Chapter 018: Future Espada

Zanpakuto in its half-Shikai form, between the flashes of crimson streamer.

Mazuru's body moved suddenly, and he instantly landed on Gillian's body.


No, it's not just Shunpo, when he stepped on this Gillian, reiatsu broke out on the soles of his feet, and in an instant, with the power of reiatsu, he trampled countless times on it.

It is "Soru"!

This move was developed by Mazuru through one of the six movements, and after many years of self-exploration, he created a small movement technique, which made his body continue to flash away at a faster speed than Shunpo the moment he stepped on the head. However, this Gillian who was only stepped on by Mazuru.

The whole body was like a piece of mud, and it was paralyzed to the ground in an instant, leaving only a weak breath.

Aizen adjusted his glasses, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, a crystal clear object appeared between his palms and fingers, and then, an invisible force swept out, wrapped in a terrifying force of devouring, and wrapped the head of the victim. The downed Gillian was swallowed cleanly.

Mazuru also doesn't know if Aizen wants them dead or alive?

To be on the safe side, it's best to leave them alive.

He flashed away, and although he half-liberated the Zanpakuto, he didn't cut Gillian with the sword, Mazuru was afraid that he would kill them accidentally.

With the help of unique moving skills.

His feet stepped on Gillian from time to time, each foot made him move faster, and Gillian, who was stepped on by him, was seriously injured on the spot and fell to the ground.

It can be said to be a Gillian with one foot.

Aizen silently collected the head from the side. Suddenly, he sensed something and looked in a certain direction, "It seems to have attracted a big guy."

Mazuru also noticed that a big guy was coming.

The most obvious symptom was Gillian's sudden panic when he was about to attack.

The forest of Menos Grande is strictly hierarchical. Although Gillian is also a Menos Grande, he has a low IQ. As a group of Gillians devour each other, there is a certain probability that they will break through the boundaries, and the Menos Grande above Gillian will be born——Adjuchas!

"Jie jie jie, as a shinigami, you dare to be so presumptuous in the forest of Menos Grande, shinigami, you are very brave!"

A strange voice sounded, and with the sound, the powerful reiatsu swept in, and the suppression of the level made all the Gillians panic.

Mazuru looked in the direction of the voice.

He only saw a slender figure with six arms, wearing a pale mask, and a pair of long and short crescent-shaped sharp horns appearing in his eyes.

The size of this figure is naturally not comparable to Gillian, but judging from the reiatsu on its body, it is much stronger than the surrounding Gillian.


Mazuru stared at the sudden Menos Grande. Although the mask was not broken and he had not yet become Arrancar, the appearance of the opponent reminded him of the original eighth blade and the later fifth blade in the original book—Nnoitra Gilga!

"Did you feel my reiatsu?"

Mazuru knew the reason for this Adjuchas' arrival, but didn't have any fear.


He stepped on the palm of his foot, and in an instant, he came to Nnoitra's body, and Zanpakuto, which had not been used before, suddenly slashed out.

The crimson sword light flickered.

Nnoitra couldn't dodge in time and was cut.

Unexpectedly, however, Mazuru's sword only left a shallow wound on his body, and did not cause too serious injuries to him.

This reminded Mazuru of some details in the original work.

In the original book, this man's steel skin is the hardest among Espadas. Even if he has not yet become Arrancar, the virtual shell on his body has not transformed into a steel skin, but judging from this hard virtual shell, it is reasonable that his future steel skin will be so hard.

But even a future Espada is nothing more than an Adjuchas right now.

Mazuru didn't take it seriously, and swung the sword, reiatsu gathered on the blade, condensed into a crimson sword pressure, and slashed out again.

A huge crack immediately appeared in the virtual shell covering Nnoitra's body, and scarlet blood gushed out.

The severe pain hit, and Nnoitra was furious, "You are just a shinigami, how dare you hurt me..."

An angry growl sounded.

The terrifying reiatsu was released from Nnoitra's body, and the surrounding Gillians tended to instinctively retreat, making fearful sounds. At the same time, the wound cut by Mazuru on Nnoitra's body healed quickly.

This is Hollow's inherent skill, High-Speed ​​Regeneration!

If it's just High-Speed ​​Regeneration, it's not a big deal. High-Speed ​​Regeneration has a limit. As long as the brain and heart are damaged, even with High-Speed ​​Regeneration, they can't recover.

What Mazuru really cared about was the small yellow ball of light condensed out of Nnoitra's mouth at this moment.

The ball of light condensed out instantly, and then released towards Mazuru.


This skill can only be mastered by Menos Grande. Although Gillian can also release Cero, but because the forward swing is too long, it is extremely easy to dodge. However, Nnoitra is not Gillian, he is Adjuchas.

The moment Mazuru saw Cero coming towards him, he stepped aside.


Cero shot past him, several Gillians couldn't dodge, and were directly penetrated and annihilated. After that, Cero hit the trees, and an unknown number of trees were broken as a result, and the smoke and dust rose into the sky.

"A mere shinigami, how dare you dodge!"

Seeing that Mazuru dodged his own attack, Nnoitra became more and more angry.

Another Cero was fired by him.

Mazuru continued to dodge, but he didn't intend to dodge all the time, the crimson silk thread flew out from Zanpakuto, and in an instant, they criss-crossed and flew into Gillian's body around him.

Although Gillian's strength is average, as a Menos Grande, reiatsu in his body is not weak.

Then, regardless of whether these Gillians are willing or not, their part of the reiatsu is drawn by these red silk threads, and converges towards Mazuru.

"Oh? Interesting, is this what your Zanpakuto is capable of?"

Aizen watched this scene with interest.

He has a little understanding of Mazuru's Zanpakuto's ability. He uses red silk threads to restrict the enemy's movement, and at the same time, he can use these threads to heal others' injuries.

But now it seems that it is not so simple.

These crimson threads can extract the enemy's reiatsu for their own use.

"What an interesting ability."

As dozens of Gillian's Reiatsu around gathered in front of Mazuru, Mazuru cut out with a crimson sword in his hand.

The crimson slash of light suddenly flew out, meeting Nnoitra's yellow Cero!


Hundreds of trees snapped off one after another, Nnoitra's Cero shattered in an instant, and then the crimson slash engulfed his body, and the miserable screams echoed for miles.


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