Feel My Power! 

The boundless fear made these poor children lose their ability to think, and they could only cry and pray without logic.

"Da da da da..."

On the towers on both sides of the square, heavy machine guns roared, plowing a ravine out of the compacted ground.

The gunfire made the square suddenly quiet.

It was only then that Alex realized that above the window where he was, a steady voice recalled unhurriedly, and the tone of the owner of the voice had a certain rhythm in it, which seemed very elegant.

It's just that the words spoken are like demons walking in the world.

"Children of sinners, your filthy blood is your original sin, and you have been charged with crimes since birth...

Destruction is your destiny...

Mercy makes me love the world, now, I will give you a chance to wash away your sins...

Pull the trigger and end the original sin that gave birth to you...

You will be born again!

Don't waste this precious opportunity, don't let My kindness be tainted. "



He began to count down, which sounded like the death knell of meditation.


The children's spirits completely collapsed. If the soldiers behind them were not forcibly holding them, they would almost collapse on the ground.

"Shoot, kid," a mother said to her child, flatly.

"Hurry up, shoot!" a father screamed with all his strength.

"Please, son, listen to them!" someone begged.





Everyone is begging for death, hoping that the passing of life will stop their children from suffering.

All just for the kids...

Over the years, Alex has seen countless tragedies on the battlefield, but he has never been shocked like this.

"1!" The aristocratic man's tone was still elegant, ringing the last death knell!

The soldiers grinned grinningly, and the child's finger pressed the trigger!

The children closed their eyes.

The parents also closed their eyes.

Alex... closed her eyes, and thick darkness ruled the world.

It seems that the whole world has closed its eyes, the light is gone, and the darkness is coming!

Alex made a move, and he instantly pulled these soldiers into a nightmare, making them feel the deepest pain.

"what happened?"

"Did God come to save us?"

"But why can't I see anything?"

They can't tell what's going on now, they just hope that the darkness that surrounds them will rescue them.

"If my soldiers have offended you, please give me a chance to apologize in person."

What Alex didn't expect happened, the noble man upstairs was not dragged into the nightmare.

It was the first time for Alex to encounter such a situation, so he flew out of the window, wearing a black robe and standing in the void.

Quietly looking at the noble man standing on the balcony of the small building.

The man was wearing the uniform of the colonel of the germany army, with a handsome face, and when he saw Alex, his eyes flashed with surprise, and he said very politely:

"Today is really a good day. Let me introduce myself. My name is Sebastian. I didn't expect to have the honor to meet you. It's a pleasant surprise. I haven't asked how to call you yet?"

It was only when Alex heard the other party's name that he suddenly realized that the reason why Sebastian was not drawn into the nightmare was because his Ability was Energy Absorption and release.

Nightmare fog is also considered an energy body, and it is also within Sebastian's absorption range.

"You have no right to know my name." For this mutant with powerful abilities, Alex didn't save any face.

The smile on Sebastian's face froze for a moment and then returned to normal. When he absorbed the fog of nightmare, he understood who Alex was.

He is the guy who spreads the nightmare, if he can win over, the situation of the declining battle can be reversed immediately.

"I think there is some misunderstanding between us. Please don't get angry. Compared with these lowly mortals, we Mutants are the masters of the world. If you and I work together, the world will crawl under our feet."

Alex lazily said something to the famous Black Emperor in the Mutant world, and with a white arm swung back, a black spear appeared in his hand.

The figure came in an instant, and the spear pierced Sebastian's heart.

I saw Sebastian holding a wave of invisible energy in both hands to resist the black spear.

"Sure enough!" Alex missed a hit and disappeared again.

Sebastian took a deep breath, and the smile on his face grew brighter.

"Surprisingly, the power of a random blow is even more terrifying than the energy produced by a missile explosion. What a wonderful power!"

He stomped his foot violently, and his body rushed towards Alex like a sharp sword, and the small building under him was directly collapsed by the force of that stomp!

"Feel my power!"

Sebastian punched Alex's body, and before he could be happy, his heart was shocked. His first seemed to hit the air, and his whole body passed through Alex's body and fell down.

He hit the ground with all his strength and missed, making him feel a little embarrassed when he landed.

He didn't expect that Alex, like him, was also the kind of super-ability user who was immune to powerless attacks. Now he was a little troublesome, with his ability, he couldn't hurt Alex at all.

After a period of uncertainty, he spoke again;

"It seems that we have nothing to do with each other."