

"Find the engineer and tell him to have a thorough look at the air plane. I was not quite comfortable today. It should be fixed before my next travel. I spilled wine on my white suit because of the mumble- jumble on the plane. It shouldn't repeat itself." I said and walked pass him.