Chapter 9

Jia gained consciousness when the cold floor was biting on her. Every part of her body felt numb. She remembered being surrounded by those masked men and she had to surrender. ‘What about Leina?’

Jia looked around and she was all alone inside a room with boxes. The place was lit up by artificial light. When she looked at her wrist to see the time, her gadgets were missing.

She got up to check the door and it was locked from the outside. She strolled around in the room and open the boxes. Some were empty while some contained old clothes and dirty towels. She falls back when the pungent smell spread. There was no window nor any opening.

She sat down at the place where she woke up and waited, waiting for the time to save them. Waiting for her father to choose between losing her and saving her. After all, this was the only chance in all the seven years that they have to capture Moon Hanbyeol, the unidentified murderer. They needed to arrest her and make her admit the crimes so that she receives the justice she deserved.

The door unlocked and two big men walked in. Jia stood but did not do anything stupid. She quietly followed them in a long dark hallway. The muffled noise of a crowd could be heard in a distance. As they go nearer, the sound became clearer. One of the men opened the door and the noise of the crowd cheering blasted from the room. Jia stood there in shock when she saw Eric badly beaten up by those men. The noise grew when Eric staggered and tried to fight back.


Everyone shuts up and the room was quiet. From the built-in balcony in the room, Hanbyeol looked down at everyone. She proudly grinned as she did so. When she spotted Jia, she signaled the two men to bring her up there.

“Jia!” Yeong-hae rushed towards Jia but she was blocked by one of the men.

“Hey, hey. Not so fast.” Hanbyeol sat down on the sofa. She carefully scanned Jia with a stern face for a whole minute, then she smiled. “Wow. You have a great body.”

Yeong-hae clenched her fist in frustration. She never wanted to make Jia involved in this but her skills were a necessity. Moreover, Yeong-hae hated that Leina was the reason why all of these started. But who was she to blame? Yeong-hae always wanted the man behind the murder to be arrested and it was because of Leina that they finally know who the person is.

After Hanbyeol’s men caught Jia and Leina, all of them were transported to another place while they were knocked unconscious. On the ground, her men were having their play time with Eric, and Hanbyeol was occupied upstairs with Yeong-hae and Jia.

In the meantime, some of the men were having fun with Leina in another room. No matter how much she begged, those men showed no mercy or sympathy. All they seek was pleasure.

“Yeong-hae ssi, I wish we haven’t met this way. Because if we didn’t, we could have been friends. Right?,” Hanbyeol spoke like a mature person for the first time.

But Yeong-hae could not care more. “I am actually glad we met this way. I don’t want a friend like you.”

Squinting those red eyes, Hanbyeol suddenly bangs on the table angrily, making Yeong-hae and Jia flinched. “Do you think I wanted to be like this?” Hanbyeol curled up on the sofa, “I just want friends. I want my sister to be by my side. I want you to love me.”

Hanbyeol gazed at Yeong-hae making eye contact, “Is that really hard to do?... I know. It is all because of him. If only he had already said that he was proud of me.”

Yeong-hae was surprised to see the vulnerable side of psychotic Hanbyeol.


[20 years ago]

“Seulgi, I can’t wait to see papa.” Hanbyeol smiled and happily ate her lunch on the plane. Seulgi beamed and nodded. “Me too.” The two seven years old girls who looked alike and wore the same clothes were in the plane flying from Seoul to Italy to meet their father for the first time.

When a man came to their old house asking their mother to take them to Italy, the twins thought it was because their father missed them, and what they didn’t realize then was their mother had given up on them.

“Papa”, Hanbyeol ran and hug the first person she saw once they reached the huge mansion. Seulgi did not move and kept standing beside the man who came to pick them up from Seoul. Seulgi noticed the forced smile on their father’s face whom they knew only in the photo. Mr. Moon ordered his guards to take them to their rooms and feed them. Hanbyeol brightly followed those people and walked away.

“Seulgi? Are you okay?”, Marco crouch down because Seulgi hasn’t let go of his hand ever since they landed in Italy.

“Ahjussi, I am scared.”

“Don’t worry. I will come with you.” Marco smiled and assisted Seulgi to her room.

Days and months passed by and the life of the twins only got worse. Their father never laid an eye on them since the next day they arrived and their stepmother never missed a chance to rebuke them. Despite all the hardships and the sleepless nights, the sisters’ hugs and cries on the eve of the night, the twins grew up to be strong and beautiful teenagers.

Hanbyeol would learn how to fight from Marco and would always get in trouble. The more she got whipped as a punishment from her father, the more their stepmother loved it.

Seulgi was smart and beautiful, unlike Hanbyeol who was all time covered with bruises. She was popular in the school and everyone loved her. This ignited a fit of jealousy in their step-sister who was the same age. She complained to her mother and out of it bore an evil plan.

Hanbyeol as usual was late. Seulgi was in their room studying while she waits for her twin to return. The door slowly opened and Seulgi turned around happily to greet her sister but she was stunned by the person standing at the door.

“Brother, what are you doing here?”

“What do you mean? I came to see my sisters.” Their step-brother who was three years older than them sneered as he replied. He entered the room and made himself comfortable on Hanbyeol’s bed.

“It would be nice if you knock first,” Seulgi spoke politely.

“Knock? Why would I do that in my house? By the way, which one are you? The mad tomboy?,” he joked.

Seulgi tried to control her anger. “I am Seulgi.” She slowly slid her hands to the side of the table to grasp the scissors. Before she could reach the scissors, the brother stood up and walked around in the room.

“Seulgi! The beautiful one.”

“Hanbyeol and I look just the same.”

“No, you are more beautiful.” He bent over to Seulgi, looking at her lips lustfully. Without a second delay, he finally showed why he was there. He constrained Seulgi on Hanbyeol’s bed and tried to get in between her legs.

Seulgi called for help but none came to her aid. Seulgi pulled her step-brother’s hair and when she saw the opening, she kicked him in the crotch.

She jumped over to her table and grasp the scissors, holding them up as her defense.

“Don’t make me angry. Put it down and be a good girl.”

Seulgi just needs to buy the time until Hanbyeol arrives. She threatened to stab him whenever he tried to snatch it away. The brother pretended to give up and when Seulgi let her guard down for a second, he pounced on her. The two fought over the scissors and accidentally, Seulgi stabbed her step-brother.

Blood oozed out from the wound and Seulgi trembled in fear. She stepped back and breakdown on the floor on seeing her brother laying there calling for help.

“Help me. Call someone.”

But Seulgi was too afraid to move. Right at that moment, Hanbyeol returned and was aghast at what was happening. She immediately called for help and their brother was taken to the hospital.

Seulgi and Hanbyeol stood in the hall with their heads hung low while their father stood in front with a belt in his hand. “Now tell me. Who did it?”

Both of them did not utter a word. Hanbyeol looked at her sister from the corner of her eyes. Seulgi was sweating beads of sweat and biting her lips.

Mr. Moon yelled at them this time. “Are you not going to speak?” Seulgi jumped and whimpered in fear.

“I did.”

Seulgi snapped and stared at Hanbyeol. Hanbyeol smiled at her before she was hauled away by their father to the dark room.

Blood dripped from her chin while her hands were tied up by the chain hanging from the ceiling. Hanbyeol felt numb after her father whipped her multiple times with the belt. She could only hear a muffled sound and the ground was swaying in her eyes. Maybe it was from the thrashing that snapped a nerve or was it an epiphany but that bitter night was the beginning of a new Hanbyeol.

Hanbyeol had always worked hard to get her father’s attention. All she wanted was his praise and to hear him say he was proud of her. She would run errands for him and fight anyone who bad-mouthed him. But that night, hatred bloomed in her heart. Not to her father but to her very own twin sister, Seulgi. Because Hanbyeol believed everything was ruined because of Seulgi.

Hanbyeol became a different person. She quit school and started working under Marco. And it didn’t take long before she joined them in killing people.

Marco noticed the change in Hanbyeol and tried to make her stop. But he was left speechless when he heard her saying, “Killing is fun.”

After 12 years, Hanbyeol came back to South Korea to carry a mission for her father along with Marco and his men. They were to make a political candidate sign a paper about no interference in Moon’s business. He was a threat to the illegal business the Moons carried out in the country.

They made the man sign the paper but Hanbyeol was not satisfied. Her bloodthirst was never quenched. She shot the man in the head as she cackled. It was time for Marco to do something.

The night before they leave the country, Marco sneaked into Hanbyeol’s room to stop her before she gets out of control. But he underestimated her. He forgot that he was the one who taught her about all of these.

Marco was caught red-handed. With the gun pointed at his head, Hanbyeol called her father about what she should do with Marco. The call was not long and Hanbyeol hang up the phone, taking a deep breath.

“Hanbyeol, you don’t have to soil your hands again.” Marco had always loved her like his own child. Now, he felt like a failed father.

“Marco. Thank You for everything. If not for you, I don’t know what would happen to me.” Hanbyeol teared up.

“It’s okay, Hanbyeol. You still have time. You can stop now.”

“I love you, Marco. But you never try to understand me. I am sorry. I want to make my papa proud of me.”

Marco’s tears never got the chance to fall from his eyes nor did he get the chance to say ‘I love you too’.

On the gravestone was carved ‘Here lies our beloved Marco.’ Seulgi stood there with a bouquet in her hands. She crumpled the flowers as she sniffled, missing Marco who was her first friend in Italy.

Seulgi dried off her tears and turned her head to the right to glare at Hanbyeol who was standing far away, minding her own business. “Moon Hanbyeol. I swear.”