27: Raging Waves

Siatl Town, Northern Region

Chereka Residence




Chrona and Icarus were seated in the backyard, Icarus was stretching after completing his daily warm-up routine and prepared for training.

"Are you going to teach me martial arts today or are we just going to spar again, Master?"

Chrona sat back at watched his pupil, contemplating whether to move forward or not.

standing up and clapping his hands together he came to a decision and responded to the boy.

"You're right, basic physical training is going to be pointless for you anyway seeing how your body is. I am going to teach you the martial art that goes along with the raging heart method."

Icarus became excited after hearing this. Though he enjoyed doing the physical training and running in the forest his body grew accustomed to it on the second day, surprising both himself and Chrona.

"What's it called? Is it strong? Can I call lightning from the heavens or summon hellfire?"

Raising one hand to stop the boy's rant, Chrona rubbed his forehead with the other.

"It's called Raging Heavens, and yes it is powerful, but it is also dangerous."

"Huh? What do you mean dangerous?"


Not having his stick next to him, Chrona chopped Icarus on the top of his head with the blade of his palm.

"No huhs, and what I mean by dangerous is that every single practitioner of the martial art was ruined by it."

Icarus was dumbfounded.

'This guy is telling me that everyone who learned this met their ends and he wants me to learn it?!?'

"Master, with all due respect, have you gone mad?"

Chrona laughed. Obviously, anyone would think him mad for making such a recommendation, but Chrona did not budge.

"The reason a majority of them died was because, though they had flawless technique and dedication, their nova was incompatible causing an internal clash of nova. Even if the clash didn't explode them from the inside it would destroy their Nova Center. The rest were overcome by the Raging Heart, something you are familiar with."

Icarus thought back to the state he fell into at the District Champion Office.

'So that was all because of the raging heart method? Why would this old man teach me something so dangerous? Wait, how does even know of all this?'

Looking at Chrona before him, Icarus began to question what this man's identity really was.

"Icarus, I know you have a lot of questions, but save them for later. I will answer all of them when the time comes. For now, though let me finish explaining so we can train."

Icarus nodded and heard his Master out.

"The reason why I'm teaching you something so dangerous is because firstly, you are far behind your peers of your age group and this is the fastest way to gain power without closing off your path to reach Grade 3 Level 10. Secondly, the nature of your Nova is perfect for both the Raging Heart Method as well as the Raging Heavens martial art, such compatibility is what almost all previous practitioners lacked. And most importantly, your goal is to become powerful, is it not? I can swear to you on my name, that there is no martial art more powerful than this."

Icarus could not believe what he had just heard, to be able to learn the most powerful martial art was an opportunity that anyone would leap at.

' I get why so many people attempted to learn this even if they didn't have compatible Nova. Although it is dangerous, if it is like he said it should be safe for me.'

"Master, I trust you and I will follow your guidance, but answer me this. How do you know all of this, and if it is so powerful how come you didn't try to learn it?"

"The creator of the Raging Heart method and Raging Heaven's martial art had three disciples. The first was the most talented, the second most diligent although he lacked the first's talent. The third lacked the talent of the first, and the diligence of the second, but he possessed something the other two didn't, ambition."

Icarus didn't understand what this had to do with anything and was about to interrupt but Chrona quickly continued.

"The third knew that only one of them would gain the teachings of the two methods and the other two would continue learning the subsidiary techniques and methods that they were now, so he stole the hidden texts and ran away and created his own set that later became a cult. That cult was the Mad God Cult."

"Wait, what? This is the method of Jabberwock?!"

Icarus was furious, he was learning the martial art of a Great Evil, this could be considered both treason and heresy!

"Stop, listen. The text that was taken was not the complete teachings, he passed on the complete teachings to the second before he and the first were slain by Jabberwock. The second disciple went into hiding and established the shrine I used to be a part of and I was able to find the text. Now enough of that and let's train."

Despite the fact that Chrona had left out several crucial details, Icarus remained confident that he would eventually learn everything. In the meantime, he found the explanation given to him to be sufficient for the moment. 

Chrona had likely omitted these details for a reason, and Icarus trusted that they would be revealed in due time. As he pondered what he had been told, Icarus couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement building within him. He knew that whatever lay ahead would be challenging, but he was eager to learn more and face it head-on.

"Let's do this, Master!"




" Raging Waves is a strike that crashes on your opponent like waves crash upon rocks on a coast."

"You keep saying that, but it isn't helping. All you showed me is an overhand and a roundhouse kick!"

"Exactly, now make them raging waves, hahaha!"

Chrona had showed the boy a punch and a kick and explained that he need to flow the Nova not from his center but his Raging Heart and that would fuel the technique, but Icarus was unable to comprehend it.

"Look, don't think of your body as a body but imagine it as the waves of a raging sea, then when you go to strike imagine crashing onto the coast and letting your Nova burst at the same time. It will take you a while but keep at it, I'll be inside and come in when you complete it once."

"You're just going to leave me alone like that? How will you even know if I did it or not?"

"First, you are not alone, Nu is right there."

Chrona pointed at the creature perched in a tree with a Kalypto fruit in its mouth, dangling tail swaying back and forth.

"Secondly, hit the tree that Nu is in, and if breaks then it is complete, alright good talk see you later!"

Chrona got up and left, ignoring his pupil's protestations.

"This old man is crazy, and he is going to make me a mad man too. Nu, come down, I gotta break this tree somehow."




"Raging waves!"



"Again, raging waves!"



Icarus swung at the tree tens of times with both fists and his knuckles had become a bloody mess.

"How am I supposed to do this? That crazy old man told me I was going to become powerful but it was all lies!"

Icarus was becoming enraged, he had been swinging at the tree for the last couple of hours and his hands had become a mess, he would take breaks in between to give his hands a rest.

"I can barely even make a fist, this is stupid! How am I ever going to avenge my clan?"

The anger began to well up in his chest and heat began to rise in his heart.

"No, I will show all of them! Lapyx, Jabberwock, and that stupid old man!"

Looking back at the tree once more Icarus resolved himself.

"Become an angry sea? I'll show you angry!"

His heart began to pound faster and faster, and Nova began to pump through his veins.

Running up to the tree, Icarus began to pick up speed. digging his left foot into the ground a step away from the tree, he pivoted and raised his knee.

'Waves Rise'

Using his built-up momentum, Icarus shifted his weight and turned his hips.

'Waves crash!'

"Raging Waves!"

The Nova flowed from his Raging Heart through his body and traveled down his leg. As he snapped his leg forward, Nova began to flow out of his foot and his leg drew a crimson arc towards the tree.


Upon impact, the section of the tree that was hit exploded and sent splinters flying everywhere.

The upper half began to fall backward and Nu hastily leaped out into the air and landed gracefully on the head of Icarus.

"Nu, did you see that?"


Icarus stared blankly at the tree and then back to his leg. It was the first time in his life he was ever able to express Nova in a technique, and the feeling was incredible.

"Raging waves, huh."