It's his turn to drool.

I snapped out of my thoughts and took slow steps down, staring at them, wondering why they were here. Why were they all putting on matching tuxedos but different colours? Calvin wore red, Barry wore black, and Davis wore grey while Eric wore blue. They were all with presents.

They stood up immediately I walked into the living room. They stood in front of me in a linear way. Calvin first, Barry second, Davis third and Eric fourth. Calvin cleared his throat.

"Um… Ashley…" Wait when did Calvin know my name? Like, since when? He has never spoken to me since I had known him. First of all, what were they up to? "…A certain guy had wronged you big time and he is sorry but doesn't know how to say it. I just want you to know that he adores you so much." He said and stretched out his present to me. "He wants you to have it." He said.

"O…kay." I said and took the present, a big one.

"Open it." He said.