During the ride back home, Dean placed his head on Roman's shoulder. His gaze was fixed on the things passing by.His eyes fell on a little boy holding the hand of his dad. He looks at his big hand.
When did I grow up?He gapes at a lady helping a tiny angel eat chocolate. He remembers his mom feeding him when he got sick.
I didn't talk with mom today."Should I take right or left?" Roman asked.Dean quickly blinks his eyes and clears his throat. "Please take a left."Roman nodded his head, feeling Dean drop his head back on his shoulder."The tall apartment in white after two blocks." Dean further added while looking at his hand.He remembers his dad buying the best shirt for him. Even though it was a little expensive. But everything is for his smile.Dean smiles with tears brimming in his eyes. He remembers his dad wearing an old shirt for Christmas, claiming it was not old. Knowing Dad is not wearing anything new. Mom didn't wear a new dress either.Dean sniffs, wiping his tears. But those stubborn emotions keep overflowing. He felt his throat clogging. It felt useless to wipe the tears.Dad didn't buy anything for himself, just to provide materials for their happy Christmas.Dean held his mouth and choked a sob, remembering his dad working late nights to afford his and his brother's school fees. He went to work after taking antibiotics, claiming to be fine, when he had a fever.Roman felt the hug tightening, and Dean's surpassed sobs were somehow hurting him too. He balanced the bike with one hand and held Dean's fingers with his other hand."Hush, tomorrow everything will be fine. Your relationship will get stronger with your dad."Dean looks at Roman, and Roman sees Dean's wet eyelashes and red cheeks. His teary eyes clenched Roman's heart."Is this the building?" Roman asked, parking in front of a huge gate.Dean nodded and got off the bike while removing his helmet."Thank you. Please drive safely." Dean whispered while Roman nodded his head.Dean quickly walks inside the gate, and Roman's bike leaves the premises to reach his son. He doesn't like being alone.Dean rang the bell, and it was opened by his mom. She gave him a soft smile and caressed his face. "Welcome back."Dean's neutral face changed as tears instantly brimmed his eyes. He looks down, trying to hide his tears.She looks down. "Go freshen up. I'll serve dinner."Dean nodded his head, walking inside, and he saw his father watching TV.While Mr. Rayden was subtly looking at Dean through peripheral vision, He looked at the watch, reading eight-thirty.
I wonder if he had dinner.Dean carefully walked towards the sofa. Mr. Rayden saw him and thought he wanted to sit. So, he moved aside while showing he was picking a cushion from another sofa and sat comfortably.Mr. Rayden waited for Dean to sit. However, he didn't expect Dean to sit on the floor and place his head on his thigh.Mr. Rayden widened his eyes. His hand was automatically placed on Dean's head.Dean felt the touch as he bit his lips harshly and closed his eyes, where warm tears glided over his nose bridge and soaked his dad's khaki pants. He placed his hand over his mouth to stop crying and talk. But it felt as though all his surpassed tears didn't want to be in his eyes anymore.Mr. Rayden looks around for his wife. But, to his dismay, she's nowhere to be seen.There is panic in his eyes. He is looking here and there. None of the family members are to be seen.With a lot of dilemmas, Mr. Rayden asked, "What happened?"Dean couldn't surpass the sob. "I'm sorry, dad." His body shook with each sob. His eyes are turning red, along with his cheeks.Mr. Rayden caressed his head. "Why are you sorry, my son?" While his eyes collect tears.Dean looked at his dad and held his hand. He pressed the hand to his eyes. "I've hurt you. I hurt you in the past, and I did it again by being—""The fact that you're my son will never change." Mr. Rayden gave a soft smile while caressing his head with his other hand."I'm sorry, dad." Dean sniffs, harshly wiping his tears. "I can't control who I love."Mr. Rayden shook his head. "You don't need to change." He wipes Dean's tear-stained cheek. "I love you the way you are. I agree, you went the wrong way. But you're not completely on your own. I should have been with you. I should have asked, What's the matter?"Mr. Rayden held Dean's shoulder, asking him to sit next to him. "Look, son. I'm at fault too. Instead of being angry at you, I should have hugged you and asked why you were destroying yourself." He sighs. "But I have done none. Obviously, without guidance, you'll be lost."Dean looks down with a nod. "Dad, I've bettered myself. I don't drink or fight anymore. I don't say rubbish things either."Mr. Rayden nods. "I know. I'm proud of you. You have become a grown man. Your future is sorted." He pats Dean's shoulder. "Find someone nice and move on, dear."Dean looks at his dad to explain that he's gay, and it won't change anytime soon.Mr. Rayden continued, "You've punished yourself more than enough. Find your love, my child." Dean looks at him with shock. Mr. Rayden nodded with a smile. "I want a son-in-law who knows how to cook."Mr. Rayden pats Dean's cheek with a chuckle. "Last time, you burned the pan. I don't want history to repeat itself if he attempts to cook something for you and then, bam! The food is everywhere except the utensils."Dean whined. "Dad! I tried." Mr. Rayden laughs.Dean smiled and whispered. "Did you accept me as I am?"Mr. Rayden gave a nod. "You are my child. Your happiness matters the most to me. I just needed some time to understand you." With a smile, he further added, "You guys are the reason I'm living. Other than you, your mom, and your brother, I don't have anyone else."Dean looks at his dad. "If my grandmother knows about this, She will teach you the correct way of counting family."Mr. Rayden widened his eyes. "Don't tell your mom about this." Dean shook his head and laughed.His eyes don't hold tears, but rather relief.Mr. Rayden watched his son's laughter. How long has it been since he laughed so carefreely? All this while, Dean must have believed that his dad was angry at him.Mr. Rayden whispered. "I forgive you for your mistakes. It's in the past now. Please forget about it and move on." He held Dean's hand. "I want to see you happy before I die. At least I'll know—""Dad! Wh-what nonsense!" Dean hugged his father. "Where are you going, huh?! You will stay with us forever."Mr. Rayden blinked his tears and hugged his son. It felt like forever when he embraced his cute son in his arms. "Life is a beautiful lie, which is uncertain. However, death is a bitter truth that is certain."Dean wants to break the hug and scold his dad. However, Mr. Rayden further added, "I was so scared. When the doctors told you about your condition, I had never heard of that disease name. They told me the best cure was getting a heart transplant. I thought I lost you."Mr. Rayden's chest clenched, remembering those days. "I was so lost. I didn't want to lose my son. No matter what you did, You are still my soft, cute son who can't hurt a fly."He pulls away from the hug and requests "Son, can you keep one request?"Dean quickly nodded his head."Son, love whomever you want. But not your college love. He isn't right for you."Dean looks at his father with wide eyes. "Dad, when did you know about him?"Mr. Rayden just blinks his eyes and prefers not to say anything to Dean. He asked again, "Can you keep my request?"Tears brim Dean's eyes as he looks down. He did love Nathan very much. There was a time when his days could not end without talking with him. But, looking at his dad, He realized that this was the first time his dad was asking something.Can't he add concrete to his heart and make sure his feelings don't sprout anytime in the future?Placing his palm over his dad's hand. Dean reassured him. "Your request is a command, Dad. I'll never love him again."Mr. Rayden broke into a wide smile. "Thank you so much, son."Mrs. Rayden placed her head on Ethan's arm and watched the duo while standing behind the wall."Did your dad do the right thing?" Mrs. Rayden asked Ethan, who looked at his mom in confusion."That boy's father didn't say anything to his son; rather, he told your dad to push Dean away from him. Here, your dad is pushing Dean himself away from the boy. How are both the dads different? They're doing the same thing with different methods." Mrs. Rayden elaborated while watching her husband kiss Dean's head, who has a wide smile."I don't know, mom. I don't know what's correct now." Ethan widened his eyes and looked at his mom. "Mom, you knew about Dean?"Mrs. Rayden shook her head. "I didn't notice it's presence until a while ago when you were having a deep conversation with your dad."She looks at Ethan. "Tell me whether you like boys or girls. I don't want to get another cold war in my home."Ethan looked at his mom with wide eyes and parted his lips to explain."I'll give you a few days to understand yourself better." Mrs. Rayden said this and walked towards the duo.She caressed Dean's hair, who showed teeth to her. Her family is back together.⋇⋆✦⋆⋇There was a knock on the door as Roma looked at the clock in confusion. She looks at her husband, who walks towards the door to open it.He was watching through the hole. He saw a familiar lady. With a frown, Neil opens the door."Hello, uncle." Neil forced himself to smile back and look around."During this time, why are you roaming alone? As a lady, you shouldn't stay out at night." Neil explained while stepping aside for Freya to walk in."No, uncle. My manager brought me here. My car broke down. Thankfully, your home is nearby." She watched Neil close the door with a glare.Quickly pasting a smile, she further added. "As you said, it's not safe for me to stay out. So, I thought, " She looks at Neil with wide eyes. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have come uninformed. It's not right; please forgive me."Neil shook his head. "No, it's alright. You did the right thing. Roma is in the living room. Did you eat dinner?"Freya looks down, contemplating whether to tell the truth or not. Honestly, she ate. But a little bit of acting and a pinch of shyness are preferred to show as the ideal daughter-in-law right?Neil smiled, thinking she felt shy. "Don't worry. I'll get you something to eat. Meanwhile, stay with Roma."Freya peeked through her eyelashes and whispered. "Sorry for bothering you."Neil smiled and walked in the opposite direction, leading to the kitchen. Meanwhile, Freya walked towards the living room with a smirk.
My father-in-law is sweet. He will not object. Now, I have to butter Roma. Then their son is mine."Aunty!" Freya hugs the lady who gets startled."Oh my! Freya? What a surprise." Roma pulls Freya to sit next to her."How are you?" Roma asked, holding Freya's hand.Freya smiles and replies, "Honestly, aunty. The work schedule is so hectic."Roma nodded. "I understand. Work is important, dear."Freya sighs and looks at the wedding photo of Roma and Neil. She looks down with a sad smile."It must feel nice to have a husband, right?" Freya asked while her eyes focused on the frames hanging on the wall.Roma thought she was looking at their wedding photo. However, Freya's eyes locked with the younger Roman's wide smile who's wearing a basketball jersey and holding the ball.Roma smiles. "Of course it does. Neil is such a gentleman." She looked at the photo and felt as though she could see her fluttering wedding gown. She glanced at Freya and added. "I fell in love at first sight.""Me too," Freya said without realizing it."Huh?"Freya looked away from the photo and lied. "Even I should get a gentleman, right?"Roma smiles. "Of course, dear. Everyone deserves a good partner."Freya looks down. "I don't know whether I get anybody as nice as uncle Neil. If someone marries me, it can be because of my fame and money." She looks at Roma with teary eyes. "I want to find the right person who will love and respect me."Roma caresses her hair. "You will meet the right person."Freya smiles. "Amelia was so lucky to have you as her mother. Uncle Neil is such a sweet person. And Roman is so sweet, humble, gentlemanly."Roma smiles and looks at Roman's picture. "I want my son to get married. How long can he stay alone? He'll need support at some point, and if neither I nor Neil are present, I don't know how Roman will handle himself."Freya nods. "Give him some time. After all, it's not easy to get over your love and marry a stranger."Roma shook her head and clarified. "I'm not asking him to marry now. I want him to at least look at someone. At least find someone to depend on. But the stubborn man thinks I'm forcing him to marry an unknown person."Freya chuckled, and with wide eyes, she said, "How about finding someone who Roman has known for a long time? Someone who is not dating?"Roma looks at Freya with shocked eyes, as though something flashed in her mind while looking at Freya.Freya further added. "She should be sweet, nice, and know how to take care of Roman. Someone who makes Roman comfortable too."Roma looks around with wide, shocked eyes and whispers. "Everything is in front of me, and I didn't realize it."Freya looks at the lady in confusion. I
She was hoping the lady got the hint.
Roma holds Freya's shoulder and looks at her from head to toe. "Do you like children?"Freya gave a quick nod. "Of course, who doesn't love those adorable angels?"Roma nodded her head, very satisfied with the answer."You are looking for a partner who respects you."Freya nodded her head."Someone who will love you and not your fame or money?"Freya agreed."Do you mind a widower?"⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Roman unlocks the home.Ayan was standing while wearing his Spider-Man pajamas. He quickly hugged his dad's leg, who was locking the door."Did my baby wait too long?" Roman asked, picking the boy up in his arms."No, papa." Ayan looks at the ceiling as Roman walks to the master bedroom. "Today, Snow White Story?" Ayan asked as Roman placed the boy on his feet.Ayan ran to his tiny table and took the storybook. "Baby, give me a few minutes. I'll change, then we can go to story land." Roman said, showing a gray T-shirt while turning around to take a pair of pants."Ok, papa."Roman turned around and asked. "You sure you don't want to eat dinner?"Ayan pats his tummy. "No, papa. I'm full. The cake was delicious."Roman raised his eyebrows. "And you drank my hot chocolate too."Ayan grins while hugging his storybook."Still, eat an apple," Roman said, keeping his nightwear on the bed and leaving the room, even before Ayan could protest."It's good for health," Roman yells, knowing his son will follow him, throwing his storybook aside.Ayan held the kitchen counter and peeked over it while standing on his toes. "Papa, only one piece," he said, showing his little finger. Roman is washing the apple with a hum."Papa," Ayan calls, moving along with Roman, who picks the knife from the side. "Was my teacher crying?" Ayan held his papa's pants. "I don't like my teacher crying." He looks at his dad with big eyes. "Can we do something to make my teacher happy?"Roman stops cutting the fruit and picks up Ayan. He placed him on the kitchen counter. "How would you do that?" He asked, bopping Ayan's nose."I don't know, papa. What will make the teacher happy?"Roman gave a thought and asked, "What makes you happy?""Gift!" Ayan replied without a second thought, earning a chuckle from his father."Then, you can gift something to your teacher and make him happy."Ayan placed his hand over his mouth with wide eyes. "It's like a surplice?"Roman nodded. "Yes, surprise."_________________________________