That's the same way I look at you.

"Good morning Eric." I said with a smile. He just looked at me and sighed, then he looked away.

"Why do you have to keep on coming here every day?" He asked.

"Because I want to take care of you." I said.

"I don’t need anyone to take care of me. I am capable of doing that myself." He said and sat up on the bed.

"Yeah right. Just like you've been doing for the past six months." I said sarcastically. "You are just saying that to get me to leave." I said and he scoffed.

"You are not wrong." He said and I sighed and walked to him.

"Eric please, stop your sarcasm. I am not leaving no matter what you say." I said and he looked away from me. "You have to bath now and have something to eat. It's almost ten o’clock." I said. He delayed before getting up from the bed. He went into the bathroom afterwards.