8: Nu

'It's dark.' 

Icarus couldn't tell whether his eyes were open or not, everything around him was pitch black.

'I can't feel anything either, how strange.'

'No way! Is this what death is?!?!'

'What did I do to deserve this punishment? I know I skipped out on ritual and blessings classes but I couldn't use Nova back then, and didn't I always say my prayers?'

Icarus pleaded his argument to any god that would listen but it fell on deaf ears.

'Not even once was I praised, not even once was I able to make my clan proud and this is how I meet my end?'

'Just one chance is all I ask I won't slack off this time! I can do it now!' He pleaded again.





'Is this how Jabberwock felt? Trapped away in a big vast dark nothingness with only time and thoughts.'

'That's not fair!'

'I was never wicked, and forget about being lazy, I was always playing!'

'This is cruel and unjust'

In the darkness, Icarus began to reflect on his life.

As a child, he was praised for his physical capabilities even surpassing children twice his age.

His family held high hopes for him to be the next genius of the Silo Clan.

But at the age of 6, before he was able to learn from his mother how to cultivate and gather Nova, the Minos Tribe attacked.

'Had Mother not died things would have been different, she could have shown me, I could have been strong.'

'If it wasn't for their greed.'

The Minos Tribe had attacked to take the Silo Clan's land as their own, mainly so they could make a profit from trading Kalypto fruits.

Kalypto fruits only grew in one place in all of Isla Nava the Kalypto Forest which lay in the Northern region of Isla Nava, near the Western Region border.

The fruits were extremely rare and could be sold for high Rio amounts.

The Minos Tribe was aware of this.

The Silo Clan, ignorant to the outside world knew not of the market value and were thus taken advantage of.

For that reason many of the Clan members, Icarus included, were confused as to why the Minos Tribe had fought so fiercely for the claim of the lands.

'Greedy savages, fighting over fruit. If I ever get the chance I will take Golor's head myself!'

Icarus could feel the anger as he recalled his helplessness throughout his life.

It seemed the only recurring theme was that whenever he tried to fly he would be struck down.

Time after time after time.

'Just once I wanted to fly'

'Please Grand Nava Father give me a sign'

Silence once again.

Icarus became frustrated, to be despised by the Heavens this much?

'Might as well walk around with Jabberwock's Bane of the Heavens Flag'

'I should have joked less'

I should have...'

Icarus began to list things he shouldn't have done as a means of repentance.

"Nu" a faint voice echoed in the distant darkness.


Icarus was shocked.

Had the Grand Nava Father heard his pleas and repentance?

"Nuuu?" It called again this time a bit louder, seemingly a bit closer.

'Nu! Yes, Nu! I am here!'

"Nuu..." the voice was loud and clear, but there was an issue.

It sounded mad!

'Is it me or does it sound irritated'


And as if being struck by lighting Icarus jolted awake, taking impact from an unforeseen blow.

As he opened his eyes, Icarus found himself lying on the soft, sandy shore of a river bank. He felt the cool breeze brushing against his face and realized he was resting against a majestic Kalypto tree, whose lush yellow fruits hung overhead. 

"I'm alive!" Icarus yelled.


Being struck again Icarus cam to his senses.

Looking in front of himself, Icarus was greeted to a sight that he wasn't able to comprehend.

laid out before him, paws crossed, was what seemed to be a baby Nova Beast, or at least it appeared that way.

It had the features of a Tigra* cub but he had never seen one in this area before, let alone one like this.

It was black with one gold stripe of fur running from the top of its head, down its spine, and up its tail.

Even though it had the features of a cub it was huge!

It was a meter and a half in height and three meters in length, not including its tail.

And if there was one thing that he was sure of, it was that there wasn't any type of Tigra with a tail like that.

The length of the body was double that of the length of the beast!

It swayed around as if it had a min of its own, the end of the tail pointing towards Icarus as if looking at him.

"Nuu" the beast purred again as its tail swayed around Icarus.

Not knowing what to do in this situation Icarus did what he deemed to be most sensible.

"Oh Great one, your unworthy vassal thanks you for your graciousness in saving this life." He bowed before the creature, recalling his former teacher doing something similar.

'I'm still learning from you it seems' 

Just the thought itself was wretched.

The creature observed the display, rose, stretched, and yawned.

Icarus believing that this was a sign of satisfaction lifted his head only to come face to face with the creature.

It stared into the boy's eyes causing him to be frightened and fall over.

Falling over on his back Icarus expected pain but none came, and as he lay there he came to a realization.

"It doesn't hurt anywhere."

Skin that should have been charred and bones that should have been broken were perfectly fine he had not a single injury on him, including injuries sustained when abducted by Loki's subordinate.

"Did you heal me?" The boy asked the cub seeing as it was just the two of them.

"Nuuu" It purred in response.

Elated Icarus leaped towards the animal to take it into an embrace only to be intercepted mid-air.


Its tail flicked out catching the boy in the head and sending him flying back to his original position.

"Ouch, okay no hugs got it. But thank you for saving me, I know you don't understand me but I appreciate it and I am indebted to you."

Though he was saying all of this to a Nova beast, Icarus was sincere in his gratitude. He was given a second chance at life, and the one responsible was before him.

And then something happened, something that made Icarus again doubt the origins of this creature once again.

Using its tail it motioned upwards to the Kalypto fruits hanging on the branches above.

"Wait, so you want me to get the Kalypto fruits for you?"


Icarus couldn't believe it.

'Even the Gods lust for Kalypto fruits?!?'

Not wanting to be whacked by the menacing tail Icarus began to make his way up the tree.

Leaping and swinging from branch to branch he made his way higher knocking down the fruits to the hungry mouth waiting below.

He grabbed two more and made his way back down the tree before eating one of them while setting one aside for later.

Still hungry he prepared to bite into the second yellow fruit until he noticed a pair of golden eyes watching his hand intently.

"You want this one too?"


Icarus was stunned yet again!

'Does greed know no bounds, he already ate 10!'

Begrudgingly Icarus opened his palm and held it out waiting for the tail to come to snatch it away.

Instead, the creature came and took it from his hand with its mouth and lay next to the boy as it enjoyed the sweet fruit.

"Guess you're not that bad," Icarus said to the creature as he patted its head.


"Glad you agree, but I need to call you something."

Looking up at the boy the creature gave what could only be described as a look of confusion to the boy.


"That's perfect I'll call you Nu!"

Icarus rubbed the beast's head thankful to have a companion.






Vanco Village,

Wildlings Tavern,

"So you sold my Village as well as the villagers not related to the Silo Clan to the Minos tribe for 40% of what they make from the plantations. And was all to provide capital to raise troops after my release. Am I correct?"

"Yes, my liege," Loki responded as he washed his hands from the harvesting of Nova Centers from the bodies of the slain Silo Clan members.

"Your intentions were good, but you forgot one thing. I only take, I do not give. When the Minos tribe arrives I shall subjugate them make them my minions and take their land. I also have a debt that needs to be repaid. Going forward take this into account when you make your plans, we make no concessions, and if the other party refuses we erase them."

"Yes my liege" 

"Good, its time we go out into the world once more."