Chapter 008: Graduation

The awakening of Zanpakuto was a surprise for Mazuru.

Because judging from the graduation requirements of Shinō Academy, although there is no such thing as you have to graduate as soon as you awaken your Zanpakuto, you can find a job after graduation, but the recruitment of Gotei 13 most of the time depends on whether you have awakened Zanpakuto and completed it's Shikai.

After all, among the four major abilities of shinigami, the Zanjutsu is always the first.

If you don't even have awakened your Zanpakuto, then relying on a asauchi alone, there is a high probability that you will not be recruited by the Gotei 13. Of course, if you are good enough in other aspects, such as Kidō, Shunpo, and Hakuda or possess any other extremely outstanding ability, there is still a probability of being selected by certain teams.

And those students who have not awakened Zanpakuto or excel in Kidō, Hakuda and Shunpo can only be said to be okay, but not the level required for getting recruited by Gotei 13. After the sixth grade, they will have two choices, one is to stay in Shinō Academy and study until the awakening of Zanpakuto, and the second is to join the Kidō Corps and Onmitsukidō (also known as the Stealth Force/Secret Mobile Unit)

Some students who are unwilling to stay in Shinō to continue their training often choose to join the two above.

The danger of Stealth Force is relatively high, and the Kidō Corps are always busy with tasks. They need to be responsible for opening channels, opening barriers, and seals of the entire Soul Society.

In comparison, it is better to join the Gotei 13 Division!

In twinkling of an eye, two years have passed, and Mazuru have become a sixth-grade student. During this period, he and his classmates also went to the present world for several internships to learn how to perform soul burials, but he did not meet Menos Grande, he originally had some expectations for the present world, but after actually going to the present world, he found that his expectations had failed.

At this moment in the present world, there is neither TV nor any entertainment facilities. It is basically the feudal era, and there is no fun to look for.

In addition, he has been hiding the fact that he has awakened his Zanpakuto, but there are some things that cannot be hidden for long because the graduation exam is coming.

In the graduation exam of Shinō Academy, it is divided into two parts: actual combat and theoretical exam. Among them, actual combat is to test the skills a student has learned during the six years of study, and it is generally conducted by letting students go to the present world for missions.

Zanjutsu, Hohō, Kidō, and Hakuda are all under assessment but whether the Zanpakuto is awakened or not is the key for recommendation to join the Gotei 13 Division.

The teams of the Gotei 13 seem to have low recruitment requirements, but since the millennia, each team has only maintained two to three hundred people. In fact, its recruitment requirements are extremely high.

You know, there are quite a few Shinō graduates every year.

There are at least one or two hundred people in every new class, and the number of students who chose to stay in school to continue their studies is even more.

But most of them fail to join the Gotei 13.

The reason for this is unable to awaken their own Zanpakuto.

In the original book, when Zangetsu evaluated the asauchi, there was a sentence "asauchi, the lower-level Zanpakuto used by shinigami who cannot enter the Gotei 13", so in the actual combat assessment, it seems that Zanpakuto awakening has the highest score weight.

Mazuru did not hide his Zanpakuto, and whispered to himself in front of the examiner, "Sink! Chi no Kawa!"

(T.L Note: The original text in the novel was 'Sink! Blood River', I kept it same, just translated 'Blood River' to Japanese which is 'Chi no Kawa')

The sealed state in his hand, which was provided by the Shinō Academy which was provided to him suddenly changed.

Wisps of crimson silk threads condensed by reiatsu appeared around his body, and the asauchi in his hand also changed a little, though it still looked quite similar to the asauchi, but apart from the black handle, the blade was dyed with strands of crimson, and the crimson light shone like scarlet blood.

The examiner in charge of the assessment, noticed this scene.

His eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

He knows Mazuru, after all, Shinō Academy has one or two outstanding students every year, Mazuru is one of them, when he entered the school, he had sixth-level spiritual power, this qualification allowed him to avoid most of the examinations and directly enter the academy.

Otherwise, the Shinō Academy is not so easy to enter. Mazuru thought that after checking his spiritual power, the assessment was easy, but in fact, it was just preferential treatment for those with strong spiritual power.

In addition to his strong spiritual power, Mazuru was valued by the Captain Kyoraku Shunsui of Eighth Division before he was even put into class. After that, he officially entered the school. Although he did not skip a grade, his grades in each grade were top-notch.

Now even Zanpakuto has awakened. Based on his performance, it is almost 100% that he will be recruited by Gotei 13.

However, as an examiner, he still asked, "Which department is your Zanpakuto?"

Although there are no specific requirements for Zanpakuto in the Gotei 13 Division, according to Zanpakuto's ability, it is undoubtedly possible for you to enter the most suitable division.

For example, the Eleventh Division, as a combat team, most of their Zanpakuto are of direct attack type.

Most of the Zanpakuto of Kidō department, especially those with healing abilities, are included in the Fourth Division.

"Kidō-type Zanpakuto, with some healing abilities..." Mazuru said a little bit, but didn't say more about the abilities, and the examiner also didn't ask. Zanpakuto's abilities are everyone's secret, and everyone has the right to keep it secret.

Mazuru also knew this, so he didn't say much.

His Zanpakuto ability is somewhat complicated. The more obvious ability is that he can use reiatsu to condense into silk threads to restrict the opponent's movements. At the same time, with the help of these silk threads, he can also reverse the spiritual power into other people's bodies and help them relieve injuries...

With the awakening of Zanpakuto, he also gradually realized that in Hueco Mundo, he was able to devour hollow's spiritual power and strengthen himself, probably a large part of the reason was related to his own Zanpakuto.

Even though his Zanpakuto was not awakened at that time, Zanpakuto are essentially a part of shinigami's soul, and as a traverser, it was not unacceptable for him to possess some of its abilities before awakening Zanpakuto.

After all, even transmigration is accepted by him, so it is not surprising to accept that he has a cheat or something.

On the contrary, Mazuru still wondered if his check-in and lie-win system was lost during the traversal process, otherwise, why should it be so difficult in the first few years of his stay in Menos Grande Forest.

The examiner nodded, and then wrote down which department Mazuru's Zanpakuto belonged to on the recording form, and then began the assessment of Zanjutsu.

After Zanjutsu, there are Hohō, Kidō, Hakuda and other miscellaneous assessments.

Mazuru's grades in these exams are not bad. In fact, it doesn't matter if his grades are bad. After all, he can still enter the Gotei 13 Division just with the fact that he has awakened his Zanpakuto.

Having passed the graduation examination with ease, Mazuru has become a prospective graduate. Next, all he needs to do is wait for the invitation to join the Gotei 13 Division.

Because he said that his Zanpakuto has some healing abilities, he guessed that there is a high probability of receiving an invitation from the Fourth Division. Of course, it is not necessarily limited to the Fourth Division. It depends on which team he will select provided the correct opportunities.


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