Chapter Twenty-One: The Poisoned Apple (Part IV)

Hayley's POV

I saw Rachel talking to the door and I overheard a little bit of what the doctor said, "Kudo-kun is fine." I felt a strike of joy through me as I heard that and hurriedly go inside the room.

There, I saw Jimmy sitting down on the bed. Hands are on his palm; his back was leaning onto the hospital bed with a pillow on support while looking at the huge window with light-emitting on it.

I smiled and took fast steps; then, I wrapped my arms around his neck so tight. I felt him flinched but that's fine. I'm happy right now and that's my concern for now.

I unwrapped my arms around his neck and looked at him with glee. I bit my lip. "I'm so glad you're fine, Jimmy," I said and puckered my lips. As my lips getting near to his, he suddenly pulled back making me frown. "What's wrong, baby?"

He stared at me for a moment with that curiosity enlightening on his eyes before pushing me slightly away from him.

That made me kind of feel sad. "What's wrong, Jimmy?" I asked again. This time, I was curious.

He tilted his head slowly as he still stared at me. I could feel the intense pressure. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Who" he questioned. My eyes widened as fear engulfed me.

"Jimmy, I'm your girlfriend, Hayley!"

Shinichi frowned as he still stared at me with innocent eyes. "Excuse me, miss. I don't bother to be rude but... who are you?"

I sighed heavily as I facepalmed myself. This is so stressful. "Look, I'll clear this. You don't remember me?" I pointed my finger from him to me.

"Clearly, I don't even know you. I don't even exactly know you. Meaning, you aren't even existing to my memories so how could I possibly don't remember you?" he interjected.

That hit me so hard in the chest. My heart crashed into so many pieces.

"Shinichi?" I looked to see Rachel looking at Jimmy straight in the eyes. Her eyes was shaking and her eyebrows were furrowed. She went near Jimmy without looking at me.

How dare she snobbed me?

"Shinichi," she called again, but softly as he held his hand. My blood boiled and my fist clenched as I stared at their hands. "Do you not know her?"

"Who is she, Ran?" he asked to her that made my heart twitched in pain inside.

My blood is boiling and I think my madness was about to burst. He remembered Ran but he can't remember me? My fist clenched tight as I looked to Ran's back straight.

If he can't remember me and I can't take him, then no one will.

Ran's POV

The doctor was called and checked Shinichi again, asking questions about Hayley.

"Do you remember her? Name? Occurence? Familiarization even in the slightest bit?" Shinichi shook his head and the doctor listed it.

"Why can't you just remember me?" I heard Hayley whined.

I feel so bad for her. She came here to have this bad news. I hugged myself in the coldness I'm feeling. "Doc, how come he didn't remember Hayley?" I asked.

My hands were shaking as I am listening to all of the doctor's words. "He has a short term memory loss. It would not be a permanent one which is a good news," he said. That's not a good news, at all. "Well, his condition was perfectly stable now and we knew the damaged part so he can go home," he added while nodding. That made me sighed in relief. "Well, in case there's a problem, call the hospital and we'll sent the ambulance right away."

We bowed down and say thank you to the doctor before he leaves with his assistant nurse.


The next day, Shinichi was being let out to the hospital and went home with my assist, Haibara and Agasa Hakase, but the doctor said he'll be confined still at home and needs to be careful for some things that might get triggered to his memory from the incident.

As I walked through the kitchen while pushing Shinichi's wheeling chair, the lights suddenly turned on and I flinched as I heard loud pops and cheers.

My eyes widened in fear and hurriedly checked Shinichi if he was okay. I sighed when I saw him staring at the people with wide smiles on their faces.

"Welcome back!" all cheered aloud and a small feast was held to the Kudo Family's house.

I left Shinichi to talk to the three kids as I went to my room to get something for his aid. I opened the door and was about to go and get what I needed when I saw someone sitting on my bed. Legs crossed with one eyebrow stuck up.

Her lips lips tugged up with her eyes firing in rage when her eyes met my shaking ones. "Hi there, Rachel," she said that sent chills down my spine.

I looked at my back. Once I knew no one was listening, I closed the door and locked it up. "What do you need?"

"Oh? Why so cold, Rachel?" She stood up and went to my back, her hands keep that coldness as she grazes it down my arms. My body stayed still, gulping a lump to my throat. I felt her breath on my ears as she slowly leaned in. "I only want you to do one thing for me," she said and I could feel her smirk staying on her lips.

"W-What is it?" I asked, having the chills still in my body.

"Kill him... for me," she replied.

My eyes slowly widened and looked at her. "How could I possibly do that?!" I shouted as I understood who's 'him' she's talking about.

"What?" she asked innocently as she flips her hair. "It isn't hard as you think, is it?"

"Of course it is!" I'm so frustrated right now! "How could you possibly kill someone you love with your own hands? Are you going crazy, Hayley?!"

She smirked. "You think I'd let you kill him with bloody hands?" she mocked and rolled her eyes playfully.

My eyes furrowed. "Huh?"

"You know the Snow White fairytale, right?" I nodded. "Then, do what the evil queen did there."

"Changing... character?"

"Idiot, no," she said. "I want you to do the poisoned apple."

My eyes widened. "What?!"

She walked to the vanity and I just noticed one fruit in there: an apple. "Here, an apple a day keeps the doctor away!" she cheered. She went back to me and put it on my palm. "Serve this to Jimmy and you can kill him with no hardships. Easy."

As if it was really easy.