14: Chrona






"Honey, wake up! Breakfast is ready." A white-haired woman called out to her husband from the kitchen.

'That time already, huh?' The man thought to himself as he lifted himself off the bed and sluggishly made his way to the kitchen.

"Next time, Iyo, bring me breakfast in bed." The man pleaded as he hugged his wife.

"Oh stop it! What would the kids say?" Iyo rejected her husband's idea, shrugging the man off and transferring breakfast from the hot pan onto three plates.

"What about the kids? Lunaro is at the Grand Nava Academy, and Luna heads back to Orega City when her school breaks in a week's time." Feeling confident after his successful counter, the man smugly sat down at the table, eagerly waiting for his plate.

"Chrona, my dear, did you forget? Your friend's son will be here soon." Iyo smiled placing the plate of breakfast before her husband, the man visibly deflating as his dreams were crushed.

"I wonder what he's like?" An upbeat voice chimed in. Chrona and Iyo's' daughter Luna entered the kitchen and hugged her mother before sitting beside her father and stealing some of the food off his plate.

Glaring at her while trying to protect his food, Chrona told the girl, "His father said he was a 'free spirit' and would not be able to partake in the family business. He believes that life in a bigger town would be more welcoming for someone like his son, compared to a small rural village like theirs." 

"So he's a reject," Luna stated blankly.

"Luna, behave yourself!" Iyo scolded her daughter, not tolerating such talk in her household.

"Well darling, she isn't wrong," Chrona added.

Both Iyo and Luna looked at Chrona with confusion and asked simultaneously,

"What do you mean?"

"He can't use Nova yet and hasn't been able to reach Level 2 of Grade 1, and he's a year younger than the twins."

Iyo covered her mouth in shock as something like this was unheard of. Luna, on the other hand, found this to be a riot and held her sides as she fell to the ground laughing.

"Hahaha, his father was right. Letting a legend like that rot away in some small village would be a shame, the World needs to know of such a talent as this."

Chrona couldn't help but laugh at his daughter's remarks, earning a glare from his wife Iyo.

"You two should be ashamed. Luna, not everyone is innately talented like Lunaro and you try to be more considerate. "

Then, turning her attention to her husband, " And you, don't encourage such behavior from our daughter, you should be the one setting an example."

Chrona let out an exasperated sigh as he rose from the table, his irritation mounting at the prospect of being lectured so early in the day. 

He made his way towards the door, eager to escape the confines of their home and take in the fresh air outside.

The sun shone brilliantly in the clear blue sky, casting a warm glow over the area. 

The melodious songs of the birds filled the air, creating a harmonious symphony that uplifted the soul. 

The gentle sound of the flowing river beside the house added to the tranquility of the surroundings, making it a peaceful oasis away from the hustle and bustle of the town.

'Ah, what a beautiful day, perfect to kill some time fishing.'

One of Chrona's favorite pastimes was fishing. 

He cherished those peaceful moments he spent at the dock behind his family home, with his fishing line lazily dangling in the water. 

The gentle lapping of the waves against the dock and the occasional chirping of the birds in the background were the only sounds that accompanied him. 

As he patiently waited for a fish to bite, he would sometimes take a sip from a flask full of amber liquid he would hide by the dock, lost in thought and enjoying the serenity of the moment. 

Despite the hours that could pass by, he never grew tired of this activity, and always found himself feeling reinvigorated after each fishing session.

 Suddenly, he felt a strong tug on the line, sending a thrill of excitement through his body. 

"Looks like Papa got some action," Chrona said with a grin.

With a surge of adrenaline, he began to reel in his catch, feeling the weight of the creature as it fought against him. 

"Big fella ain't ya!"

As he drew nearer, he could see a creature thrashing in the water. 

Finally, with a final heave, he pulled it onto the shore, triumphant and breathless.

Staring at his catch, Chrona stood in astonishment.

"Well, this sure is one hell of a catch." 

Standing there scratching his head, Chrona looked down at what he had reeled out from the water. 

Instead of a fish, it was a person!

"As long as nobody saw I can toss him back in right?"

Chrona, checking if anyone was watching, readied to throw the small boy's body back into the water, glancing both ways to ensure that neither his wife nor his daughter had seen him.

After swiftly lifting the body onto his shoulder, he turned towards the river.

As Chrona turned to the river, a terrifying sight caught his attention. 

A fearsome beast emerged from the water, its piercing gaze fixed on Chrona with two eyes as black as the darkest night. 

But what truly stood out were the creature's pupils, which shone like gold in the bright sunlight. 

Its sharp, menacing teeth were visible as it approached, ready to strike at any moment.

Chrona, believing that Icarus was Nu's prey, attempted to bargain with the animal.

"Look here kitty, I'll give you the child just leave my dock and let me fish and peace. I don't have the time or energy to deal with you."

Squatting down slowly, he unloaded the boy off his shoulder and placed him on the ground in front of Nu.

"Okay, take him and be off now," Chrona whispered to the beast, waving his hands in an attempt to shoo it away.

From behind Chrona a cry rang out.

"Oh no! Chrona, save that poor child!"

Iyo, just now coming out of the house only saw the child on the ground between Chrona and Nu, having not seen the whole scene play out she misunderstood the situation.

"Hurry before he gets eaten!"

His wife imploring him, Chrona sighed.

"No dinner for you today I guess buddy."

Body flickering, Chrona retrieved the child and dropped him at Iyo's feet, flickering back before even Nu had noticed.

As he stood there, his eyes fixed on the beast, he readied himself for combat, bracing himself for the fight ahead. 

'My day of fishing ruined!' Chrona thought to himself.

The creature turned its massive head to face him, its eyes locked on his.

 For a moment, the two of them were locked in a staring contest, as if sizing each other up.

"Make your move, kitty." Chrona taunted.

 And then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, the beast turned and leaped back into the river, disappearing beneath the surface with a splash.

Both Chrona and Iyo were stunned!

Chrona turned to his wife and asked,

"You saw that right?"


Yeah, and I still can't believe it."

The couple stood in silence for a moment.

"Ugh, where am I?" A weak voice called out from Iyo's feet, breaking the husband and wife from their trance.

"WAHHH!!" Iyo yelled out in fright.

"Looks like it gonna be a long day," Chrona said.