His Power!

Professor X tried his best to liberate the power in the piano. In the past, he was afraid that this power would break through the barrier and run wild, but now he couldn't liberate it no matter what.

Professor X was almost desperate, bleeding from all seven orifices at the same time!

And the Grays are finally on the move again after Natasha Romanoff gets trapped in the Pyramids!

The curious real appearance beyond human imagination, tentacles, eyeballs, sheep's hooves, mucus, wings, sarcoma, etc. on the body, rushing to the center of the battlefield as if dying.

However, at this time, others have no time to be surprised.

Apocalypse standing at the top of the Pyramids even showed contemptuous eyes.

"Dirty bug."

When he was about to wipe out these unsightly insects, these people suddenly stopped in their tracks, looked at the sky with joy on their faces, and began to sing an unknown and weird song.

"Looking up, the sky is far away"

"Night falls and the sky is full of stars"

"The prosperous age is no longer, the end of the world is coming"

At some point in the sky, a group of dark clouds appeared in the sky, and the black clouds kept surging as if something was brewing.

Then, Apocalypse heard the same eerie song coming from the Pyramids below. It was the voice of Natasha Romanoff.

"Break the Prison, God of Awakening"

"Return strong, blood floods the earth"

"When he comes, terror spreads"

"In His Name, Inaugurate an Era"

"When he returned, the sky was dark and the earth was dark"

at the same time.

In the dark cave under the ice of the North Pole, nearly a hundred snow goblins with thick hair began to sing the same song.

"The ignorant people are the masters of all living beings"

"Man prostrates, gods fear"

"The stars are shining, the light is burning"

"This is when the end comes"

In the deep sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean, the frogman-like deep diver sang...

"Terror, horror, extreme horror!"

"Extremely, extremely, extremely terrifying!"

In the South American rainforest, under the rotting strata, the soft gray-black pouch-like body with tentacles sang...

"He emerged from the deep sea and rose from the ground!"

"From the sky, everywhere"

"When he returned, the corpses were everywhere"

"Everywhere it goes, fear spreads"

In the devil city in the desert of Asia, the Nightmare with Batwing sings...

"Looking up, the sky is far away"

"Night falls and the sky is full of stars"

"The prosperity is gone, the end is coming"

"Break Out of Prison, God of Awakening"

The sound became louder and louder, as if it was connected across space, and then entered everyone's ears through the broadcast.

Except for a few special people, none of the nearly 100 million people who followed this battle through various channels were spared.

Anyone who heard this voice stiffened at the same time, and involuntarily showed a distorted smile, and all kinds of vast scenes that had never been seen or imagined appeared in their minds.

A man in black robe was walking on the calm sea, countless tentacles danced in the deep sea beneath his feet!

A man in black robes was walking on the chaotic land, a volcano erupted around him, and the sky fell apart!

A man in black robe wandered in the broken starry sky, and countless celestial bodies behind him exploded!

Countless scenes have only one thing in common, and that is the appearance of the man in black, and everything collapses!

The rhythm of the ballad is getting faster and faster!

A trace of saliva dripped from the corner of the listener's mouth, a broken laugh came out of his throat, and his body twitched unconsciously.

Apocalypse's reaction was more violent than anyone else's. His body kept breaking down, reorganizing, and repeating itself!

This is how he saves himself!

Only the constant destruction of body and mind can free him from this mad state.

"What kind of power is this!!! Is it really the power of a god!!!"

Apocalypse roared crazily in his heart, it was unbelievable!


Scarlet flames burst from inside the Pyramids, and Apocalypse stepped aside.

Natasha Romanoff's arms are folded over her shoulders, huge amounts of black wings are in front of her.

Her eyes are downcast, her bright red//lips are gently opened, and her body slowly flies into the black clouds.

"Endless madness, devouring you and me"

"Wherever I go, there is sadness"

"The ignorant people are the masters of all living beings"

"Man prostrates, gods fear"

"The stars are shining, the light is burning"

"This is when the end comes"

"Terror, horror, extreme horror!"

"Extremely, extremely, extremely terrifying!"

The black cloud spun quickly following the melody of the ballad, forming a huge amounts of vortex, the center of the vortex was like a closed vertical pupil, trembling slightly.

Just like the posture of the guardian angel of heaven appeared on Natasha Romanoff, there is always a sense of disobedience.

But that weird holiness still makes people bow their heads.

When her body completely submerged into the "vertical pupil"-like vortex, the song came to an end.

"Praise your greatness, praise your kindness, devout believers pray to you, asking for a little power."

The vertical pupil opened suddenly!

A black light like a pillar of heaven penetrates the world!
