Chapter 6

In the Forensic Department, Eric and Yeong-hae were standing beside them while Leina and the artist were having a session. Eric checked his wristwatch and stood up looking around. Yeong-hae was brooding over the incident that had happened. She clenched the hull of her coat in anger.

“It’s done.” The artist said and showed the final sketch to Eric and Yeong-hae. Yeong-hae took a step back in shock. “Is this the person you saw?”

Leina confirmed.

Eric got concerned and asked if Yeong-hae knew the woman in the sketch. Yeong-hae took a picture of the sketch and hurried to the door. Eric followed her and pulled her hand to stop. “What’s going on?”

“Call Jia and please take Leina with you. I will tell you everything later.”

On her way, she called her mom. “Mom, where are you now?”

“At the hotel as you said. When are you coming back from work?”

“I might be late. Don’t wait for me. And be careful. Do not open the door for anyone.”

Yeong-hae rushed out of the cab. The evening was setting in and she knew it might be too late. She entered the Morning café and walked up to the counter. The young boy behind the counter smiled. “Ma’am, how can I help you?”

“You have an employee named Hanbyeol here. Moon Hanbyeol. Where is she?”

“Hanbyeol? I don’t know any employee with that name.”

“She used to work the night shift but now she works the morning shift.” Yeong-hae pulled out her phone and showed him the picture. The man took a closer look at the picture. “This looks like…Seulgi noona?”

“Seulgi?”, Yeong-hae repeated the name in confusion.

The boy asked, “Why are you looking for her? Did she do something?”

“Is she still here?” Yeong-hae questioned.

“Her shift will start in 15 minutes. I don’t know if she is here yet.”, the boy answered.

Yeong-hae flashed her badge and ordered the boy. “See if she is still here. If not, give me her


The boy rushed back to the staff’s room and searched hastily for Seulgi. Her locker was locked and

there was no sign of her. At the back door, he heard the laughter of two women. “Seulgi noona!”

The women turned around and Seulgi answered, “Yes?” The boy informed her of the police officer who was looking for her.

Seulgi wondered what was happening and came to the counter to meet Yeong-hae.

Yeong-hae saw the woman in a white shirt walking towards her. The same hair, the same eyes, the same lips, and the same body. But the aura around her was different. It was calm and innocent.

“Hello.” Seulgi greeted with a smile.

Yeong-hae asked, “Aren’t you Hanbyeol?”

“What are you talking about?” Seulgi laughed. Yeong-hae then showed her the sketch. Her eyes widened on seeing it. She looked at Yeong-hae who was holding the phone. She scoffed nervously and claimed that her name was Seulgi, not Hanbyeol even though the sketch looked like her.

Yeong-hae requested to talk with her, which put Seulgi on guard. Running away from a police officer would raise suspicion, so she agreed.

Both the women took the table in the corner. Seulgi and Yeong-hae sat on the opposite side of the table facing each other. The boy kept an eye on them from the counter while he served the customers.

“Who are you?” Yeong-hae asked.

“My name is Seulgi.”

“I need to see your ID.”

Seulgi hesitated but Yeong-hae reached out her hand and demanded it.

On the ID card, the name was Moon Seulgi with the same face. She also gave the same address as Hanbyeol wrote on the complaint form.

“Don’t you work the morning shift?” Yeong-hae asked, trying to confirm if she was another person.

“No. I have never worked here in the morning. I have my music classes.” Seulgi replied with a shaky voice. Yeong-hae asked Seulgi a series of questions to confirm that she was not Hanbyeol.

“Do you have a twin sister?” asked Yeong-hae. She clearly did not want to beat around the bush.

Seulgi hesitated again for a second. “No, I don’t.”

“Moon Seulgi. Please don’t lie.” Yeong-hae glared at her. “I won’t be sitting here, suspecting an innocent person if I don’t have any information, right?”

Seulgi looked around and rubbed her sweaty hands on her jeans.

“See. You are being obvious.” Seulgi bit her lips deciding on what to do. “You can take your time. But the longer you do, you will be accused of several murders and be thrown in prison for life. No music. Nothing. And even worst, you could be executed.”

The last word scared Seulgi to her bones.

“I left home three years ago, on the 23rd of January.”

“Go on.” Yeong-hae secretly recorded the conversation.

“Yes. I have a twin sister. Her name is Moon Hanbyeol. But she is crazy. Everyone in the family is crazy. I ran away because I feared them. I had cut my ties with them long ago. If anything has happened, I have nothing to do with it. I swear.”

Yeong-hae leaned back at the sudden burst of emotions. “Your sister has done some inexcusable things and will soon be a wanted criminal. And…you could be in trouble. We must take you in.”

“Did she kill anyone?” Seulgi asked making a face wishing it was not true.

“Give me a minute.” Yeong-hae excused herself and went out to call Jia. “Jia, I need you to check on someone. I have sent you the ID.”

Yeong-hae returned to the table and continued. “Sorry about that. When was the last time you have seen your twin?”

“Last year, around May or June.”

The phone chimed and Yeong-hae opened the file. She looked up at Seulgi and then at the phone. She cleared her throat and asked again. “Do you know where she is right now?”

“No. I didn’t ask her because I don’t want to know. But she did say that she was not leaving Korea.”

“What do you mean ‘not leaving Korea’?

“We grew up in Italy. I guess she came back here two years ago.”

“Why…is she coming back?”

“I sincerely don’t know. I have no connection with them. Please leave now.”

“How am I supposed to believe you are not her? You look just like our suspect.” Yeong-hae leaned in.

Seulgi pulled herself back in fear. “I…I have…pictures. I can prove it to you.”

“Show it to me then,” Yeong-hae ordered.

“They are old photo cards. It’s back at my place.”

Yeong-hae smirked, “And I thought you had cut ties with everyone.”

Seulgi glared at her but she did not say anything.

Yeong-hae passed her business card to Seulgi. “Take this. Let’s meet again tomorrow at the B park at 11 am.”

“I will bring the photos,” Seulgi replied.

The more she looked at timid Seulgi, Yeong-hae realized that she was nothing like the confident Hanbyeol, except they really look alike. She took Seulgi phone number and address. She then apologized for shocking her with the instant news and walked out of the café to ring up Jia.

“We must be careful now. She has a twin sister.” Yeong-hae could hear Jia’s loud sigh over the phone. “I am meeting the twin tomorrow at 11. Inform the team. And tell Jin to keep an eye on her. I will send the address. We have to keep her by our side.”

Yeong-hae stood at the bus stand, trying to grasp the situation in her head. The sudden turn in the case was something she did not expect.

‘Did she approach me on purpose? Does it mean she has control over the situation? Who are you, Moon Hanbyeol?’