The Lord Of The New Dimension!

Beast Hank is an expert in technology. When it comes to the title of professor, he is much more genuine than Professor X.

Professor X is just a master in the field of biogenetics, but he is an all-rounder in all fields!

After thinking about it, you can understand the consequences.

This kind of distance running is useless, we can only hope that the location of the nuclear bomb explosion is far enough.

Otherwise, you will surely die!

They could all survive if a nuke went off in near-Earth space.

The power of the nuclear bomb is mainly concentrated in the Shockwave generated by the explosion, which is commonly known as the mushroom cloud!

In a vacuum environment, no Shockwave is generated, and heat energy is dissipated in the form of light in a very short time.

The biggest impact may be the subsequent radiation and the collapse of a large-scale electronic system under the impact of the charged particle flow. To put it bluntly, it is a giant EMP.

Now if they escape in a fighter plane, it would be really funny if the nuclear bomb didn't kill them, but they crashed and died instead.

"Stop, don't run."

After thinking about all this for a moment, he said calmly.

Sometimes ignorance is a kind of happiness, because ignorant people will never know what kind of despair they are facing!

Sometimes being erudite is a blessing, because the erudite person makes the best choice most of the time to meet hope!

All we can do now is wait.

Waiting for the judgment of fate!

Fortunately, their luck is good.

A bright light flashed across the sky.

Not even a sound came out.

They were rescued.

Natasha Romanoff threw the nuke far enough that it hit space junk before it exploded when it entered space.

It's just that this place can't stay longer, and Mutant is also afraid of radiation.

On this day, Apocalypse died, and the crisis in the human world was lifted.

All electronic systems around Cairo collapsed.

In low earth orbit, 7 artificial satellites crashed.

The damage caused is measured in astronomical figures.

Afterwards, officials all over the world unanimously used the most powerful means to block all videos about this battle.

Throughout the world, several small denominations were formed.

Many of them are denominations worshiping Natasha Romanoff as the god.

Most of them are sects that advocate destruction, and their teachings are to welcome the coming of the world-destroying god.

The image of the god is the black-robed god that appeared in the mind when listening to the ballad!

Once the world's top leaders discovered it, they suppressed it vigorously, and in the following decades, they spared no effort to destroy such cults.

As time went by, the information in this area was completely blocked, and the Battle of Apocalypse that took place in Cairo was gradually forgotten by people...

There are only a few people, hiding in the darkness, singing strange songs, bowing their heads devoutly and worshiping, quietly waiting for the coming of the gods!


A rapidly spinning eddy region somewhere in the river of time.

Alex, who was unaware of everything happening on Earth, finally opened his eyes.

The moment the black pupils lit up, the entire dimension appeared bright!

It's a warped dimension where everything is spinning erratically.

Finally, Alex completed the transfer of authority over the dark dimension.

Now, the only master of this dimension is him!

"It feels good."

What kind of experience is it to put a world in the palm of your hand? Alex now has a lot to say.

It was an indescribably wonderful feeling.

it's here.

He knows everything.

He is omnipotent.

In one thought, the world collapsed into the original Chaos.

In one thought, everything revives and turns into an ideal pure land.

This is the power of dimension master!

In this world, he is an absolute god!

Definitely, some beings that are powerful enough will not take this power in their eyes.

However, how many such characters will there be?

The current Alex is strong enough.

After feeling the power of "omniscient and omnipotent", he grabbed Dormammu's remnant body with his palm.

The huge remnants of sarcoma piled up suddenly collapsed inward, turning into a black sphere the size of a watermelon file in an instant.

The black ball quickly flew towards Alex. During the flight, the dry powder was constantly peeled off, and when it reached the palm, its image had changed drastically.

This is a black crown with no visible material. The central part of the crown is hollowed out, and the overall shape is simple, as if it is woven from thorns.

There are scattered drops of dew on the thorns of the thorns.

If you look closely, you will find that these drops of water are actually miniature stars.

Time flows extremely fast above the stars, and it only takes a blink of an eye for a civilization to appear and be born.

One after another the stars are disillusioned, and then appear from another branch.

Again and again, amazing!

One flower one world, one leaf one Bodhi.

That's probably what it looks like.

"As expected of the Lord of Dimensions, the original power in the remnant body is so powerful."

Alex said with emotion, the crown of thorns automatically flew up and put it on her head.

Then, he looked into the dimension.

The entire dimension is filled with slowly creeping tumors and spores, and the smell of Shab Nicholas' residual power can still be felt from it.