30: Here We Go Again

Lapyx sat cross-legged in his quarters meditating, assimilating the dormant Jabberwock's nova was taking a longer time than he had liked.

Had Loki and his subordinate Horus not come along he could have taken his time in this process, but now time was not a luxury that he had.

Though Horus was currently at a higher level than he was, Lapyx was confident that he could defeat him. The issue was Loki, he knew the man was at least a Grade 3 but he had no idea what his level was nor what his combat capabilities were.

'Since I'm the vessel holding the one that their cult worships they won't do anything to me unless they can find a better vessel. I need to assimilate this energy faster so I don't have to keep watching my back.'

As soon as he broke through to Grade 3 Lapyx would have nothing to fear, but until then he needed to grow his power in other ways while also keeping Loki in check. He started first by not divulging more information than they needed to know while at the same time never exposing his true level of power.

Since merging with Jabberwock he was freed from some of the restrictions of his grade and could also forcibly raise his level temporarily. These factors led Loki and Horus to believe he was stronger than he was, but as more time passes they will eventually catch on if he doesn't improve.

'Even lowly minions start to get ideas when the one in charge shows signs of weakness.'

A woman's voice called from outside Lapyx's quarters, interrupting his thoughts.

"High Priest, Priest Horus seeks an audience with you."

"Let him in."

Lapyx got up and put on his robe, he then made his way to the Chieftain's throne and sat down.

Horus entered with a wide grin plastered on his face, his level of excitement visible.

He bowed quickly and made his way to the seat next to Lapyx's throne.

"High Priest I bring you news!"

Lapyx was not a fan of Horus, though he was always smiling like Loki, it was obvious the two men were smiling for different reasons.

Loki thought everything was a grand game or play, and everyone was simply actors or pawns. To him, as long as his goals were met the rest was just entertainment.

Horus on the other hand was a fraud.

The man's smile would never reach his eyes, he was simply copying Loki's mannerisms like younger brother copies his older brother. 

The only time Lapyx had seen Horus genuinely smile was when blood was shed, and the excitement he was showing now could only mean one thing.

Blood was going to be shed.

"What is it, Priest Horus?"

"Loki had encountered two squads of DC trainees sent to investigate Vanco Village. He defeated them and has sent them to us so you can make them cult members."

'The District Champion Office has already sent people to investigate!?! Did a survivor escape? No, maybe they came to see why the small guilds stopped contacting them, I was too careless.'

"Where are they now?"

"Please, allow me to escort you to them right away!"





Lapyx looked at the four unconscious bodies slumped on the ground of the baya. Based on the conditions of their bodies it was clear only one of them engaged in actual combat with Loki while the rest probably fell for his deadman circus technique.

'I'll have to get more info for this one later.'

"Horus did you bring the Lesser Blood Gems?"

"Of course, High Priest."

The Lesser Blood Gems were different than the ones given to the disciples, these gems only granted a small boost in power and had no other beneficial effects on the bearer. 

Its true purpose was mind control!

The gem circulated the nova imbued inside of it to the brain of its beares constantly, and the owner of the nova was none other than Lapyx himself. The gem caused its bearer to succumb to the will of the nova's owner, these gems were primarily used to create mindless puppets that would obey their master.

Beginning the ritual with an incantation, a large circular array formed in the baya. Lapyx placed the gems on the back of each of the trainee's heads so they wouldn't be seen by others as the hair would grow around and cover it.

"It seems our firepower is growing nicely isn't it, High Priest?"

Lapyx nodded.

"Loki sent us a nice gift."






Siatl, Northern Region

"What do you mean?"

Luna was lying down on her side on top of her bed, she had an utterly disgusted look on her face.

"Darling, please. Doesn't piss you off that your father thinks a Grade 1 is going to catch up to you?"

Iyo was making an effort to win over Luna by twisting Chrona's words bruising her ego and motivating her to join the cause.

"Mom, you just want me to spar the insect to prove you are a better teacher than Dad, but you are right he is giving the kid too much love. Let's go rain on their pitiful parade."

The two women shared devilish grins with each other as a mother and daughter should, and elsewhere Chrona and Icarus both felt chills run down their spines.

"Master, Mrs. Iyo, and your daughter are coming over here."


Chrona was unaware of the fire his words had caused under the women of his house, and Icarus, not being present during the initial conversation, was oblivious to all of it.

"Well if it isn't my two favorite women, to what do we owe the pleasure."

"Cut the chit-chat, Darling. We are here for some action!"


Icarus and Chrona gave perplexed looks to each other before Icarus spoke up.

"What do you mean?"

Luna let out a sigh since their initial run in Luna had no tolerance for Icarus.

'Stupid red-eyed insect'

"I'm going to spar you, Insect. Dad's been talking crap and hyping you up, and I and Mom want to see what it's all about. Unless of course, you're scared." 

Icarus began to chuckle finding the girl's words amusing.

'This little princess thinks I'm the same as before! Time to put her in her place!'

Chrona standing witness to all of this could practically see the gears turning in Icarus's mind.

'Oh no, this kid fell for it. He's probably thinking that the little training he's done is going to let him stand a chance because Luna's a girl. need to stop this!'

But before he could get the chance, Icarus spoke up.

"I agree, but isn't unfair for a mighty Grade 2 like yourself to pick on a little insect Grade 1 like me? Or maybe your power is like your looks."

The three members of the Chereka household were greatly confused by Icarus's taunt.

'power like her looks? Has Chrona's training drove the boy mad?'

'Did this insect's mind break under the training?'

'Oh no, I drove the boy insane! Dalus and Naucra forgive me!'

"You bug what are you even spouting?"

"I'm saying you're just for show."

Chrona burst out into laughter, he had not expected his pupil to be a comedian! In fact, since Icarus had arrived it was the first time he made a joke and engaged in banter with the family.

'The kid is becoming a bit more comfortable now.'

Luna, however, didn't share her father's sentiments. In fact, Icarus daring to talk back to her only infuriated Luna even more.

"Fine, even with a handicap I'm more than strong enough to squash a bug like you."

"Definitely heavy enough, you're more like a mountain than a moon."


Luna was about to lunge at Icarus before Iyo grabbed the back of her training clothes collar.

"Well, it seems that the two of you are very eager, so how about we set the rules before this devolves any further, right  Dear?"

Chrona, cleared his throat in an attempt to regain his composure.

"All right, these are the rules."