4: Capture

Icarus opened the door to his room to rest, the ten foot square space was barren, holding only a dresser with his clothes and bed to rest. The windowless room was illuminated by the nova gem on the ceiling encased in glass, throwing a pale yellow light across the room. Placed on his bed was a bag and letter.

" Is this what the old man was talking about" Icarus wondered turning over the letter in his hand, examining it. Shrugging his shoulders and think to hell with it, he open the letter and began to read the handwritten contents.

 'My dear child, I wish things could be different and if I had died instead of your mother 10 years ago, maybe things would be different for, but alas the heavens did not ordain it as such. There is no place for you in this village as a member of the Silo Clan, I can not teach you any of the Clan's cultivation or sealing techniques and as you likely take after your Mother's nova traits there is nobody left to guide you. I have made arrangements for you to live elsewhere with an old friend of your Mother and I, you will be able to live more comfortably and he will be able to guide you on a path more suited for one such as yourself. My friend lives 100 kilometers down the river, at the start of the Grand Nava Canal that leads to the central regions, in the town of Siatl. His name is Chrona, he and is wife are expecting you in a weeks time, in the bag I have left you 10,000 Rios for your travel and expenses for he next few months. Say your goodbyes and a caravan will take you in 2 days time.

Love, Dalus Silo your Father.'


So now they have finally given up on me Icarus thought to himself. The old man wishes to be rid of me! Icarus crunched the letter in his fist, nails digging into his palm drawing blood. Tears began to well up in his eyes as an intense heat began to rise in his chest. A feeling of anger and resentment began to bubble up inside Icarus as he began to tremble, blood splattering the floor from his violently shaking fist.

"I will show them" He declared to himself.

Grabbing the bag Icarus headed back out to village passing the attendants in the estate without any form of acknowledgement, as if they were to acknowledge a failure such as himself. Once leaving the Estate compound he began to run, but not at his usual torrid pace, no even faster, with more fervor. When he leapt he was truly soaring now, legs launching him with more force than ever before. Landing on the outer wall of the Village, Icarus prepared to leap again when something strange happened, an unknown energy began to well up in his legs, and it it exploded out as leapt off the wall, this time sending him tens of meters in the air. 

Reaching heights he had never reached before Icarus became perplexed, what is this feeling? he asked himself.

"Is this nova?"

He grinned, so all it took was rage to unlock my nova he laughed to himself. So be it! He allowed his anger at his family, his weakness, and his futility wash over him and more energy began to well up in his chest, and then spiraling down and reconverging in his abdomen. The pain from the injuries sustained during Lapyx's "training" began to subside and his vision became more clear, seeing the people below him in the village clearly despite hurtling quickly to the ground. flipping over in the air he slammed his feet on the ground, sending a plume of dust in the air, knocking the cobblestones out of the ground. People began to complain at him for the mess, but before there admonishments could reach the boy's ears, he leapt again howling like a madman.

Intoxicated with the rush of feeling nova for the first time Icarus neglected to realize the fact he was being tailed. A hooded figure had been keeping a close aye on him since he left the estate, and the pursuer became shocked upon seeing the boy release nova, as he like everyone thought this boy was unable to use nova. Having to decide whether to pursue further and capture the boy or let him go and report back to his chief the hooded man grinned and chose the former.

Crouching on the rooftop and stretching his arms back he began to focus his nova as a circular array formed on the rooftop below him.

"Lunar Owl Feather!" The figure shouted the incantation and clapped his hands together in front of himself. Dark purple nova shaped into the form of a large feather and shot out to the airborne Icarus.


Icarus was knocked out of the air and into a cart full of Kalypto fruits, breaking it on impact. 

"Ughh my back" Icarus groaned as he sat up, dazed from the impact. Reaching up and wiping the sweet juices of the smashed kalypto fruit from his face, he noticed a singular hooded figure in a dark cloak approach him amongst the scattering villagers.

"Wow kid I am truly impressed! Even though that was only 25% you took that like a champ! Look, you barely got a scratch on ya." The hooded man said to Icarus with genuine awe. He walked up to the still slumped over Icarus and stopped in front of him, putting his hands on his hips he asked,

"I am going to kidnap you now, don't fight I do not want to kill you. If you understand nod, if you resist I will break your limbs. Understand?" 

Icarus tiled his head upwards and took a good look at his would be captor. He was a large man, the cloak hid his frame but it was obvious the man had a muscular build. He looked in to the man's grey eyes and spat at him, hitting his leg leaving a spot of blood and saliva.

The man tilted his head and shrugged his shoulders,

"Oh well, I tried to be like the Chief but it seems negotiations have failed." 

Icarus saw the man's leg flicker before his vision went dark.






"Right after I finished harvesting the bodies, I went to watch the estate like you told me. Then maybe after 5 minutes this kid starts running outta there, and I mean he was really hauling ass!" Horus explained animatedly to his boss who sat across the bar from him, glass in hand with an unreadable face.

" So I pursue him and next thing ya know the kid starts using some real strange nova and starts making his way through the village square, causing a real ruckus if I might add." He said matter-of-factly.

"Horus, get to the point where knock him out and bring him her." Loki said strictly to his subordinate, patience running thin.

"Okay, so I realize he was trying to leave the village and he even had a large bag full of Rios. Thinking it would put a wrench in our plans I subdued him."

Taking in the information, Loki nodded and agreed Horus made the right decision although not agreeing with his methods.

"Oh Chief, didn't you say he was a Grade 1 Level 1? He was able to withstand a direct hit from my Lunar Owl Feather and only got knocked back, I was trying to take an arm."

"He body is constantly reinforcing with nova unconsciously, the fact that he is Level 1 is what allows to move so freely like that and be so sturdy despite his frame and stature. If he was even a level higher his body wouldn't be able to hold up and breakdown." Loki explained to the confused Horus. 

Still looking perplexed, Loki sighed and used the tone he used when masquerading as Mr.Loki and simplfied his explanation.

"Since he hasn't developed a true Nova Center his body sends all of his nova to his body, filling his muscles and bones with the energy instead. In terms of physical stats only he is likely closer to Grade 2. Understand now my dear boy." Loki said sarcastically.

"Yes, Mr. Loki!" Horus shouted equally as sarcastically.

"Now enough of that, things have changed and we are moving tonight. I already spoke with the Plant manager, and he agreed to work under the Minos Tribe and would make sure there is no push back from the workers."

"A worker will be a worker regardless of the boss, eh" Horus added

"Something like that. Look you go and keep and eye on the Silo Clan main estate and I will go with the kid to the shrine and free Jabberwock. If anyone comes out wipe the place off the map, I can use the kid a vessel until we find a more suitable one."

" What about the branch Clan members? How should we handle them?" Horus asked as he began to put back on his cloak preparing to go back out into the field.

"I will kill them after, work then play, got it."

The two men smiled at each other and bumped fists.

"We will revive the Cult together Horus."