This idea was conceived due to some of the demerits of Life-Boats including leaving Sailors stranded at Sea in times of Crisis, Inadequate Drinking Water and Exposure to the Waves, Storms and Weather leading to the dangerous threat of capsizing boats.

This led me to believe that subbing out Life-Boats for Life-Subs would be best. In the first place, Submarines have the capacity to dive and the deeper they dive, the less exposed they are to the Storms at the surface of the Ocean. Secondly, because they can be run on electric energy, they can be equipped with both GPS and Sonar and be made to pilot autonomously to the nearest shore taking most of the burden off the Sailor's shoulders. This allows Sailors to find the nearest shore via GPS. The Sailors can avoid obstacles via Sonar and doesn't need to have much experience to pilot the sub since the sub will be piloted autonomously via the GPS and other Sensors integrated into it.

The Subs could also be equipped with Electrolyzers to purify Sea Water for drinking purposes while producing and storing Oxygen for breathing purposes thus killing two birds with one stone. When equipped with communication devices, the Sailors should be able to communicate distress signals to the nearest Ports on land and through GPS communicate the exact position of the Subs in Realtime thus allowing rescue teams to be organized more effectively.