An enemy of my enemy

Allyah was sitting down having her meal Liam was getting his meal. Lugayna showed up and sat next to Allyah as she was smiling on her.

"Hi, my name is Lugayna"

"Hi Lugayna am.."

"Allyah everybody knows you dancing lady"

"Do what do you want from me?"

"Nothing just friendship" Allyah was staring at her.

"How do I know you are not using me into your own benefits?"

"Okay maybe I started off the wrong foot, let us be honest we're both women,I liked the way you are I mean you have a spirit of fighting back and you don't hesitate on taking what's yours."

"Okay hear me out, Lugayna I'm very sorry but whatever I do it's not for anyone and I don't want to become anyone's puppet, so if friendship is what you need then you shall have it but if you have something else in your mind than am not interested."

Allyah stoop she was going away Liam showed up in front of her.

"Are you avoiding me Allyah?"

"Avoiding you? Why would I avoid you? How can I avoid you" Liam was smiling as he held Allyah's hand and pulled her closer to him

"You can relax Allyah, yesterday we were having some some fun stop stressing yourself over it"

"No am not gees how could you say that?"

"Good then sit down I have something to tell you"

Sarah and her friends carried Sasha inside their dorm, She woke up and see herself getting treated.

"What happened to me?"

"What do you think? You didn't just play with fire, you suckled the gases in gasoline" Sarah spoke.

"It's a small wound so we just put a bandage to cover it"

"Thank you Madi for your help, but I need to go" Sasha wanted to get up Madi and others stopped her.

"You should take a rest Sasha, we gave you something very strong to help you sleep"

"What did you do to me?" Sasha was feeling dizzy.

"You bitch, I will.... I...." Sasha was drugged as she slowly calm down and knocks off.

"She will he very angry once she wakes up" Lexa says

"Yes but let her rest for now, it's for her own good she has to calm her mind down" Sarah stood up and walks away.

"Do you think what Sarah is doing for her sister is right?"

"She knows her sister better than anyone else, so I guess she's right. Sasha is stubborn and hot tempered we all know that "

"What do you think about Sarah and Sancho? Did she told you anything?"

"We spoke but for the time being she told me that Sancho didn't tell her yet, but still I don't trust him at all. He just playing innocent as he into something "

Madi stood up. She wanted to walk away

"And where are you going na young lady?"

"I'm off to see Kevin" Lexa smiles on her sister as she knew something was going on between her sister and Kevin. Madi walked away.

Tonight that same day Liam was with Kevin outside the dorms as they were preparing to go outside the walls. Sancho showed up with his friend James.

"Wow look who we have here, seems like it's time for you to take tour leave" Liam faced them.

"I can see you find yourself a new porn star to replace Eco"

"Don't you dare speak his name!" Sancho was angry he wanted to punch Liam but Liam saw the punch and held his hand.

"Not today Sancho, I don't fight with people who doesn't know the value of other people and use them for their own benefits" Liam and Kevin jumped over the wall. Sancho was angry standing with James: