Let’s Join Forces

The other day Sunday morning Sasha opened the dorm room and entered quietly without making a sound, she was very tired. Madi opened her eyes and saw her lying on the bed.

"Hey is everything alright?"

"It's about time Madi I'm going to get my sister today no matter what it takes" Sasha was speaking dozzing off she was very tired to sleep properly on the bed. Lexa was sleeping Madi got off her bed and went to cover Sasha with a bedsheet. Layla returned back to her dorm section the girls were worried sick about her.

"What happened to you? Where were you?" Layla was bleeding from her nails as she was tortured long enough.

"It's okay am good, I just had a little misunderstandings, but am okay now everything is good" She was tired she walked to the bathroom to take a shower and headed straight to sleep. Eco was left all alone he was still tired up as he refused to help Sasha finding her sister he was left alone on the chair.

Sometimes later Sancho was walking at the subway he saw Sasha eating on the table all by herself he followed her and sat beside her.

"Am I allowed to sit here"

"Dude you already sate why bother asking"

"How the process of finding your sister runs?"

"How do you know my sister is missing?"

"It's on the rumors of everybody in the college"

"Great now she is famous, tell me something Man"

"Sancho call me Sancho"

"Okay then Sancho, I heard you and my sister were close friends tell me when was the last time you seen her?"

"She was looking for you exactly I didn't know she said that she had sonething to tell you" Sasha smiled.

"Wow well I know my sister well, we are not that close enough to look for eachother and tell special things at each, nice try Sancho but let me tell you one thing, Today no matter what happens I will get my sister back it has been 5 days since she went missing, but today I swear whoever took her will be paying the double pain of the past five days they kept my sister away from me, I will kill If I have to"

"Wow you got guts kid I give you that" Sasha stood up she finished eating her food.

"See you later Sancho"

"Later how do you know that we will be able to meet later?" Sasha turned back at him and smiled.

"I know we will definately meet" She walked away while Sancho was busy staring at her.

Sasha went back to the garden to meet with Kevin and Liam Lexa and Madi were also there waiting.

"Come on Sasha I don't think that she will show up"

"Wanna bet Lexa I know she will show up"

"What are you talking about? What did you do to convince her to help us out?"

"Believe me guys the less you know the better" Suddenly Layla showed up with two more girls beside her they were shocked.

"Wow I didn't know you had bodyguards Layla" Layla smiled at Sasha.

"They are my best friends and my secret keepers, we can trust them, this is Nadine and this is Lexy"

"Great we have Lexa and Lexy now in the college"

"What are you talking about?"

"Her name is Lexa she is my sister"

"Can you guys drop the introducing part out for now and lets discuss the real issue"

"Relax Kevin everything is taling care of as I said I will help you get your sister back and I did do my job"

"What are you talking about? Have you find out where she is?" Layla was smiling at them.

"Why don't you stop fucking smile and tell us what we need to"

"We found out where they are keeping your sister but Before we tell you we need something in return"

"What do you want?"…..