It's the story of Christopher Admas and Grace Gomez and their Son Jonathan Adams Lost in the Dreamings.
It's been 6 years since Christopher and Grace got married, but unfortunately Grace can't be a mother. All those years they visited many doctors to find a solution to get them a Baby but they didn't help. Same as usual Christopher came home from His Office. It was the Dinner time Christopher and Grace sat and had Dinner, during dinner
Christopher: How was the day Today Grace?
Grace: As it's been. What about yours?
Christopher: Same here.
Grace: Hey Christopher, listen I was saying that... Uh...
Christopher: What?
Grace: Why don't we adopt a baby?
Christopher: Adopt?
Grace: Yeah, you know I'm tired of being alone and I can't wait more.
Christopher: I've talked to Dr. Ruth maybe she finds a solution.
Grace: But when? It's been 6 years they are saying that.
Christopher: Yeah, I now but she said she'll inform me as soon as she finds a way.
Grace: Yeah, but if it again failed then.
Christopher: Then we'll adopt. Okay?
Grace: Okay. As you say.
As they were talking Dr Ruth called Christopher.
Christopher: Hi.
Dr Ruth: Hi. Uh.. Christopher we've found a solution.
Christopher: What? Really?
Dr Ruth: Yeah. Dr Williams called me today and he said there's a possible way.
Christopher: Oh my god! Thank you, Very Much Dr. Ruth.
Dr Ruth: Don't worry, okay I want you both to Hit me up in Hospital, Okay?
Christopher: Yeah…Yeah Of course.
Dr Ruth: Okay then, catch ya later.
Christopher: Catch ya later.
Christopher put down his phone and seemed very Happy, Grace asked Him
Grace: You seem Over the Moon?
Christopher: Yeah, I am. Dr Ruth called and she said they've found a solution.
Grace: Really?
Christopher: Yeah.
Grace: Oh my God. Thank God.
Christopher: Okay then she wants us to Meet her at Hospital.
Grace: Okay.
Next day they went to Dr Ruth
Dr Ruth: Oh, there you are. Come sit please.
They both sit on the chairs Infront of Dr Ruth
Grace: uh. You said you've got a solution.
Dr Ruth: Yeah Of course. Listen Grace, I you've tried a lot and maybe it seem hard to you..
Grace: Yeah, it is.
Dr Ruth: I hope it would work.
Christopher: Yeah, we do.
Dr Ruth did what she had to then told them
Dr Ruth: Okay Grace hit you up as soon as Reports come, okay?
Grace: Yeah. Yeah okay.
Dr Ruth: Take care.
Grace: You too.
They then returned to their House.
Grace & Christopher both were waiting for Dr Ruth's call.
Christopher was at his Office & Grace was Home. Dr Ruth called Grace and Spoke
Dr Ruth: Congratulations Grace!
Grace: What?
Dr Ruth: You know what I'm saying.?
Grace: Does it work?
Dr Ruth: Yeah, the Reports are clear Now you can be a Mommy Grace.
Grace: Yeah, Thanks Alot Dr Ruth, Thank you Very Much.
Dr Ruth: oh. My pleasure! I think you better inform Christopher on you own.
Grace: Yeah, Yeah Why not.
Dr Ruth: Take Care.
Grace: You too.
Grace hanged up the phone and she was so happy and crying of Happiness.
She then called Christopher and spoke
Grace: It worked Christopher.
Christopher: What worked?
Grace: What? You forget about it.?
Christopher: What are you talking about?
Grace: Dr Ruth Called.
Christopher: Oh. Dr Ruth. What she said?
Grace: She said It Worked, I going to be Mommy and you Daddy.
When Christopher heard it, he said it loud
Christopher: Really? Oh my God I'm going to be Father. You heard it, James.
*James is His friend sitting near to him*
As time passes her belly got bigger then finally after 9 Months, they had a Babay Boy.
When Doctor Ruth told Christopher that they had a Baby Boy, he started to run in whole Hospital and saying that Loud
Christopher: We've got a Baby Boy, oh my God, oh my god, oh my god, Whoo…ho..
A Nurse came and said Christopher:
Nurse: Sir, Its Hospital, can you please lower your Volume, you're disturbing others.
Christopher: Oh sorry, I really forget where am I. Sorry.
After sometime Christopher went inside to see His Baby Boy. He Hold him and spoke
Christopher: Finally, you're here Buddy.
Grace: I think he's like you?
Christopher: What Like me? No I don't think so.
Grace: Why?
Christopher: He don't wear Glasses and he don't have Beard.
Grace: Really. *They laughed*
Christopher: What should we call him?
Grace: Jonathan!
Christopher: Jonathan. Yeah.
Both: Jonathan!
As time passes Jonathan Grew and become 10 years Old.
Same as Usual His Father tell him bed time story, His favorite Bed Time Story is "Droogs"
His father Tell Him story and Then his Father said
Christopher: Sweet Dreams, Pal.
Jonathan: You Too.
Jonathan then Sleep.
Now let's jump to The Dreamings...!
The Dreamings is the place Where the Dreams of Human are Controlled.
There's a giant building named as DCC Dream Control Centre. There are many Employees inside that Building, there were assistants sitting on their own posts as Dream Checkers who check what dreams are for today, Dream Writers who write the Dreams for the Dreamers, Dream Builders who build the Dream Background and everything a dreamer had dreamt, Dream Check Point the place where the employees are checked before they enter to the Dreamer's Door that they've got everything they needed. There are employees who operate Computers inside getting the information about the Dreams that will be dreamt coming night and also some got the information about the new born to add them to dreaming list and start to create a Dreaming Door for him/her.
The Head of the DCC Winston Arrived and asked Dixie the Watcher of Dreams
Winston: How's it going?
Dixie: Everything's Fine Sir.
As they were moving from the Dreams of Children, Jeff the Dream Checker telling Dreams to The Dream Builders
Jeff: We've got plenty of Dreams here,
Pattrick's Dream is about meeting Colorful Dragons, Maya wants to meet RDJ in her Home, William want River of biscuits and Rain of Cats and Dogs, Sarah wants to be part of Avengers with Cathor, Doki, Tin Man, Pink Hulk and herself as Ms. Sarah.
Winston then went to see nee born list, an employee showed him list and spoke
Employee: Sir we've got 16928 New Borns today including 9826 Boys and 7102 Girls.
Winston: Total Dreamers Today?
Employee: They 68 million 3 Lac 26 thousand 4 hundred & 4 total Dreamers are Active for Today.
Winston to All Employees
Winston: Everybody Concentrate Here. Our Duty is to serve the Dreams. Right?
All: Yes Sir!
Winston: Okay, hold your positions and be ready to enter the Dreaming Door in just 45 Seconds.
All: Yes Sir.
All employees went near to their Dreaming Door and waited for Alarm to bell so that they can enter and do their Job. After 45 Seconds Alarm ringed and they entered their Specific Dream Doors.
Same as Jonathan's Histrions Entered his Dreaming Door. His Histrions were from his favorite bedtime story "Droogs" Peanut the Green Grassy cat, Knuckles the White Raven,
Skylar the Colorful Robot.
As Jonathan closed his eyes in Waking World, he opened them in his Dreams.
He entered there, he saw the sky was pink with colorful clouds, the glowing Garden with huge trees. Then His Histrions arrived when he saw them, he said
Jonathan: Skylar, Peanut, Knuckles.
All: Hey Jonathan.
Peanut: Lets go to Chocolatevania.
Skylar & Knuckles: Why not.
Jonathan: To Chocolatevania.
Then they all headed to Chocolatevania.
That part of his Dream was totally made of Chocolates. There were Rivers of Chocolate, Bisco-Bridge, Castle-Choco, Cando-Bikes.
As they entered there, they started to play eat the Candies & Chocolates as more as they can. When Jonathan Saw Cando-Bikes Ge said
Jonathan: You wanna Ride Cando-Bikes?
Skylar: Cando-Bikes? Of course.
Peanut & Knuckles: We're in too.
Jonathan: Okay then let's see Who wins today?
Knuckles: Definitely I.
Peanut: Yeah, definitely you'll Lose.
Skylar: Really? King Skylar Always win.
Jonathan: Let's see. On my 3. Okay. 1...2...3...& go...
They then started to Race.
During Race Peanut to Knuckles
Peanut: Hey Knuckles, your bike's tire is outta air.
Knuckles: What? No, it can't be.
Knuckles stop and sees his Bike when he sees it was all right, she just tricked him to win the race.
Peanut: Laughs* Ahh Butt Head.
Knuckles: Angrily* Peanut I won't leave you.
Then Skylar pass by to Knuckles:
Skylar: Looks like someone's totally Pooped *laughs
Knuckles: Sighs* Oh God.
Now Jonathan's on 1st, Peanut's on 2nd & Skylar's on 3rd. Skylar is Behind Peanut said
Skylar: Hello Peanut!
Peanut: Oh! Hello Dope, Catch ya later.
After saying that she hit her leg to Skylar's Bike and get fell down.
Skylar: Peanut You...Dipstick...!
Peanut: oh, Thank you!
Now it's Only Peanut & Jonathan.
Peanut to Jonathan
Peanut: Await me.
Jonathan: Oh really...! I think I'm Lil' Busy here.
Jonathan was almost Winning but His dream was Complete cause it's time to wake up in waking World.
Grace came to Jonathan's Room to wake him up for School as she was calling him In waking world she also appeared there in his dream Infront of him, when he see her he said
Jonathan: Mom? What are you doing here move I'm just winning the race Mom Move.
But she waked him up in waking world, suddenly he disappeared from Dream and wakes in Waking World as he opened his eyes he said:
Grace: Rise & Shine Honey!
Jonathan: Mom I was just winning the Race and you...
Grace: What?
Jonathan: Ah. Never mind.
Grace: Okay, get up and prepare for School.
Jonathan: Oh... I Hate School.
Grace: Jonathan...!
Jonathan: Coming Mom.
He then woke up and prepared for school.
He then came down stairs
Christopher: Hey Pal! You awake?
Jonathan: Yeah Dad!
Grace: Sit & eat your Breakfast.
Jonathan: Okay Mom.
He & his dad had Breakfast. After Breakfast his dad brought his Car and called Him
Christopher: Hey Jonathan, Come-on get on the Car we're being late.
Jonathan: Comin' Dad.!
Grace kissed him and spoke
Grace: Hey take here and don't forget your Lunch, okay!
Jonathan: Okay Mom.
Grace: Promise?
Jonathan: Promise Mom.
Christopher: Jonathan, Come on!
Jonathan: Just There.
Christopher: What are doin'?
Jonathan: Mom you know.
They then headed to School, on way Christopher asked
Christopher: Hey Pal! You've remembered your Presentation, right?
Jonathan: Ah... Presentation...Yeah's all in my mind.
Christopher: Excellent! Well Good Luck.
Jonathan: Thanks Dad.
They reached at school he dropped off Jonathan and spoke
Christopher: Take Care.
Jonathan: You too Dad.
As He enters School, he met Chloe & Leo his Friends.
Leo: Hey Jonathan.
Jonathan: Hey Leo. Hey Chloe.
Chloe: Oh. Hi.
Leo: Are you ready?
Jonathan: For what?
Chloe: Presentation?
Jonathan: Oh. Presentation...It's just a piece of Cake.
Leo: Whoa…Whoa... When did you get so smart with Math's?
Jonathan: The Day I born.
They Entered their class and sat on their Own chairs. Then their Math's Teacher Mr. Beckett came to class and spoke
Beckett: Good Morning Class!
Class: Good Morning Sir!
Beckett: I think it's presentation Day, Right Jonathan?
Jonathan: Uh... Yeah…yeah It is..
Beckett: Okay then class put your hands together and Welcome Jonathan Adams on Board...!
Jonathan: What Me? But why me?
Beckett: I said Come out!
Jonathan: Oh God No...
He then went to board stand there acting nervously, as he was introducing himself
Jonathan: Umm... It's Jonathan Adams.
Beckett: We know you very well just skip the intro and move on...
Jonathan: Okay then...My topic is Set. So. It was first invented by. By... Garbage...Cantine. In... 1332..
Whole class was laughing on her Wrong name and date information.
Beckett: Silence.
All stopped laughing.
Beckett: Yes, where were we?
Jonathan: Ah... There are many types of set including Nail Set or Emperor Set.
Again, all laughed...
Beckett: Silence.
All stopped laughing
Beckett: Okay Jonathan. What was the topic?
Jonathan: Set.
Beckett: Spelling?
Jonathan: uh... S. A. T Set...
Beckett: Oh great. Get out...
Jonathan: What? But why?
Beckett: I said Get...Out...
He then went outside.
Beckett: Ivan. Come Here.
At Recess Time they met Jonathan to Leo
Jonathan: I hate him & Mathematics...
Leo: What? It's my Favorite...
Jonathan: Oh, then I Hate you Too...!
Leo: What? Jonathan...
Jonathan: What did I do?
Chloe: Whatever you did, you Worth it.
Jonathan: What? Are you Nuts?
Chloe: No, you are. First its George Canter and second its 1885 and third its Empty or Null Set S.E.T Okay you got it.
Jonathan: Oh really. Okay leave it.
His Father came to Pick him up.
Christopher: Hey Pal! How's your presentation?
Jonathan: Uh... Great. Excellent... I topped in Class.
Christopher: Whoa…Whoa... When did you get so smart with Math's?
Jonathan: Uh... The day you Born...
Christopher: What? Really.
They reached home Jonathan said
Jonthan: we're Home Mom.
Grace: Oh Welcome. You finished your Lunch.
Jonathan: Yeah, Nailed it.
Grace: Okay Great no go be fresh.
Jonathan: Okay Mom.
Grace checked his Lunch Box it was Same as she packed...
Grace: Jonathan...
Jonathan: Sorry Mom.
Jonathan came downstairs Grace asked
Grace: How was your Presentation?
Jonathan: It was uh...
Christopher: He topped in Class.
Grace: Really?
Jonathan: Yeah Mom, I topped in Class.
Grace: Show me the Result.
Jonathan: Uh... Result. I lost it.
Grace: What? You Lost it or hid it?
Jonathan: No…no just...
Grace: Jonathan...
Jonathan: Sorry, I lied...
Christopher: What? Pals don't Lie.
Jonathan: Sorry Dad, Sorry Mom.
Grace: Why are you lyin' whole the time?
Jonathan: Sorry Mom, you know Math's not my Piece of my cake, I can't understand it.
Grace: But you've tried. Try to understand.
Jonathan: Sorry, there's no Enough storage in my head for Math's, okay.
Grace: What?
Then Leo and Chloe Arrived Leo to Jonathan
Leo: Hey Jonathan come on.
Jonathan: Okay Mom I gotta go. I'll be back soon.
Grace: Hey…hey...
Christopher: He leave him, let him go.
Grace: But he...
Christopher: No Buts...
Grace: Sighs* Okay. Take care Jonathan.
Jonathan: Okay Mom.
He took his Cycle and joined Leo & Chloe.
Jonathan: Let's have a race. One who win will get a Burger.
Leo: Guess I'm going to have it.
Chloe: Oh really, let's see.
Jonathan: Okay Guys, 3....2....1...go.
During Race Chloe was on 1st, Jonathan on 2nd and Leo was last.
Chloe and Jonathan were so fast but Leo was totally exhausted and can't go more so he stopped to breath easily.
Jonathan was just goin' to be on 1st but little kitty showed up to save that kitty he hit brakes but he was in high speed so couldn't control them and fell down
Jonathan: Oh…no…no…no shit...
She fell down and got scratch on his knee and arm.
Chloe: Hey…Hey are you okay?
Jonathan: Yeah, I'm okay.
Chloe: Get up gimme your hand.
He gets up then went home on way
Jonathan: I was just winning it.
Chloe: Unfortunately, not, looks like you've to pay for Burger Right?
Jonathan: Okay!
They then went home.
As Jonathan was hiding from his mother try to sneak to his room but he couldn't his mom caught him
Grace: Hey you back?
Jonathan: Yeah, I'm. I gotta go, I'll be back soon.
Grace: Jonathan listen.
He didn't hear his mom and went upstairs to his room and spoke
Jonathan: Thank God, she didn't notice.
He then took off his jacket and pulled his paint up to knees to see the scratches.
Jonathan: Oh god!
As he was checking his scratches his mom arrived when she saw his scratches she said
Grace: Hey Jonathan, what happened? How'd you get it.?
Jonathan: No, I just fell...
Grace: Just sit there I'll be back
She went to bring Aid Box and she cleaned her scratches and asked
Grace: How did it happened?
Jonathan: I just fell down.
Grace: Lying Again!
Jonathan: No Mom I'm not.
Grace: Okay them Don't talk to me.
She stood up moved to door them Jonathan said
Jonathan: What? No…no Mom Listen.
Grace: Don't talk to me?
Jonathan: Sorry Mom I was lying.
Grace: How many times I've told you don't lie to me it's a bad habit.
Jonathan: Sorry Mom I won't lie again I promise.
Grace: You've promised me a thousand times...!
Jonathan: No, this time Pinky Promise.
Grace: You'll lie again.
Jonathan: I swear I won't Mom. I Promise if I lie then punish me, okay?
Grace: Okay...that's the last time.
Jonathan: Okay.
Grace: You know we care for you cause you're what we've got only. If you got hurt it hurt us too. And I don't want to lose you. Okay. crying*
Jonathan: Hey Mom Don't cry.
He then hugged her and spoke
Jonathan: You're also what I've got only, without you I'm nothing I'm like a Dream without Deadline. & I promise I won't Lie again.
Grace: Okay. Come downstairs its dinner time.
Jonathan: Comin' Mom.
They were sitting on Table Eating Jonathan to Christopher
Jonathan: Dad!
Christopher: Yeah.
Jonathan: I was thinking about a trip?
Christopher: A trip?
Grace: To where?
Jonathan: Uh... Never mind...
Christopher: Hey Pal, tell me where?
Grace: Yeah, come on tell.
Jonathan: uh... Maybe... To... Paris If it's possible?
Both: Paris?
Grace: Really?
Jonathan: No, I just suggested.
Christopher: You wanna go to Paris Pal?
Jonathan: No…no... It's a long way.
Christopher: Okay then we are going to Paris.
Grace: What?
Christopher: Yeah, Comin' Summer.
Jonathan: Really Dad?
Christopher: Yeah of course.
Jonathan: Oh my gosh oh my gosh I don't believe I'm going to visit Paris. Thank you, Dad.
Grace: Okay then Add me up.
Jonathan: Yes! Thank-you Dad, Thank you Mom.
Grace: Okay then Now Promise me again you won't lie to us, right?
Jonathan: I promise, Mom I won't.
Christopher: Oh, that's my Boy.
After Dinner Christopher & Grace read him a Bedtime Story so that he can Sleep, then they turn off the lights & went to their room.
Now Jonathan's sleeping!
Let's jump to the Dream again....
At DCC everyone was on their duty to Serve, some do write the Dreams, some build the Dream, some watch the Dreams. Same as usual all Histrions gathered and stood Infront of their specific Dream Door waiting for alarm to ring to get inside. Everyone was there to wait but Jonathan's Histrions were still absent they were not there for his Dream. Still DCC management didn't know about it that there's a dream that will start but will be empty. Alarm ringed all went to their specific Doors but Jonathan's Door was still empty. Without even noticing it the DCC management allowed the Dreams so for the Jonathan. As Jonathan slept, he found himself in his Dream. His today's Dream was about The Trip to Paris but totally different it was Paris but totally fantasized floating in Sky with Pink Sky and Colorful Clouds, even though the Eiffel Tower was made up of Chocolate.
His Dream is created cause the Dream Builders Did their Job to build it and it was empty cause Dream Histrions were not there to serve their Duty.
Jonathan now is in his Dream; he followed that beauty of his Dream. On way he took a chocolate to eat it. He was eating it moving ahead near to the Exit Door which will lead him outta his Dream and he'll be in The Dreamings. As he was moving, he saw a Door that was Exit Door, he went near to it.
On the other side his Histrions Peanut, Skylar and Knuckles reached at DCC and were going to their Dream Door. As they were running Dixie saw them and asked
Dixie: Hey you what are you doing here?
Peanut: Uh... We're going to our Dream Door.
Skylar: Yeah, Dream Door.
Dixie: Dream Door & Now? Are kidding.
Peanut: No, we're not.
Dixie: The Dreams have been started & you idiots are still out there. Oh god No. Whose Door, is it?
Peanut: Its Jonathan Adams.
Dixie went inside to check Jonathan Adams Dream; she searched his Name on list his dream showed Activated she then opened his Dream to see where is he know. She didn't find Jonathan there and spoke
Dixie: Oh no…no…no shit... Shit...
Dixie called his Histrions and said them
Dixie: Hey you Idiots, go to your Dream Door and Find him where is he? Go…go...
They all went to their Dream Door to find Jonathan.
On other hand Jonathan found that Exit Door and entered there, for now he's not in his Dream he's in Dreaming.
His Histrions went inside to find him Peanut said
Peanut: Skylar you go Left.
Skylar: On it.
Peanut: Knuckles, you go right. And I'm going straight, okay.
Knuckles: Okay.
Peanut: Try to search everything don't let him find Exit Door, you understand?
Both: Yeah, we got it.
Then they all went to the directions as they were suggested to find Jonathan. Every one calling Jonathan on their sides
Peanut: Jonathan, where are you, look who's there, its Peanut, Jonathan?
Skylar: Hey Buddy, where are you, King Skylar needs you, hey Jonathan?
Knuckles: Human Jonathan look who's there it's me Knuckles, come on where are you can you fix my Screws, I think they're getting loose, Jonathan?
All were funding Jonathan but they can't find him. They all just take round of that Dream and ended at Exit Door, & it was opened.
Peanut: Shit.
Skylar: We're Doomed...
Knuckles: Uh... Oh...
As Jonathan was not in His Dream when he got out of there the alarm at Watcher room Ringed. That Alarm ringed for the time in DCC's History because it was about a Dreamer has crossed the line and is not in his Dream. When Dixie saw it she totally got worried.
Dixie then called Chief Enzo and Spoke
Dixie: Hello Chief, do you copy?
Chief: Yeah, copy that.
Dixie: We've got a situation here, come quickly.
Chief: What? Okay I'm comin! '..
Jonathan's Histrions came out side of the Door because they didn't find him & he escaped his Dream because of their late coming mistake.
At the time Chief Arrived and asked
Chief: Hey Dixie, what happened?
Dixie: A dreamer is outta his Dream & is in Dreamings we need to find him.
Chief: What? How'd it happened?
Dixie: Those Idiots were late & I also didn't check the Histrions presences and activated dreams.
Chief: Shit.
Chief then called his soldiers and spoke
Chief: Jeff, do you copy, its Chief, Jeff?
When Chief called Jeff he was not there but there was another Soldier was sitting Tod who said to Jeff
Tod: Sir...
Jeff: What?
Tod: I think its Chief calling' you.
Jeff: What? Why don't you answer him.
Jeff then ran and replied to Chief
Jeff: Yes Sir, Jeff speaking.
Chief: Where have you been?
Jeff: Sorry Sir, was in Toilet.
Chief: Listen Jeff, I want you to prepare at least 5 units and bring them here at the Exits of Dream Doors, immediately!
Jeff: On its Sir.
Jeff to Tod
Jeff: Tod, get up and call the Units we need to leave as soon as possible.
Tod: Okay Sir.
On the other side as Jonathan entered the Exit door he fell down because there were no any stairs and he don't know about it so he fell.
Jonathan: Oh no... No... No ouch... Jesus.
When he fell down, he gets up and looked, Infront of him there were a Thousand Colorful Doors hanging there, he said
Jonathan: Oh my God! That many Doors.
He then looked on his back there was a Glowing Forest with Beautiful and weird Colorful Trees and Flowers he said
Jonathan: Oh, my Goodness! Where am I?
He then saw a Cute Little One-Eyed Monster There in the Forest he said
Jonathan: What is it?
He went near to it was beautiful and cute, he wanted to touch him but it got scared and ran to forest he said
Jonathan: Oh Running? Hmph... I'll get ya.
He then ran after that Monster.
On the other side Jeff brought units to the Exits of Dream Doors. Chief separated them to whole forest to find Jonathan. They all were finding Jonathan in Forest.
Here Jonathan by running after that Monster he reached "The Rockings" The place having giant colorful Rocks, flowing River, trees and many little Monsters in it. When he saw he said
Jonathan: Oh my god! The valley of Cute Monsters.
He tried to touch a monster but when he touched, it got scared and started to run in the forest back by looking at one all started to run after it.
Jonathan: Uh... Oh... Shit...
All monsters ran to the Forest and left the Rockings empty with Jonathan.
On the other side the soldiers were finding Jonathan, Bruno, when he saw the movement in trees due to running of those monsters said Jeff
Bruno: Sir!
Jeff: What?
Bruno: I think something's is coming from forest.
Jeff: What?
When they saw monsters running towards them Jeff said
Jeff: uh... Oh... Take a side stay away from those monsters they'll drop you.
All took a side and made way for those monsters to run.
Chief: Why are they running?
Jeff: I don't know sir?
Chief: Maybe that Kid's there. Go…go move to the Rockings, move...
Then they went there to the Rockings.
On the other side Jonathan was looking at the Giant Colorful Rocks he got amazed as he was going to touch a Rock, he fell down to an Invisible Portal by the rock he wants to touch. The place he fell down is unknown to everyone on The Dreamings.
There soldiers arrived at The Rockings they searched Jonathan Every Where but Couldn't find him because he was not there.
Chief: Did you find Him?
Jeff: Still not.
Tod: Sir!
Jeff: What?
Bruno: I think he Disappeared.
Jeff: Yeah, I can see!
Dixie called Chief
Dixie: Hello Chief, you got him, we are outta time?
Chief: We've lost I'm!
Dixie: What? Are you kidding me Chief?
Chief: No, I'm not, over!
Dixie: But... Hey... *call ended* Shit... Shit. Shit.
Chief came to DCC to Dixie
Dixie: Chief what you said?
Chief: I've told you we've lost him.
Dixie: What? You know what does that mean? Dreams departure mind from body. Okay! If we can't find her before dawn she won't awake, and we've got only 13 Minutes, after that they'll awake, Chief!
Chief: highly voice* Then what should I do, is it my mistake?
Dixie: What? You're blaming on me.
Chief: Then who? It was your responsibility to check who's in or not, right?
Dixie: Yeah, but...
Chief: But what? Hn...
Dixie: But you should find him everywhere he can't go so far.
Chief: We are... We are... Okay.
Otto: Dixie, it's time awake kids.
Dixie: Okay do it.
Otto: But what about that Kid?
Dixie: Leave him and awake others.
Otto: Okay, as you say!
He then presses the button to awake kids. After that kids awake and employees job got done.
In the Waking World, every kid woke up who was dreaming except Jonathan...!
Aa usual Grace came to Jonathan's Room to wake him up for School, she said
Grace: Rise & Shine, Honey. Come on wake up.
She said it and went downstairs to prepare breakfast. After sometime Christopher came and asked Grace
Christopher: Hey Grace, Is Jonathan up?
Grace: Oh... I've told him, maybe he's preparing.
Christopher: Yeah maybe. Give him time.
Jonathan still didn't show up
Christopher: Hey Pal, Come on, we're late.
Jonathan didn't reply so Grace went to see why is he not responding. When she went there, He was still asleep, she said
Grace: What? Jonathan? You're not up yet?
She went near him and spoke
Grace: Hey, You okay Jonathan?
Jonathan didn't respond neither opened eyes.
Grace tried to wake him up but he was not, she got worried and started to cry
Grace: Hey Baby, wake up, what happened, wake up, Jonathan.
Christopher was downstairs waiting for Jonathan to come he said
Christopher: What's taking so long?
He then went upstairs to see where are they. When he went there, he saw Grace was Crying and Jonathan was Sleeping when he saw it, he got worried and came near to Jonathan and asked
Christopher: Hey…hey, Grace What happened? Why are you crying?
Grace: Look, Jonathan's not opening his eyes.
Christopher: What?
Then Christopher started to wake him up
Christopher: Hey Pal, wake up, what happened? Jonathan, Jonathan!
He still didn't wake up so Christopher took him to the Hospital to see what happened?
They both took him to Hospital and Spoke
Christopher: Doctor, Doctor!
Doctor: What Happened Sir?
Christopher: He's not waking up please do something.
Doctor: Okay…Okay Lay him down we'll see, you wait outside okay.
Then Doctors took him inside to see what happened to him. After sometime Doctor came and spoke
Doctor: He's all right.
Christopher: Thank God!
Grace: Thank God!
Doctor: But... He's in... Coma... Maybe?
Christopher: Coma? What do you mean?
Grace: Coma, are you kidding Doctor?
Doctor: No why would I, but you've to admit it.
Christopher: What to admit? He was all right last night; how could you say that?
Doctor: Okay, then did he have any Brain Injury or…
Christopher: No never...!
Grace: But last day he fell of his Bicycle, but he was alright just got scratched on his Knee & Shoulder. I didn't see anything on his head even he was wearing Helmet.
Doctor: Maybe he got hit and...
Grace: No... I told you I saw him he was all right just got scratched, that's it.!
Doctor: Maybe we could find out what happened through X-ray.
Christopher: Do what you've to, just save my son...!
After X-ray, the reports showed nothing
Doctor: According to reports he didn't get any wound on his head. We can't do anything!
Grace: What? But you're Doctor.
Doctor: I can only say that he could awake anytime & you know maybe day or weeks or years...! Sorry... You can take him Home.
Then they brought him home...!
As they brought him Home laid him in his own room. Christopher & Grace both were so worried and sad about Jonathan.
Grace all day sitting with Jonathan holding his hand hoping that he'll awake.
Christopher contacted many Doctors to help Jonathan awake but everyone said Coma... We can't do anything.
On other side Jonathan fell into Invisible Portal that led him to another dimension.
That Dimension was Dark dimension. As he fell there, he saw everything was Dark no colors just everything was like abundant and there were Living Roots that were spread all over place. There was something that swooped behind Jonathan, he looked back there was no body there. He ignored it but again it happened he got scared and spoke
Jonathan: Hello! Who's there?
Again, it happened & got more scared and spoke
Jonathan: Who's there? Hello?
Then suddenly a Wolf life glowing Dark Scary Monster appeared. When Jonathan saw him he got scared again and tried to run away from that Monster, Running & Yelling said
Jonathan: Help! Anybody Help! Help Me!
The Monster was also behind him, as he was running suddenly, he got stepped by one of those Living Roots and Fell down. Wanted to stand and run again but Those roots hold his Leg tight so he can't run. He tried to get that Root off but he can't. The Monster came near to him and was likely to Open its Mouth but suddenly someone arrived there and Hit that Monster so get its concentrate towards him that could help Jonathan
escape. But he can't cause his leg was held by Roots so he can't. That guy through his dagger to Jonathan and spoke
Bruno: Hey Kid, get that and cut that Root.
Jonathan: Okay.
He took it and cut the Root on his leg.
Other side Bruno was fighting with that monster said Jonathan
Bruno: Hey Kid, gimme that dagger.
Jonathan: But how?
Bruno: Throw it!
Jonathan: What?
Bruno: Now!
Jonathan then threw dagger towards him but it can't reach there
Jonathan: uh... Oh...
Bruno: Oh God, are you not strong enough to throw it?
Jonathan: I'm trying!
He again threw it but it didn't reach there.
Bruno was fighting with Monster with his hands and legs means kicking & punching him but he needed the dagger to stab him so it could get away. He then somehow pulled Monster towards dagger and took dagger then stabbed it in his back, when he stabbed it, it yelled out of pain and runaway.
Bruno Sighing...
Bruno: Oh God! *Sighing
He then looked at Jonathan and asked
Bruno: Hey Kid, who are you?
Jonathan: I'm Jonathan Adams.
Bruno: What are you doing here?
Jonathan: I don't know I just fell off that thing.
Bruno: Okay, we gotta go it's not safe here. Cone with me.
Jonathan: But I wanna go home.
Bruno: Forget about it.
Jonathan: What?
Bruno: Stay quiet, they could hear us.
Jonathan: Who?
Bruno: Those monsters! There are many of them.
Bruno then takes him to his House where he lives, as they entered there Bruno said
Bruno: Ta... Da... Welcome to Bruno's Dark Paradise!
Jonathan: Dark Paradise?
Bruno: Yeah, you see anything bright here?
Jonathan: uh... nope...!
Bruno: Then Welcome.!
Jonathan: How do you find me?
Bruno: Oh. That... As usual I went to DDCC to see what's new, then I entered DDWR where there's an Alarm that haven't ring before but unfortunately today it rang so I went to The Rockings thought whoever is out maybe fell here so I went there and sat on that Giant Tree and waited, I waited a lot so I decided to go back No one's coming here, as I headed back here I heard you Screaming & Begging for Help and After that you know what happened.
Jonathan: I've some questions what's DDCC & DWR & what's that Alarm?
Bruno: oh. DDCC means Dark Dream Control Center originally its Dream Control Center but here I prefer Dark and DDWR means Dark Dream Watcher Room and the
Alarm it's an Alarm definitely if you heard it means A Dreamer just escaped his Dream and Is in The Dreamings that's very dangerous for Dreamings.!
Jonathan: I don't get it.
Bruno: Well, Congratulations, what's your name?
Jonathan: Its Jonathan.
Bruno: oh... Congratulations Jonathan now you are on The Wrong Wrong side of Reality. You're in The Nightmares Now!
Jonathan: What? Nightmares?
Bruno: Yeah...
Jonathan: I still don't get it.
Bruno: What's hard to understand?
Jonathan: You think I'm Sherlock who could understand that thriller...
Bruno: Wait. Who's Lock?
Jonathan: It's Sherlock!
Bruno: oh. Sorry, Who's that Sherlock?
Jonathan: You don't know him?
Bruno: No... I haven't heard that name before.
Jonathan: He's the most intelligent Detective from Sherlock Home series.
Bruno: Hmph... Intelligent Detective, I don't like him.
Jonathan: Can you please tell me where are we?
Bruno: Okay, do you have Parents?
Jonathan: Yeah, my dad & Mom.
Bruno: Okay what's the last thing you remember with them?
Jonathan: Uh... As usual my dad read bed time story for me then...then... What?
Bruno: What happened then, you remember anything?
Jonathan: No then I was in Paris but it was totally different blue clouds pink sky floating Eiffel Tower.
Bruno: Okay, kid now listen, after that bed Time story you slept then you had Dream of Paris...
Jonathan: Its Paris...
Bruno: Paris., whatever it is, then you must have found a door and entered there, right?
Jonathan: It was a white door!
Bruno: Then you must fell down there and saw a Thousand Colorful Doors hanging over there, a glowing colorful forest with different type of amazing trees and flowers and a River, right?
Jonathan: Yeah,
Bruno: Then you could have wandered there and somehow reached near Invisible Portal fell down then here you are. That's it knows you got it.
Jonathan: Yeah, but if I'm asleep now then I can wake myself and go back home, right?
Bruno: No, you can't.
Jonathan: But you said I'm dreaming, right?
Bruno: You can't awake until are out of your Dream Door, so do you...!
Jonathan: But if I'm sleeping then when will I awake?
Bruno: When you're back to your Dream Door.
Jonathan: Then let's go find that Door.
Bruno: We can't.
Jonathan: But... Why?
Bruno: Listen Kid, we're trapped in Nightmares and there's no way out.
Jonathan: The portal where I came here?
Bruno: I know, I also came here by that portal but it's very dangerous to get there, because you saw that Monster and Living Roots there are many of them.
Jonathan: But my mom & Dad, they'd be worried about me.
Bruno: Yeah, I know, but you've to "Accept the Unexpected" ...!
On the other side Grace and Christopher were just sitting right next to Jonathan's bed hopping that he'll be back. Christopher to Jonathan
Christopher: Hey Pal, wake up look we are all alone here, we can't feel ourselves, your Mom she's completely broken whole day neither eating nor leaving your hand just crying & you know what we're nothing without you Pal, please wake up or do some Miracle, please Wake up, open your eyes, we can't wait more, Wake up...! *crying*
At DCC Chief called Jonathan's Histrions and asked
Chief: Where were you all?
Peanut: On our way Sir.
Chief: On your way, you forget you need to reach here at least 30 Minutes before its Night in Waking World.
Skylar: Sorry Sir.
Chief: highly voice* Sorry Sir, you think what because of sorry he'll be back and everything will be normal. Hn... Are you kidding me! Because of you Fools, a dreamer is missing & you know what does that mean? It means he's in Coma, can't awake until he gets back to his Dream Door, you understand...?
All: Yes Sir!
Chief: If you want to be the Part of DCC, then go find him and bring him back otherwise you all will be Banished. You understand...?
All: Yes Sir!
Chief: Now go, don't come back until you get him...!
On the way Nexus
Nexus: I'm totally doomed.!
Skylar: Sounds Banished to me!
Peanut: Hey Guys, can you please take it serious for once.
Skylar: What Serious at last they are going to banish us.
Peanut: What? We can find him.
Nexus: How?
Peanut: He escaped from Exit Door, right! He must have entered the Forest, okay!
Skylar: Okay!
Peanut: After that it's "The Rockings" then its "The Desertings" right?
Nexus: So, you think we could find him in all that giant area?
Peanut: No who said that!
Skylar: You!
Peanut: Oh god! Listen it's been 7 Hours since Jonathan's missing, & in 7 Hours he can't wander all these 3 places, so it means he's somewhere in the Rockings or The Woodings, so we need to start searching him, right guys?
Skylar: Uh... Okay... I'm in!
Nexus: Add me up too!
Peanut: Okay, we'll start from Exits.
Then they went to Exists to find Jonathan.
When that news reached to Zoob she immediately came to Dixie to find what exactly happened there. Zoob went to Dixie's and spoke
Zoob: Hi...!
Dixie: oh... Hi Zoob!
Zoob: What Happened?
Dixie: Alot... Alot... Happened...
Zoob: Tell me maybe I can help!
Dixie: No, you can't!
Zoob: Okay, then tell me what is it!
Dixie: A boy named Jonathan Adams escaped his Dream and found Exit Door, entered Dreamings then lost!
Zoob: Escaped? How did he find Exit?
Dixie: Those idiots, his Histrions were late & we activated the Dreams!
Zoob: Have you found him or not?
Dixie: Negative, we can't find him like he's disappeared or something?
Zoob: Disappeared! Like My Dad!
Dixie: No Zoob, your father is dead.
Zoob: He's lost!
Dixie: What? Everybody believes that he's dead!
Zoob: Not me!
Dixie: You've to! It's been 9 years since his death.
Zoob: It doesn't matter its 9 or 900 I don't care & I believe he's still alive just Lost somewhere and I'll find him.
Dixie: He was searched whole Dreamings & didn't found it means he got banished maybe his time was up!
Zoob: No way, & the Kid he's also lost like Dad & are somewhere we don't know!
Dixie: Zoob you're not understanding what I'm saying?
Zoob: I understand everything, Thank You!
Zoob then left...!
In the Nightmares Jonathan was sitting and singing the Song in slow voice
Jonathan: Fly me to the moon
Let me play up there with those stars
Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars"
When Bruno heard him singing, he came near and spoke
Bruno: Hey Kid, Singing?
Jonathan: Yeah! Just felt alone so singing it, cause it's the song my mom & Dad used to sing for me!
Bruno: Oh... That's great, but don't think you're alone, I'm with you, I know the pain of being away from our dearests.
Jonathan: How long have you been here?
Bruno: oh... It's been 9 years I'm stuck here
Jonathan: 9 years...! All those years, so you've been fighting those monsters...!
Bruno: Yeah, it's easy to fight, not that easy to Survive here.! I also had a life back there, a life that glows, a life that a man need to live like a life a Dreamer live when he Dreams!
Jonathan: How'd you end up here?
Bruno: It's a long story!
Jonathan: Then make it brief!
Bruno: Well, before that I was The Chief of DCC, the place you just escaped. It was my duty to protect DCC & The Dreamings, as my habit I used to wander the empty places of Dreamings when I had no work to do. Then, one day I was wandering The Rockings, as I was passing by I saw some parts of land were dark like an ash, I went near it & wanted to touch it, as I touched it disappeared, I got amazed what was that, then I again tried to touch other it also disappeared, then I pursuit those Dark Spots, they led me to the Center of The Rockings, I saw there was Something Dark & Scary sitting there and eating something, I went near that thing and said "Hey, What are you doing Here? Hey" that thing turned and looked at me it was Totally scary having big teeth, glowing dark eyes & eating a little Monster living in The Rockings, & the place where it was sitting totally turned dark and even spreading more towards the surrounding, I thought it could destroy the Dreamings cause the colors were disappearing and Dreamings is totally made up of Colors, I forget my gun so put my dagger out and said " Hey, who are you? What are you doing here? " that monster didn't replied and it started to run towards me so do I ran towards it to kill him I fought with that Monster and stabbed him many times on its back but it was so strong I can't defeat it then that thing generated roots from its body and hold me tight and came near to me it was again generating the roots from its mouth it almost got me but suddenly my Daughter Zoob came and she stabbed him for a moment that thing let me free and moved backwards, I fell down and was sighing and coughing then my daughter came and said
Zoob: Dad, are you okay!
Bruno: Never better but what are you doing here?
Zoob: I followed you, Dad!
Bruno: But why?
Zoob: just wanted to know where you are going!
Bruno: Really!
Zoob: Sorry, what's that thing?
Bruno: It's very dangerous, now you go back.
Zoob: But I won't leave you here I'll help you!
Bruno: No, you're don't know how to fight, you're not prepared yet!
Zoob: No, I can...!
Bruno: I said go back and inform Jeff that I need some units here immediately! Go. Go
Zoob: Nc. I won't...
Bruno: I said go. *Angrily
She then left and that Monster again got me & drag me towards the portal where he came from and then I found myself here.
I was afraid of what I don't know cause this place was totally scary and Dark. I somehow escaped and reached here, whatever I saw it was same as in The Dreamings but the dark, Cracked, abundant & covered with Living roots it was like the Other Down side of Dreamings called Nightmares! When the first time I came here I was scared like you worried about my 10 years old Daughter Zoob and The Dreamings and DCC all those years I learned to fight and fought many monsters and killed them but they were many that I can't fight so started to hide fund a place where they can't find me and here it is the Most Hidden place, that's how I ended up here"
Jonathan: Did you ever tried to find a way out?
Bruno: I tried & found it but can't get there!
Jonathan: But why?
Bruno: Because there are many of them & I can't fight them with this dagger!
Jonathan: But you said you killed many of them!
Bruno: Yeah, but one by one not Hundreds at a time, to get outta here we need guns!
Jonathan: Why don't we find them?
Bruno: For that we need to be ouuta here because they are in The Dreamings.!
Jonathan: So, we're trapped here?
Bruno: Yeah, I guess for now only prayers can save us!
Christopher: Hey pal, the days are acting like years! It's you Who brought happiness to this family. I know sometimes your mom gets hard on you because she cares about, she loves you more than everything. Whenever you got sick, she always worried about you, cause you're what We've Dreamt of and I've ordered a bicycle for you that's coming tomorrow and I want you to ride it in the morning. Okay! Don't think that you're stuck all alone, No... remember "You're Just Dreaming right now, it's your own world" Whenever you think you're in trouble just sing it
"Fly me to the moon
Let me play up there with those stars
Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars..."
After that Christopher dozed off. As he sleeps had a dream where the sky is pink, Clouds are blue, Eiffel Tower floating in air, houses made up of Chocolate, everything was like fantasy. He walked slowly there looking at those weird things.
It was not his dream but Jonathan's he somehow entered his dream. DCC don't know about it because they've ceased Jonathan's Dream Door. Before all of that Happened, when Zoob met Dixie, she didn't go home but she stayed there and went to The Exits. She wanted to visit Jonathan's Dream Door so she sneaked there through The Exits. She was wandering his dream suddenly Christopher entered the Dream...
Zoob: Who's that? It doesn't seem like a Kid!
She then remembered a fact that her father told her " Any of parents Mom or Dad can once visit the Dream of their child when they've got Undying Hope.
She understands that it's that "once".
Other thing she has stolen the Book of The Dreamings, it can't be opened unless a human places his hand on it.
She stole Book because it was the only clue that'll lead to her father and had many unknown secrets of The Dreamings! Thinking all that in her mind she went near Christopher and spoke
Zoob: Hi.
She suddenly appeared Infront of him so he got scared and said
Christopher: Ah... Sighs* You sacred me...!
Zoob: Oh... Did I...?
Christopher: Who are you?
Zoob: I'm Zoob!
Christopher: Where am I, what's all this?
Zoob: It's just a Dream!
Christopher: A Dream?
Zoob: Yeah, but not yours...
Christopher: Then?
Zoob: Your son's!
Christopher: What? Jonathan's Dream...?
Zoob: Yeah!
Christopher: How'd you know that?
Zoob: oh... That. I live here...!
Christopher: What?
Zoob: You're now in the Dreamings, the world of Dreams that manage children's Dream...!
Christopher: Really...?
Zoob: Yeah!
Christopher: If it's Jonathan's dream, he must be here...
Zoob: Yeah, he was but he's lost!
Christopher: No.. No... He's not lost he's home but he's in...
Zoob: Coma, right?
Christopher: Yeah, but How'd you know that?
Zoob: Well, he's not in Coma, he can't awake until he brought back here to his Dream.
Christopher: What do you my by "Brought back here".?
Zoob: He's out there in Dreamings because he somehow found exit door, escaped & lost!
Christopher: How can we find him?
Zoob: We can, if you help me...
Christopher: I'll help, I'll do whatever you want, I just want my son back...!
Zoob: Okay, then follow me...!
Zoob takes him towards exit door, she opened it, as she opened the door Christopher went in there, Zoob said
Zoob: Hey...hey... hey... Stop there are no...
Christopher fell down
Zoob: Stairs!
Christopher: Ah... Jesus! It hurts...!
Zoob: Yeah! I told you to stop!
Christopher: You didn't!
Zoob: You didn't listen!
Christopher then saw those many doors
Christopher: OMG! That many doors! Are you sure you manufacture Doors or Dreams?
Zoob: What? No... They are Dream Doors of Every child on earth.
Christopher: Oh... Sorry!
He then saw the forest
Christopher: Oh my god! The glowing forest!
Same as they are showed in Movies!
Zoob: Movies?
Christopher behaving like a baby
Christopher: Can we please go in there, I want to see the forest. Please...please...!
Zoob: Oh god... Really?
Christopher: Please...!
Zoob: By the way we are also going there.
Christopher: Thank you, very much!
He looked different trees and plants said
Christopher: Oh my god, oh my god, look at that it's so beautiful, oh it's more than that, oh it's most beautiful tree I've ever seen. Whoa... Whoa. Change in mind It's most beautiful!
They reached at The Rockings
Christopher: OMG! Giant rocks! This place is totally amazing & weird!
Zoob: That's why we call it The Dreamings.
She takes him to a house in The Rockings
Zoob: That's it, we've reached here!
Christopher: Is this your house?
Zoob: Yeah, my dad's but I don't live here.
Christopher: Why?
Zoob: After my dad's...
Christopher: Oh sorry, I don't know he's dead, May his soul rest in...
Zoob: Hey... let me finish the sentence, he's lost, disappeared like your son!
Christopher: Okay them, I take back my prayers...!
Zoob: Okay, come here...
She brought The Book & said
Zoob: Hey put your hand on it.
As he put his hand, nothing happened!
Zoob: What? It can't be...
Christopher: Maybe left hand will work.
Again, he did but nothing happened.
Zoob: No... No... No try again!
He tried many times but nothing happened!
Zoob hot upset & said
Zoob: It was last chance to bring my dad back!
Christopher: Where's your dad?
Zoob: That Book knows!
Christopher: If it opens with my hand then they'll be something we're missing.
He took the book and started to look it all over. When he focused on cover, he saw 2 consecutive thumbs & 2 pinky fingers signs either side of the thumbs. He placed his fingers as they were created the Book opened...
Christopher: Hey, Zoob it's open!
Zoob: What? How'd you do that?
Christopher: Brain...!
Zoob open it and saw there were many things written about Nightmares
Zoob: The Nightmares are abundant dreams also called disturbing dreams, they are beneath the Dreamings but the dark, abundant, cracked, covered with living roots and full of Night Hunters! There are 2 kinds of dreams The dreams that don't exist are accepted by humans and the Dreams that exit are unexpected called Nightmares...!
Christopher: It's like Upside Down!
Zoob: Upside Down?
Christopher: Yeah, have you seen Stranger Things?
Zoob: What Things?
Christopher: Then you know nothing about it. Read it...
Zoob: There's only one way to nightmares that's the Invisible Portal located near the giant rock at the Heart of the Rockings.
It's filled with thousands of Night Hunters hungry for dreams because they are Thieves of Dreams...!
Christopher: You know where it is?
Zoob: Will find it!
Christopher: Okay, if we found it then how are we supposed to kill them?
Zoob: It'll tell!
She then opens the page titled as Night Hunters
Zoob: They are the predators of Dreams having ability to generate roots from their body and get the powers of Dreamer! They don't die easily because they are big in size and can only be killed with the Guns if they are shot at their chest!
Christopher: They're so scary!
Zoob: We need Guns!
Christopher: Where are they?
Zoob: DCC...!
Christopher: DCC what's that?
Zoob: Dream Control Center!
Okay, what's your name?
Christopher: Christopher Adams.
Zoob: Okay Adams, you stay here I'll be right back, just don't go outside!
Christopher: Where are you going?
Zoob: To get some help!
Christopher: Why can't I go with you?
Zoob: No, you can't, your presence is a threat to DCC and nobody knows that. If any of them know we'll both are dead. Okay stay here, I'll be right back.
Christopher: Okay!
Zoob was crossing by the Forest she saw Peanut, Nexus, Skylar & Knuckles searching Jonathan
Skylar: Negative...Negative... Negative
Peanut: Skylar can you please shut up.
Nexus: Yeah, your Voice is so irritating!
Skylar: Oh really!
Zoob: Whoa... Whoa... Guys what are you doing?
Peanut: Searching Jonathan!
Skylar: If we won't we'll be Banished!
Zoob: Oh god., then it'll take you months to find him if you search like that!
Peanut: Thanks! Come on guys...
Zoob: Looks Like Blinds searching Black cat in the Dark!
Peanut: What you said?
Zoob: What you heard!
Peanut: What do you want?
Zoob: I know where he is but as a Favor Help for help!
Peanut: Where is he? Tell me...
Zoob: Help for Help!
Peanut: Okay, I'll help now tell us...
Zoob: Promise...?
Peanut: Oh god...! Okay Promise...!
Zoob: Okay then follow me...
Peanut: Where?
Zoob: You'll know.
She takes them to her father's house
Zoob: Okay, one thing I need to tell you but don't be panic...! okay..
All: Okay!
Zoob: Hey Adams come out!
All: Who's that?
Skylar: Never saw you before?
Knuckles: Your Boyfriend?
Nexus: Really?
Zoob: What No...
Christopher: No... Definitely not, I'm married & I've son!
Zoob: He's Christopher Adams... A... Human!
All: What... A Human?
Peanut: Are you kidding me?
Zoob: Hey.... Hey guys I found him in Jonathan's Dream!
Peanut: His door is Ceased!
Zoob: Not the Exit...
Peanut: What were you doing there?
Zoob: Doesn't matter?
Peanut: What was he doing there?
Zoob: According to Dad, Father or Mother can visit their Children's Dream once in life, and that's that once.
Peanut: I don't know what are saying, but take him back there you know we all will be banished if Chief knows it.
Zoob: Who'll tell him? You, me or they or he? We all need help right know and it's the last chance guys...!
Peanut: Okay, now tell me where to find Jonathan?
Zoob: The Book of Dreamings.
Peanut: No way, its destroyed.!
Zoob: No, it's right here, look!
All: No way!
Peanut: Where do you get from?
Zoob: Stole it!
All: What?
Peanut: How will it help?
Zoob: According to this there's an Invisible Portal at the Heart of the Rockings by a giant rock! Beyond that there's the other dark half of the Dreamings but cracked, abundant, covered by living roots and full of Night Hunters who hunt down the dreams!
Peanut: What are you kidding me?
Skylar: I won't come!
Nexus: I abort!
Knuckles: So, do I.
Peanut: We can't fight them we need weapons.
Zoob: Yeah, Weapons! We need Guns!
Peanut: What, where will we get from?
Zoob: That's why I need you!
Peanut: What?
Zoob: DCC... I can't do it alone I need your help to steal Guns from DCC.
Peanut: No... We won't, you know the security!
Zoob: I know and I've got a plan! Listen
I & Peanut will enter the DCC, Skylar & Knuckles will inform where the guards are present and You Peanut will distract the guards by a wrong call I'll go get the guns and will be here, that's it..!
Christopher: Am I the part of plan?
Zoob: Yeah, you'll stay here and wait cause its more dangerous out there!
After that they did as they planned, they called the guards and spoke
Peanut: Need units at the Exits, immediately, over!
They got the guns as they were going Dixie saw Peanut and spoke
Dixie: Hey you what are you doing here?
Peanut: Uh... I was...
Zoob: She forget her bag we came to take it...
Peanut: Yeah, the bag...
Zoob: I think we got to go we've got a work to do! See ya!
Dixie: Okay, see ya...!
Zoob: sighs* oh god... Did it! Skylar get the guns!
Skylar: Coming...
They took the guns and brought them to house
Christopher: Did you get the guns?
Zoob: Yeah!
Peanut: What's next?
Zoob: Now the Portal...
When Chief saw the Guards were not at DCC he called them
Chief: Anybody, its Chief speaking!
Jeff: Yes sir, Jeff speaking!
Chief: Where are you all?
Jeff: Sir we are at The Exits as commanded!
Chief: Who command you?
Jeff: You sir!
Chief: No, I want you at DCC right now!
They all came
Chief: Who command you?
Jeff: Sir we received a call saying Need Units at the Exits immediately!
Tod went to Guns room he saw guns shelf was opened and guns are missing!
Tod: Chief:
Chief: What?
Tod: I think the Guns are missing!
Chief: What?
He then went to the room saw guns were missing and spoke
Chief: Where are guns?
Jeff: We don't know sir; we were at Exits!
Chief: Call Dixie!
Dixie came and spoke
Dixie: What happened Chief?
Chief: The guns are missing I want to see the CCTV footage right now!
She takes him and shows him Footage.
In footage they saw everything was normal until Jeff received a call and all guards left their places then after some time, they saw Zoob & Peanut were coming from The Guns Room side, Chief saw peanut and spoke
Chief: What's she doing here and who's with her?
Dixie: She forgot her bag so came to get it, and another girl is Zoob daughter of Bruno!
Chief: She stole the guns.
Dixie: What?
Chief: She had tried this before and now she's coming out from Guns Room.
Move…move to that freaks house!
Dixie: I'll go with you?
Chief: No...
Dixie: I know her more than you, she's stubborn, let me handle this.
Chief: Okay!
They went her home but she was not there
Chief: Hey Zoob! Come out, I know you've stolen the guns, just gimme back I won't do anything, I'll leave you, you understand Zoob!?
Nobody answered him
Tod: Chief!
Chief: What?
Tod: I think she's not here!
Chief: I can see that! Dixie, you know where she can be?
Dixie: Bruno's house at the Rockings, maybe she's there?
Chief: Okay! To the Rockings!
Zoob found the Heart of the Rockings
Zoob: Ok guys, welcome to the Heart of Rockings!
Christopher: But where's heart?
Zoob: It is!
Christopher: No, I mean heart, have you seen the heart?
Zoob: What?
Christopher: uh. Like Valentine's Day heart or The heart, we've got in our chests, right?
Zoob: Heart, I don't mean that I mean Heart means Centre, The center of Rockings!
Christopher: Oh, now you speak English!
Zoob gave Guns bag to Skylar
Zoob: Can you hold it please?
Skylar: Yeah!
Others were guessing the wrong rocks
Christopher: Got it!
Zoob: Where is it?
Christopher: Look!
Zoob: There are bigger rocks than this!
Skylar: Got it!
Zoob: No...
Knuckles: That one?
Zoob: No...
Peanut: That one?
Zoob: No...
Skylar got tired and said himself
Skylar: Oh God, the bag it weighs as tons, let's put it there will take it when we found the portal.
He throws the bag and turned, when again turned he saw bag was not there
Skylar: Where's the bag? It was right there.
He was searching it
Christopher was behind the rock where he placed the bag, he said Skylar
Christopher: Hey, Dude, you got it?
As he was talking to him Skylar didn't respond because he fell down to the portal behind that rock, Christopher came to check
Christopher: Hey Dude!
He also fell down there!
Peanut founds the rock it was the same rock where Skylar & Christopher fell
Peanut: Got it!
Zoob: Yes, it is!
Peanut went near to rock and fell down
Knuckles: Peanut... Where is she?
Zoob: We've found the Portal! Hey come on Knuckles, Jump!
They jumped and fell to that portal
Christopher: Oh god... You're here!
Peanut: It's dark and weird!
Zoob: Yeah, as it was written in Book! Cracked, abundant, scary, covered with living roots!
Christopher: And the Night Hunters!
Zoob: Yeah, and the Night Hunters!
Christopher: I think these are Night Hunters!
Zoob: Okay guys take the guns and be ready!
Christopher: How to use it?
Zoob: You see a blue button?
All: Yeah!
Zoob: Great, Yellow button?
All: Yeah!
Zoob: great, the trigger?
All: Yeah!
Zoob: Then first hit yellow to reload, blue then trigger, remember Blue then trigger, you understand!
All: Maybe!
Zoob: Aim the chest!
Monsters were coming near to them and all were still confused how to use it
Skylar: Okay, Yellow, Blue then trigger!
As he did it, it shot
Skylar: Yeah, did it, you see it guys?
Same as others did but Christopher was still confused
Christopher: Oh my god, oh my god, please…please blue then trigger!
Then it shot and he spoke
Christopher: You see it Zoob!
Zoob: Don't be so happy, there are still many!
Here they were fighting Night Hunters, Bruno & Jonathan were sitting nearby window, they saw light at the distant at Rockings
Bruno: Hey kid, you see the light?
Jonathan: Yeah! It's like Laser light!
Bruno: The Guns!
Jonathan: The Guns?
Bruno: They're guns someone's using it, let's go kid check it!
They then went there...!
On the other side Chief was at Bruno's House, they searched them everywhere but can't find them!
Dixie saw the Book and spoke
Dixie: Chief, Chief!
Chief: What Happened?
Dixie: The Book!
Chief: What's it doing here?
Jeff: Wasn't it destroyed?
Chief: No, hidden!
Dixie: Why?
Chief: Book holds the secrets if anyone knows them it could led them to greed for rulling the Dreamings!
Jeff: I've heard it only Open's with the touch of human hand!
Dixie: Yeah! And she hid Jonathan!
Chief saw the page written heart of Rockings!
They went there.
Down there they were fighting with those monsters, Zoob's gun was outta ammo she needs to reload it she hit the button but reload takes 5 seconds and a monster was going to attack her but at the same time Bruno arrived and stabbed the Night Hunter which bought Zoob some time so her gun get loaded and she shot the monster and killed it!
Bruno: Hey you all, gimme gun & stay in line!
They gave him gun and they all together killed the monsters that were present there!
Zoob: Who are you?
Bruno: Zoob?
Zoob: How'd you know my name?
Bruno: It's me your dad!
Zoob: You look so hairy and smells very bad!
Bruno: Yeah, it happens when you don't take bath and shave for 9 years!
Zoob hugged him and spoke
Zoob: I knew it, you're alive & I never stopped searching you!
Bruno: Yeah, remember What's lost can be found but what you let you can't get it"
Zoob: And I just lost you!
Bruno: Oh one thing meet my friend..
Christopher: Jonathan!
Jonathan: Dad!
Bruno: You know him?
Zoob: He's, his father!
Christopher: Hey Pal, I've missed you a lot!
Jonathan: So, do I dad! How'd you find me?
Christopher: An undying Hope!
Zoob: Okay guys, I think we should leave!
Bruno: Yeah, let's go!
Peanut: Come on guys!
They all went near portal went one by one except Bruno & Jonathan and Christopher.
Christopher saw a Night Hunter coming there from a distant, he wants to save them, he said
Christopher: I think I forget something there!
He went there almost 100 meters away from them and spoke
Christopher: Hey Pal, Love to the moon and back!
Jonathan: So, do I!
Christopher: Some times we've to make a decision that will break our heart but will give peace to our soul" I've also decided to save you!
Bruno: Hey what are you saying?
Christopher: Bruno jump and save my son and bring him back!
Bruno: Why don't you come; we need to leave!
Christopher: I can't let those Night Hunters to hurt my son again, I've to stop them!
Bruno: What where are they?
He says many Night Hunters were coming there
Bruno: He don't be idiot come back!
Christopher: If I came there, they'll know where are you all!
Jonathan: No... No... Dad, please come here!
Christopher: Bruno, please save him please!
Bruno: No... No... No shit!
Jonathan: No Dad Please! Crying*
Christopher: Remember
"We fall, we break, we fail but then we rise, we heal & we overcome"
I Love you to the moon and back!!
After that he was crying & ran ahead towards Night Hunters so that others don't know where they gone...!
Jonathan was crying to see his dad as for the last time, Bruno holds his hand and jumped into portal!
Zoob: Thank God you're here, where's Adams and why are you crying Jonathan? What happened Dad, tell me?
Bruno: He stayed there to fight Night Hunters and don't let them to reach the portal!
Zoob: What? Why'd you leave him?
Bruno: He ran there!
Zoob: No, I won't let him die, guys come-on we need to save him!
Peanut: But we're outta reload Fluid!
Zoob: What? No... No... Shit!
At the same time Chief was behind Zoob and Peanut so he found them and spoke
Chief: Hey, Zoob! You've made a huge mistake you'll pay for this.
When he saw Bruno asked
Chief: Wait... Who's that guy?
Bruno: Hey Enzo, I'm Bruno, don't you remember me?
Chief: But you've got big hair and Beard!
Where were you?
Bruno: Never mind, I was stuck in Nightmares!
Zoob saw the guns in soldiers' hand, she went near Tod & took his gun and headed towards Portal
Bruno: Hey, Zoob where are you going?
Chief: Whoa... Whoa give that gun back!
Zoob: To save Christopher and I won't give it back!
Bruno: What?
She jumped into portal
Dixie: Where's she? Where did she go?
Chief: I've no idea!
Bruno also grabbed a gun from solider and went behind Zoob to save Christopher, on way he said
Bruno: Hey kid, we'll bring your dad back!
Chief: What is happening?
After Bruno others also grabbed guns and jumped portal also Jonathan, when he grabbed the gun from a guard, he asked him
Jonathan: Hey how to use it?
Guard: hit yellow to reload, Blue then trigger!
Jonathan: Blue then trigger, got it, thanks!
Chief saw everybody jumped there and disappeared and spoke
Chief: What's happening?
Dixie: Don't know?
Down there Christopher was fighting with those monsters likely to be hunted by Night Hunters but others came to help hi, Bruno throw him a gun and spoke
Bruno: Hey Pal, catch it! & Kill them all!
Jonathan: We'll go back together!
Christopher: Jonathan? When did you learn that?
Jonathan: Few seconds ago!
They all fought Night Hunters and killed them all...
Zoob: Mission accomplished Guys!
All: Yeah, Mission accomplished!
All cheered and hugged each other
Bruno: Okay guys now let's go Move there are still many of them!
Then they all went back to portals
Zoob: Hey Chief, take your guns!
They all gave the guards their guns back!
Chief: Can you explain what was that?
Dixie: Yeah, Zoob tell us!
Zoob: Well, it's a long story I'll tell you later!
Bruno: One thing, how'd you found me Zoob?
Zoob: The Book of The Dreamings!
Bruno: What? You...
Zoob: Stole it from Ancestors Hidden Treasure...! Sorry!
Skylar: But why don't you come back through that portal?
Bruno: I tried, but you saw the Night Hunters I can't kill them on my own and I needed the Guns...!
Dixie: Okay! Guys I think we've got only 20 minutes till Children awake so we should bring them back before others awake!
Bruno: Yeah, that's great and I want you to secure this part create something strong over it so no one gets in there again!
Chief: Okay!
Zoob: Okay then, Adams, Thanks!
Christopher: oh... Don't thank me but I should say Thank You very much, I won't forget what you did for us!
Bruno: Hey kid, Thanks & Live the Dreams that you never forget cause Dreams hold your hand and take you to other dream, you know why?
Jonathan: I guess not!
Bruno: Cause there's no end to Illusions!
Peanut: Well Adams proved
"Even Dark nights will end, the sun will rise...!"
Christopher: Thanks!
Jonathan: For me it was just a Dream!
Dixie then takes them to Dream Door and next day They both woke up; Jonathan saw Grace was sleeping at the Sofa near his bed went to her and spoke
Jonathan: Hey Mom, wake up, it's me Jonathan!
Grace: Jonathan! Oh, my Baby! I've missed you a lot, where were you all that time?
Jonathan: I was right there just Dreaming!
She hugged him, Christopher blinked Jonathan!
Remember Grace didn't know about Christopher was in Dreamings cause all that happened was the night time and for Grace he was sleeping.!"
After that they went to Paris as they planned and lived happily ever after!
Hope you Like it!
Thanks for Reading!
All rights reserved to
Munsif Rattar *Lil 'Munsey*