It's Time To Go Home!

Time is meaningless to some stalwart beings.

But for other life and civilization, time is the greatest force in the world, and also the most ruthless force.

Time gives life all meaning.

Time will deprive life of all meaning.

Time is relentless, it never stops.

It is already the year 2012 in the Earth's calendar.

In recent years, there have been many major events in the universe. The racial war between the Skrulls and the Crees ended briefly with the overall victory of the Crees.

The operation to exterminate the remaining forces is still going on.

However, the large-scale war in the Andromeda Galaxy has finally come to an end.

With the death of Ronan, the war lunatic, the Xandar Empire and the Cru Empire also reached a truce agreement.

A huge amount of celebration ceremony was held on Xandar, and the people of all races let go of all barriers and sang and danced to celebrate this hard-won peace.

In the towering Xandar council building.

The centurion of the Nova Corps, Steve Rogers, stood in front of the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the splendid Firework show.

He saw crowds of different ethnicities and their families cheering in the square.

I saw children bouncing around trying to catch the scattered electronic Firework with their palms.

Seeing the red-skinned Wismer star girl hugging and kissing the orange-skinned Wadri man.

he laughed.

He laughed very happily.

At this moment, all the sacrifices he made for peace are worth it.

"It's rare to see you smile like this."

The woman standing next to Steve reassured.

This is a graceful woman with short hair, she is the supreme leader of Xandar——Nova Supreme.

"Have it?"

There was a smile on Steve's lips.

"You have worked hard all these years."

Nova Supreme patted Steve's strong arm, his tone was very sincere.

"This is my duty, it's hard work."

Steve was very humble, and it could be heard from the earnest tone that he really thought so.

This is where his personal charm lies.

"By the way, do you have any new arrangements for calling me||?"

Nova Supreme nodded, and Tian Fen said seriously:

"Yes, very important!"

Steve's expression became serious in an instant, and it was his duty to say:

"I will do my best!"

"Centurion of the Nova Corps, Steve Rogers!"

"Please advise!"

"I have given you the highest mission with the authority of Nova Supreme. Please leave immediately and rush to the earth to be responsible for maintaining the safety of the earth. The mission deadline is to be determined!"

"Yes!" Steve answered loudly, then his expression froze, and he blurted out: "Earth?"

Nova Supreme showed a mischievous smile that didn't match his age, and seemed to like seeing Steve being teased.

"Yes, Steve, you've done enough for Xandar, now, you should go home and see..."

That night, the legion members held a farewell party for Steve, and a group of people got drunk alone.

In the early morning of the next day, as soon as the golden streamer shot up from the surface of the Xandar star, the speed became faster and faster, and it flew towards the earth at the speed of light!

The earth has undergone earth-shaking changes over the years.

Except for some areas, the cloud of war hanging over the head has completely disappeared.

Development and creation have become the main theme of the world.

The confrontation between various countries has also shifted from the field of war to the field of economy and culture.

The extraordinary power that had been glimpsed decades ago also seemed to disappear without a trace, and even Mutant became low-key.

The world has become extremely harmonious.

Definitely, in the past few years, superheroes have shown a tendency to rise again, but before the public has time to worry, superheroes are born one after another, fighting against evil forces without thinking about their own lives

Another order is established in invisible.

Most of the people are happy to see its success, and even yearn for it.

However, those who really know the truth of the world are worried.

The power to destroy order has appeared again, and whenever this power appears, it will always bring a crisis that human beings cannot contend with.

At that time, human life is like ants, and the only thing they can do is to kneel on the ground and pray, praying for heroes to save the world.

Other than that, they can't do anything.

This feeling of being cold and out of control is hopeless.

As the famous saying of Dr. Hank, who is responsible for X-Men intelligence, said.

Sometimes ignorance is a kind of happiness, because ignorant people will never know what kind of despair they are facing!

However, by the same token, they have already smelled the breath of despair, so they cannot be counted as ignorant.

So, they all believed in another sentence of Dr. Hank.

Sometimes being erudite is a blessing, because the erudite person makes the best choice most of the time to meet hope!

They have already started to act!

Using technology to arm themselves, they believe that sooner or later, the power of human beings will surpass the gods!

Everything, just to welcome the dawn of hope!

A day ago, somewhere outside the New York campus, a non-commissioned officer restricted area.

The S.H.I.E.L.D Joint Dark Energy Program R&D Center was established here.

The level of security here can be described as the highest in the United States.

A large number of S.H.I.E.L.D special operations troops are stationed at this base, guarding it 24 hours a day.

All kinds of high-tech weapons are readily available.

It is no exaggeration to say that this force can support a large-scale war zone at any time.

However, it was such a heavily guarded base that the highest level security alarm sounded today.

wow wow..."

In the silent night, the sound of the siren pierced the tranquility, instantly boiling up the entire base.

"Please note, this is not a drill!"

"All personnel quickly evacuate the base!"

The sirens sounded repeatedly, countless trucks and transport planes took off one after another, and a large number of people evacuated rapidly.

The root cause of this large-scale evacuation operation lies in the research room in the center of the base.

Compared with the surging crowds outside, this place looks extraordinarily empty.

In the center of the research room, there is a cube emitting blue light, which vents its power just like breathing.

Every time it lights up, the whole research room will shake slightly, and the amplitude will become bigger and bigger.

Light blue ripples surged regularly, Tesseract started to fluctuate abnormally again, this time the eruption was faster and stronger than before!

"Turn off all devices! Let's start the evacuation too!"

Erik Selvig, the project leader in a white coat, looked at the parameters soaring wildly on the screen, and finally gave up his last insistence.

Everyone in the research team immediately began to execute the order, and the entire base was like a sophisticated instrument, carrying out the final evacuation in an orderly manner.


The violent shaking almost caused several assistants who were packing up the materials to fall down.

The level of the energy explosion this time was much higher than before, and one of the steel beams at the top of the research room fell off, but fortunately no one was hit.


Professor Selvig stabilized his figure, as if he heard something.

"what sound?".