Death, Invitation & Plans

Just before sunrise

"We should get presentable. I also want to invite that dark haired boy to Ellesmera. I think he'd make a decent Rider." I said.

"You are right. And I agree." was all Arya said.

After cleaning ourselves with magic we get dressed and jumped back into sight on our Dragon's saddles. The first thing I see is the boy, Eragon. According to Ēborisk and Allium, he's been here all night trying to get to Arya. I'm going to put an end to this real quick if he keeps it up.

"What do you want, youngling?" I asked him, hiding my displeasure.

"I want to talk to Arya. Why wouldn't your Dragons allow me to pass?" he asked.

'This child is too high on himself. He thinks he's tough shit from all the propaganda the humans have been feeding him.' Ēborisk said.

"What I do with my wife is none of your business, youngling. And as for our Dragon's, they can do whatever they please." I said adamantly.

"But..." Eragon started to argue.

"But nothing! I don't know exactly what you think you can or can't do, but I will tell you now. If you do not grow up and stop thinking this world revolves around you, I will break your bond with Saphira and bond her to someone WORTHY of her." I said.

"You can't do that!...Can he do that?" Eragon asked Arya.

"My husband is a Rider on the high table. That means he can decide you are not worthy of being a Rider and remove you from your Dragon and give her a Rider that won't dishonor her. Before you ask anymore questions I advise you to speak with Saphira about how she really feels." Arya said matter-of-factly.

We left Eragon alone with his Dragon and thoughts as we made our way to the battlefield. Landing near a large group of dwarves and humans trying to find out how the twins had died. Not revealing anything, I mentioned to Murtagh that he should join Eragon on his journey to Ellesmera. After some thought, he accepted.


"I must escort Eragon to Ellesmera, love. It's his first ti.e there and he can not enter any other way (security had been improved with my Wards)." Arya said.

"I will meet you there. Your mother still thinks you dead and I will not correct her until you arrive. Otherwise she will march the entire army down here to get you." I said with a chuckle.

"I believe you are right. I will bring Allium with me for your peace of mind." Arya said.

"Good. Allium, be sure to keep an eye on that boy. I still don't trust he understands that Arya is not his." I said.

'No worries there. I'll break his legs if he tries anything.' Allium assured me.

"Good. Then we are heading out. I love you." I told Arya as I kissed her.

"I love you too. I'll see you in a month." Arya said as she backed away.

In a single jump, I landed in Ēborisk's saddle and he flew into the sky. Less than a minute later, all Dragons and their Riders disappeared from view as we activated our spells of invisibility.


One month later

Arya and Eragon had arrived and introduced him to Islanzadi. Shortly after that, Oromis and Glaedr landed near him to bring them to the training grounds.

As soon as they landed, Eragon was instructed on how to address everyone and Saphira left with Glaedr.

As soon as they entered the sparring area, Eragon noticed I was in the middle of a spar with the rest of the in all six versus myself. In shock, he could only stare.

Arya noticed and jumped off Allium while drawing her sword to join. This was the best training for all of us.

"How is he able to fight all of them, Teacher?" Eragon asked Oromis.

"He is the strongest and fastest of us all. He can not fight us one on one because it would be beyond unfair to his opponent. By sparring with everyone he gets a workout and the others gain teamwork experience. And don't get me started on his magic and spells. A stronger body allows you to use stronger magic. There are spells that I've never thought of that he has used as if they are nothing. And he is my only equal in rank within the Riders. His word is to be followed as if they were my own. Do you understand, Eragon?" Oromis asked.

"Yes, Teacher. What is this high table you guys keep talking about? And how do I join?" Eragon asked.

"The high table is for the leaders of the Riders. To become a member of the high table you need to first, complete your training. After that, you must perform a great act for the Riders or succeed a previous member that offered the position to you, with the approval of no less than half the remaining seated members." Oromis explained.

"So how did Evanyar get a seat?" Eragon asked.

"That is information that you can only access with the approval of the entire high table or if you acquire a seat." Oromis said.

"Okay. How do I get my own Riders blade? I grow tired of everyone looking at my sword with hatred." Eragon said.

"The only forger of the Riders blades has taken a vow to never forge another. She hasn't forged a blade since before the fall." Oromis said matter-of-factly.

"Then how did Evanyar get his blades?" he asked curiously.

"I won't tell you how. But I will tell you they are made with the shell of his Dragon's egg and another item that you are not qualified to know about yet." Oromis said mysteriously.

"So I could destroy his egg blades with my sky steel sword?" Eragon asked with a smirk.

"No. His blades are forged in a way that only the ancient Dragon's can make them. They are magic personified. Do you notice how the blades, though black, are transparent?" Oromis asked.

"Yes. They seem to glow at night. Almost like starlight." Eragon said with awe.

"Exactly. They are indestructible. I know you were told the sky steel blades are as well, but that blade on your waist can still be broken. Evanyar's blade, on the other hand, will only break the day his Dragon dies." Oromis said.

"So if I gather Saphira's eggshell, could I get a sword like that?" he asked expectantly.

"Perhaps. But enough of that for now. Draw your sword and join the others against Evanyar. Perhaps after some sparring sessions, you will understand him better." Oromis insisted.

"Alright." Eragon said as he walked forward, drawing his sword.