Chapter 040: Hollow Experiment

Sorry for the absence. The terrible heat wave in our area caused many problems and I was inflicted with disease, so I was unable to update chapters.


"Oh? Then I'm really looking forward to it."

A smile was drawn on the corner of Mazuru's mouth.

Aizen didn't say much, and then, he took Mazuru forward all the way, and came to a barren hill. Here, on the ground, there was a soul in a coma. Even if he was unconscious, Mazuru could still feel the other person was emanating spiritual power.

Aizen seemed to know that Mazuru was a bit puzzled, Aizen explained, "He is considered to be the overlord in the southern 80th area. He can survive on the edge of Rukongai. His strength is not weak. If he enters Seireitei, if he could learn a little about the basic knowledge of shinigami, perhaps he can become a powerful shinigami..."

"But now, he has become your experimental product." Mazuru finished Aizen's unfinished words from the bottom of her heart.

Then, I saw Aizen walk up to the man with the "Shinigami prospect" and taken out something.

There seems to be a bead hidden in the polygonal crystal, from which emanates strange power, although it is a little different from the one of Kisuke, but there is no doubt that this is also a Hōgyoku.

In other words, whether it is the Hōgyoku in Aizen's hand or the Hōgyoku in Kisuke's hand, they are only half-finished products.

Above Hōgyoku, a ray of dim light was released, and slowly rushed into the body of the unconscious soul on the ground.

Then, Aizen put away Hōgyoku.

However, the stunned soul on the ground suddenly woke up, with a painful expression on his face, he struggled hard, and as he struggled, wisps of white matter burst out of his body, covering his body, the soul that was originally in human form suddenly became several meters taller. Although he still has limbs, they only have limbs. No matter how you look at him, he has become what is called a hollow.

"Is this... hollow?"

Mazuru also looked at Aizen and said it.

"You can try his strength."

Aizen said something again.

With a flash of Mazuru's figure, he came in front of the newly formed hollow in an instant, and punched out.


The wind of the punch was mighty, reiatsu gathered on the fist and landed on the body of the hollow, he was immediately knocked away, a huge hole appeared on his body, and half of his body was festered by this punch.

Aizen was not surprised by all this, even if Mazuru didn't use Zanpakuto, White Hits alone was enough to deal with the newly formed hollow.

But he still went to Mazuru to try the power of this one, naturally there is a deep meaning.

But in an instant, the wound on this hollow's body that was punched by Mazuru began to heal.

"High-Speed ​​Regeneration!"

Mazuru recognized hollow's unique ability.

"This regeneration speed is not worse than Menos Grande."

"That's right!" Aizen applauded, "Also, did you feel his reiatsu?"

Of course Mazuru felt it.

After the soul became hollow, the opponent's reiatsu soared several times in an instant.

As we all know, if shinigami activates Bankai, reiatsu will get an instant boost, usually 5 to 10 times, and after becoming hollow, the boost speed is not weaker than the boost brought by Bankai.

Aizen explained, "He is just an ordinary soul of Rukongai. Even if he possesses spiritual power and has the qualifications to become a Shinigami, even with the skills he honed in the 80th area south of Rukongai, he can only enter Seireitei at best and just become a last seat."

"But after becoming hollow, let's not talk about fighting skills, just talk about reiatsu, among all the officers, it is enough to be in the forefront."

"This is just a soul with shinigami qualifications. What if it is a real shinigami, a real seat officer, or even... a shinigami at the captain or vice-captain level?"

"After Hollowfication, can we build on the foundation of Bankai and increase our strength again, so that we can break through...the limit!"

Aizen talked eloquently, and finally revealed his true purpose.

Let the shinigami master the power of the hollow, so as to break the boundaries of the shinigami.

Shinigami has limits.

Aizen realized this a long time ago, so in order to break through this boundary, he had to find other methods. In the process, Hollow, which is opposite to shinigami, came into his eyes.

Hollow, like shinigami, is transformed by the soul, like one body with two sides.

If you can combine these two forces at the same time, can you break through the boundaries?

"This is the purpose of Mr. Aizen going to Hueco Mundo to capture Menos Grande?" Mazuru looked at Aizen and said indifferently.

While speaking, the Hollow transformed from the soul on the opposite side has completed High-Speed ​​Regeneration, and the terrifying reiatsu exploded from the opponent's body. With this reiatsu, he is more like a Menos Grande.

It seems that it was because Mazuru hit him earlier, this puppet who inherited the tyrannical character developed by his predecessor after rampaging in the 80th district of Rukongai, flew towards Mazuru again, with his arm swung out, the terrifying reiatsu was released, bringing gusts of wind.

Mazuru flickered, dodging his attack lightly.

The other party seemed to be aware of Mazuru's unusualness, the blue reiatsu gathered in front of him, this is... Cero!

Although this kind of Cero, if Mazuru wanted, he could still interrupt it before he released it, and kill him.

But since it is an experiment, one has to look at the strength of the experimental product.

Instead of hiding, he chose to bear the blow head-on. Of course, it was impossible to resist with his body, so he used——Dankū!

The defensive wall after the abandonment chant appeared, and Cero landed on it, making a booming sound.

The defensive walls of the Dankū remained unmoved, not even a crack emerged.

However, Mazuru could be considered to perceive the strength of this Cero.

Pulling out the sword, he didn't even perform Shikai, he flashed his figure, and cut off the hollow's head decisively with a single slash.

Even with the High-Speed ​​Regeneration ability, as long as the heart is destroyed or the head is cut off, it will still die.

"Mr. Aizen invited me here today, probably not just to let me see how to make a ordinary soul becomes hollow."

Mazuru asked Aizen again.

Aizen said, "Remember what I said earlier? This is just a soul with shinigami qualifications. What if a shinigami at the captain or vice-captain level becomes hollow?"

Aizen expressed anticipation.


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