Burning Plains & History Revealed

We finally arrived over the battle as Eragon and Saphira were conversing with a ship going upriver. I decided we would sweep the enemy army and take out as many enemies as possible while we still held the element of surprise. We managed to take out twenty percent of the army before anyone realized what was going on. The Dwarven King, seeing the Riders were Elves, started a battle cry and charge into the enemy ranks.

After an hour, the battle was clearly in our favor until a Rider flew over the horizon. It was a human female on a male Red Dragon, almost as large as Saphira. The first thing the human Rider did was cast a spell at the Dwarven King. It almost killed him if not for me casting a counter spell to divert the death strike of the spell to the nearest living being. While the King was upset that one of his mages was killed, he clearly felt how close he was to death before I diverted the spell to another.

"Eragon! Go earn your experience in fighting another Rider." I said.

"Gladly!" Eragon replied. While Saphira did not break the giant ruby of the Dwarves, he still became the Kings adopted son through his friendship with Orik, so watching his adoptive father almost die gave him all the reasons he needed.

As Eragon started fighting the human Rider, Murtagh started to tell everyone 'I'm pretty sure that's my twin sister. While my hair is black like my mother's, hers is blood red like our fathers. I would never forget that distinct wavy hair and color.'

'Everyone back away, this is their fight. Murtagh, will you join your brother or sister?' I asked.

"WHAT??!" he asked aloud.

I finally explained to him about them all being siblings, but left out that Eragon is only a half sibling.

'I will assist my brother.' Murtagh said as he took off.

'What will you do now, love?' Arya asked me since I remained invisible while everyone else was fighting I'm plain sight.

'I will remain here until the battle has been decided and only reveal myself if I must.' I replied.

'Be safe.' was all she said as the remaining Riders left for the battlefield.

After an hour both Eragon and Murtagh were exhausted and on the ground as their sister started to monolog after she cast a spell to prevent them from moving.

"UGH. So much talking just to give your little sob story. Oh, boohoo, my life was so bad. Woe is me! Grow up. Do you think you are the only one to lose someone or something?" I asked as I dropped the hiding spells around myself.

"Oh! Another Elven Rider. I did not see you among the others. Why did you hide yourself? And where is your Dragon?" she asked.

"Do not worry. He won't attack you from the shadows. Gefa út (Release)." I said as I cut the magic holding Eragon and Murtagh in place.

"How?! That spell should have held them against even a squadron of Elven mages!" she said.

"The same way I saved the Dwarven King. I'm stronger than you and the little one in your jacket." I said, revealing that I knew her secret.

"It's not possible for an Elf to be as strong as a Dragon. Even one as young as..." she started to say before she had a theory. "Ahh, you have at least one on you as well."

"Ég hef engan Eldunara á mér eða nálægt mér. Ég nota ekkert heldur ... ekki einu sinni drekinn minn hjálpaði mér við að hætta við álögin þín (I have no Eldunari on or near me. Im not using any either...not even my Dragon helped me in canceling your spell)." I said honestly.

"How? How did you get so powerful?" she asked.

"Why would I tell you?" I asked.

I felt several voices try to invade my mind as I shielded myself. Against so many Eldunari, I could not stop them from taking info from my memories before I shut them down. As they continued their assault on my mind, I noticed the frustration on the girl's face as she failed time after time, to pierce my barriers.

"If that is the best you can do, I advise you to return to Galbatorix." I said.

"KING Galbatorix." she tried to correct me.

"Hahaha. Your King, not mine. And only a self-proclaimed King at that." I said.

"ALL WILL BOW BEFORE THE ONE TRUE KING!" she screamed fanatically as she jumped at me with her sword ready to strike.

"Haltu (Hold)." was all I said before she was stopped in the air.

"ARGHHHHHH!" she screamed after she realized I was holding her in place and her Eldunari could not give her the strength to undo my magic.

"Yes. Everyone thinks they are invincible with those in their possession. I've discovered a way to make them useless against me." I said with a mischievous smile.

"Impossible." she whispered.

"Actually, it's not. Thoughts, Galbatorix?" I asked, sensing he was watching.

"Several, actually." everyone heard a voice from the sky.

"Theatrics. Speak normally, traitor." I said.

"I AM NO TRAITOR! I was betrayed by the humans back then. My story has been GREATLY exaggerated." Galbatorix insisted.

"Are you saying you aren't trying to enslave and kill everyone...essentially of course." I said.
