Chapter 038: The Birth Of HōGyoku

Yoruichi and Kisuke have known each other for many years, even before they entered the Shinō Academy and became shinigami.

She knew exactly what gift Kisuke had, what a genius he is.

It is precisely because she knows some of Kisuke's abilities that she recommended Kisuke to Captain Yamamoto as the new captain of the Twelfth Division after Hikifune Kiryu was promoted to Squad Zero.

And right now, even Yoruichi, his childhood friend, has never seen such an extremely serious look on Kisuke's face.

"What have you done?"

Yoruichi's expression also became serious.

Kisuke glanced at Yoruichi, then glanced at Mazuru who was also looking at him curiously, and finally felt that Mazuru had been with them for so many years, and he was an old friend who knew everything, so he didn't think about hiding it.

Kisuke was silent for a while, not knowing where it came from, he took out a box.

On the box, Mazuru sensed a high intensity Kidō, as if to seal something inside the box.

Even though Kidō existed on the box, Kisuke seemed a little worried, and he then strengthened the barrier around the training ground a few more times.

Only then did he unlocked the Kidō on the box and opened the box.

With the opening of the box, an invisible pressure swept away instantly, but this pressure was not reiatsu.

It's the things in the box emanating out. It's a multi-faceted lens. Inside the lens is a round bead. The bead is crystal clear and emits a faint blue-white light.

Mazuru and Yoruichi also seemed to be shocked. After a long time, Yoruichi asked first, "What is this sense of oppression? It's not reiatsu, it seems to be...a kind of life energy! This bead oppresses our very being, Kisuke, what did you make?"

Kisuke explained, "I came to a conclusion in the study of Shinigami's soul enhancement. I found that no matter how much Shinigami is strengthened, there is a limit. I wonder if I can break this limit. I have done a lot experiments but undoubtedly failed, when most of my ideas have failed there is only one method left..."

"How?" Yoruichi asked.

Kisuke lowered his head and said two words slowly, "Hollow..."

Yoruichi was completely shocked, she never thought it would be hollow! What a bold idea this is! Research on this aspect was banned hundreds of years ago. She didn't expect Kisuke to...

But Yoruichi didn't notice that after taking out the thing, Mazuru looked very calm.

It seems that he is not surprised by the thing created by Kisuke, and he even knows the name of this thing.

Ignoring Yoruichi's astonished expression, Kisuke continued, "I made a substance in this experiment that can help the boundary between hollow and shinigami to be destroyed and help to step on the next realm. This is this thing, I call it..."


Yoruichi was silent for a while, and said, "Kisuke, do you know what this thing means?"

"Of course I know, otherwise I wouldn't have come to discuss with you." Kisuke looked serious, and there was even more helplessness in his tone.

"I didn't notice it at the time. The appearance of this thing was an accident. I tried to destroy it many times, but I didn't succeed. Whether it was burning, freezing, or Kidō, I tried all the methods that could be used, but it's all useless."

"So today you came to ask us..."

Kisuke nodded and said, "That's right, I just want to discuss with you today how to get rid of it."

"Destroy this thing that shouldn't exist in the world."

Then, after knowing the purpose of Kisuke, Yoruichi first tried to use Kidō or brute force to destroy "Hōgyoku", but unfortunately, as Kisuke expected, no matter what methods were used, this thing never appeared at all of damage.

Even though Mazuru knew that the birth of Hōgyoku was an irreversible trend, but now that he saw it, and he was there when Kisuke made the request, he had to help Kisuke out of reason.

He pulled out Zanpakuto, and wanted to try to cut Hōgyoku with ultimate's cutting technique, whether it was after Zanpakuto Shikai, the one-slash thousand-blade formed by gathering the surrounding spirits, or the condensed thousand-blade momentum when practicing Bankai, never caused any damage to Hōgyoku.

Even though the Hōgyoku created by Kisuke is actually only a half-finished product, its existence is extremely difficult to destroy.

Just as Mazuru and Yoruichi felt when Kisuke took out Hōgyoku earlier.

Hōgyoku, from the moment of birth, actually has life.

The instinct of life makes it eager to live, and with Hōgyoku's own ability to make dreams come true that can turn almost all appeals into reality, Hōgyoku itself wants to live, and it is extremely difficult to be destroyed.

After some experimentation, Kisuke also realized that Hōgyoku is very difficult to destroy.

There may be other ways to destroy Hōgyoku, but right now, he can't find it.

After telling Mazuru and Yoruichi not to tell anyone about Hōgyoku, Kisuke decided to seal Hōgyoku temporarily, and then slowly find a way to destroy it.


The matter of Hōgyoku has been debunked for now.

Several people kept silent.

In the blink of an eye, several years have passed since Kisuke became the captain of the Twelfth Division and established the Technology Development Bureau.

In the past few years, the most interesting thing to talk about is probably the sudden emergence of some geniuses in the Shinō Academy.

First, there was a Shiba Kaien from the fallen noble Shiba family, who showed the talent of sixth-class reiatsu during the entrance examination of Shinō Academy.

You know, Mazuru was also a sixth-class reiatsu when he entered school, so he was called a genius.

Now Mazuru has become the vice-captain of Thirteenth Division, which is a testament to his reputation as a genius.

But Shiba Kaien is different. It took him only one year to successfully complete the six-year course of Shinō Academy, and then graduated from the academy with excellent results and joined the Thirteenth Division.

Shortly after joining the Thirteenth Division, he defeated many seats one after another, and became the 3rd seat of the Thirteenth Division.

Such a genius, in fantasy novels, has the "Captain's posture". After he joined the Thirteenth division, many team captains have envied Jushiro.

First there was a Mazuru, and then there was a Shiba Kaien.

The geniuses of different eras are all in his hands, is it really Jushiro's destiny?

However, after all, Shiba Kaien chose to join the Thirteenth Division. Although many shinigami members of the Gotei 13 Division occasionally sighed, they didn't say much. Not long after that, from the Shinō Academy, another such genius appeared.


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