Never Give Up

Sarah and Lexa were running down the corridors going to infermary, they saw Kevin and Liam outside the treatment door.

"What happened? Where is Sasha? What happened to her?"

"We were going out and we just saw her lying on the ground she was hit very badly" A doctor came out of the treatment room.

"Doctor how is Sasha?"

"She is stable, she will be fine I gave her some morphines still she needs to rest her wounds needs to be recovered"

"Can we go in and see her?"

"Yeah you may, but don't stay long, I have orders you guys have to be in your dorms by 30 minutes" Sarah and the others walked inside Sasha's room where they saw her lying on the bed. Sarah went o sit beside the bed Sasha was in bad condition of her eye was coved with bandage she had wounds and bruises on her face.

"Hey dear sis…. Seems I too have someone who cares for me"

"I told you Sasha, but you never listened to me"

"Stop it Sarah, Don't give me that speach. So what now I should give up? Raising a white peace flag to them"

"Look what they have done to you Sasha, this means that they can do whatever they want, they can hurt you more then they did"

"Well there are jo big battles without big opponents sister, the night was theirs, I didn't saw them coming but I have learn that never ambushed a wounded tiger"

"The doctor said you have to take some rest they gave you morphines, I hope when you wake up you will get over this fucking revenge shit"

"Believe me Sasha I will never stop, not untill I do what I promised to do to them"

"What are you gonna do now?"

"If you want to catch a tiger, you should go into it's den" The doctor showed up.

"Guys, it's time you have to go now"

"See you tomorrow sister" Sarah and the others walked away.

Tonight that day Sarah was walking alone at the corridors, she was searching for Sancho and his group she went directly to their hideout and saw them as their usually filming porn. They all stopped once they saw Sarah again.

"Well look who's here a sister, remind us again what happened to you the last time you walked this path?"

"I have come to you Sancho, I don't need any trouble I just came to talk to you"

"Well am all ears, what do you want Sarah?"

"I came to put an end into this bullshit" Sancho started laughing.

"And why is that? Sasha was the one who declared a war at us not you"

"And I am here on her behalf, all alone unarmed, to put an end into this suffering please"

"Well would your precious sister Agree to your choice? How do you know she won't be coming after us the moment she get off the bed?"

"I will be the one stopping her I promise"

"You cannot stop her rage, I can see it in your eyes Sarah. Your sister is far way stronger then you, you are just a normal human being with lots of careness in you even though people don't give a shit about you, but Sasha, your sister has a spirit in her and We know for sure she will be coming after us one another that's why we are preparing to welcome her very smoothly. Here is the thing, why don't you go back to your dorm and have some good comfortable sleep while we do our thing here"

"I need your word Sancho, be the man and stop this madness"

"If I can stop it, and your sister comes after my people, which she already did, she killed one of my people"

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't know? Your sister was the one who killed Eco that night"

"No, Sasha is not a killer"

"How do you know that?, you were kidnapped the day Eco was killed, you weren't there" Sarah was shocked.