Enter the Battle

Farthen Dur

Eragon had been fighting for hours and was growing tired. Saphira had holes in her wings and had just received a breathtaking blow to her chest. During one fight on the ground, Eragon tried leaning far to the side in an effort to reach an Urgal that was about to strike Saphira's wing. Unfortunately, Eragon overreached and was struck on his helm, causing his ears to ring. As he tried to pull himself back up the Urgal was preparing another swing of his weapon. Just before the strike landed, a thin blade appeared out of the Urgsls chest. The Urgal fell to the ground to reveal Arya standing right behind it. Arya jumped onto the saddle behind Eragon to aid him for a while.

Just before Saphira could take flight Arya froze, looking at the mountain behind the Varden. Noticing the change in Arya's demeanor, Eragon was about to ask her what was wrong when the entire battlefield froze. All anyone could hear was roaring from every direction.

The most shocking part of it all? The roars, clearly came from beings larger than Saphira.


Northern Beor Mountains

'Alright everyone. I want you to surround the enemy, on all sides. Allium, Ēborisk and I will arrive behind the Varden army on the mountain to oversee how you all fare. Any questions?' I asked.

'Why don't we just fly overhead and just reign fire on the enemy?' asked one junior Rider.

'Because I don't want to accidentally kill any allies that may be fighting on their own out there. You can reign fire from the ground. This will also give you all the chance to practice your sword skills and teamwork. After a few breath attacks I want all Riders with feet on the ground. Am I understood? This is training too.' I responded.

' 'Yes Senior!' ' was my only answer.

'Good. And remember, there is a human Rider on our side in there. If you see he needs help, aid him. He isn't as fast, strong or old as any of us. And we give help to each other whenever we need it, even if the other person does not ask. Move out!' I gave my final order as every Rider cast invisibility and soundless spells on themselves and their Dragons.

Coming around the mountain, I found the side of the fight where the Varden was defending and made my way to the cliffs behind them.

After three minutes, everyone was in place.

'Alright. Begin!' I said as everyone dropped their spells and their Dragons roared defiantly.

Allium, next to me, noticed Arya shortly after arriving. Deciding she didn't like her Rider on another Dragon that wasn't her mates, she took off after her.

Arya was still in shock watching the large purple dragon flying her way. Realizing what would happen if Allium arrived and she was still on Saphira's back, she quickly dismounted and started running for her partner.


Turning around with a smile, Arya asked "Why would my Dragon kill me?" Immediately after, Arya jumped straight into the air, catching Allium's saddle, who had spun upside down to give her Rider immediate access to the saddle.

Looking like someone smacked him, Eragon said "Your Dragon?"

Arya just laughed as Allium did a one hundred eighty degree turn and returned to Evanyars side.

"Now that the egg has finally hatched, you don't have anymore excuses for leaving me every year, honey." I said as Allium landed next to me.

"Dear husband, I just escaped being imprisoned by a Shade. I would hope you will allow me a little freedom after that." Arya said.

"I'll tie you to the bed for a year to keep it from happening again." I said seriously.

"Promises, promises. Keep sweet talking me and I may just let you darling." Arya said with a glent in her eyes.

"BET!" was all I said as my purple eyes started glowing.

"Later, love. For now, there are Urgals to kill." Arya reminded me.

"Your fellow Riders are using this war to practice their teamwork and footwork. If I get involved, the enemy will be dead in but a moment. They need the experience." I said.

"And what of me?" Arya asked.

"Now that I know you're safe. Go practice with Allium. I know you're good on your own, but you need more experience with your partner." I said.

"I won't complain. But what about you?" Arya asked curiously.

"I am merely here to escort you, safely back home...but until then, I am overseeing all your training." I said while crossing my arms.

"Yes sir!" Arya said with a mock salute before Allium flew towards the battle.

'Do you sense it? That dark energy?' Ēborisk asked me.

'Yes. A Shade is nearby. If he makes a move, ill step in.' I said.

'Good. None of the younglings are capable of killing the Shade. Be ready.' Ēborisk said.

'Always, partner.' I said before we went quiet again.

Looking around, I noticed the twins. They're being useful now, but that will change after sunrise.

"Við sólarupprás, drepið tvíburana með hjartaáföllum. (At sunrise, kill the twins with heart attacks.)" I cast the spell necessary to save both boys a bit of trouble.

"Now what?" I asked no one.

'We could go join the fun?' Ēborisk asked hopefully.

"Hmm. It looks like the boy and Arya are leaving the battlefield together. Let's see what they're up to." I said as we shadowed their movements.

While being invisible and soundless, I followed the boy and Arya to a room with a giant crystal ceiling. Moments after they arrive the floor collapsed, revealing the Shade accompanied by a hundred Urgals.

Stepping out, the Shade looks around for a moment before noticing both Arya and Eragon.

"Ahh. I'm so glad we were able to meet again young Rider. Any you elf, you left without saying goodbye, last we saw each other." the Shade said.

"Don't worry. I wouldn't dream of being so rude to my guests." I said as I dropped my spells and stepped forward. "So why do you just stay here forever?" I asked as I drew my blades.