Chapter 042: The Night Just Got Windy

The sun is shining, the sky is full of white clouds, and the weather is fine.



In a bar, Mazuru greeted two women who came here one after another. The two women were surprisingly similar. Although the scales in front of them were different, they were both glasses girls.

Yadomaru Lisa, vice-captain of the Eighth Division, and Nanao Ise, who has become a seated official of the Eighth Division.

"You guy, you've been a little lazy recently."

After saying hello, Lisa suddenly raised her eyes, and slandered Mazuru.

"What's wrong with me?"

Mazuru is somewhat innocent.

"You haven't read a book for a long time, do you know how many times Nanao has talked about you in front of me?" Lisa unceremoniously exposed Nanao's shortcomings.

"Vice-Captain..." Nanao blushed and lowered her head uncontrollably.

She did complain in front of the vice-captain that Mazuru hadn't read a book recently, but she also knew that Mazuru was the vice-captain of the Thirteenth Division, and the Captain Jushiro was in poor health, and sometimes he needed to help the captain with team affairs, so it is normal not to have time to read books.

In addition, Mazuru is still a person who is extremely hardworking in training himself, so maybe he will train most of his free time.

"That's really sorry Nanao, something happened recently, so I left you out in the cold." Mazuru looked at Nanao who was blushing, and said straightforward words from his mouth.

When Nanao heard Mazuru's words, her little face became even redder, and she shook her head violently, "No, it's okay!"

"Tsk tsk..."

Lisa looked at the two with ambiguous eyes, trying to see more entertainment from them.

Unfortunately, Mazuru's expression remained the same without the slightest change.

As for Nanao, she has always been so shy, so she has gotten used to it after seeing her a lot.

The three of them then began to read books.

Mazuru is purely killing time, flipping through boringly.

Because of Mazuru's blunt words, Nanao's face was flushed all the time and she didn't even have the heart to turn the pages of the book. After a while, Lisa seemed to be affected by the two people next to her and she couldn't stand it anymore.

She simply came to find some topics to distract their attention.

"Have you heard about that?"

Lisa spoke abruptly.

"What's up?"

When Nanao heard Lisa's words, she immediately looked at her vice-captain. The vice-captain opened her mouth and provided a step for her to come out of her shyness and she immediately climbed up.

"About the bizarre deaths of Rukongai residents."

Lisa's expression suddenly became a little serious.

The Eighth Division is an intelligence team, and she is the vice-captain of the Eighth Division, so she has first-hand information.

"Ah, I seem to have heard of this." Nanao said quickly, and then explained to Mazuru regardless of whether Mazuru knew it or not, "Nobody knows when, the residents of Rukongai began to disappear. It began in the few areas on the edge, because of the chaos there, nobody cared at first, but recently it has gradually spread to the central area."

"The disappearance of a large number of ​​Rukongai residents immediately attracted the attention of Seireitei. They sent shinigami to investigate, and finally concluded that those disappeared residents were forcibly dissapeared under the influence of an external force."

"Influenced by external forces?" Mazuru naturally knew who did it, but she still asked Nanao.

"That's right." Lisa adjusted her glasses again, and said, "Where they disappeared, except for their clothes, their bodies were gone. Those people were not dead, they were alive but unable to maintain their human form for some kind of external factors, so they finally perished. At present, we can only make such a guess."

"If this matter continues, I am afraid that Seireitei will take further actions."

Lisa said again.

Mazuru also nodded.

The disappearance of a large area of ​​souls is something that Seireitei cannot accept.

Even if Rukongai has many souls, if too many disappear, it will still affect the stability of the Soul Society.


The moon is like a hook, hanging above the sky.

In the evening of the cold night, a faint layer of mist was formed, covering the entire Soul Society. The moonlight shone through the cold mist, dimly, which looked quite strange and depressing.

In the Thirteenth Division, Mazuru is practicing against the 3rd seat Kaien.

As a senior, in the face of the juniors, it is always necessary to give some pointers.

In particular, the disappearance of civilians in Rukongai has intensified, and the changes in the Soul Society are about to begin. In this case, the more power you have, the more chances you have to save your life.

Sword collided with sword and Kaien felt unprecedented pressure.

As the contemporary head of the Shiba family and a genius Shinigami, he became the 3rd seat of the Thirteenth Division shortly after he graduated. However, when facing the vice-captain, he ended in defeat every time.

"As expected of the vice-captain!"

Kaien can only comfort himself in this way.

*Bang bang bang bang...*

Suddenly, a compact sound resounded and echoed throughout the Seireitei.

"Urgent call, urgent call, captains of each squad, please gather at the team building of the First Division immediately. An abnormal situation occurred in the Ninth Division. The reiatsu reaction of the captain of the Ninth Division, Muguruma Kensei, and the Vice-captain Kuna Mashiro disappeared. For this reason, the captains were called urgently for a meeting."

Vice-captain Sasakibe's voice echoed in the Seireitei with the help of the Kidō, which is a full-service loudspeaker called "Tenteikūra".

In the Thirteenth division team building, Mazuru and Kaien stopped at the same time.

Then they saw the Captain Jushiro walking out of the captain's room with a weak body. He glanced at Mazuru and Kaien who were practicing against each other, and said with a serious expression: "I'm going to urgent meeting, Mazuru I leave the team affairs to you."

Mazuru nodded.

Then Jushiro quickly left.

Kaien looked at the captain who was leaving in a hurry, and thought of the words that the Vice-captain Sasakibe said with the help of Tenteikūra, and sighed, "The reiatsu of a captain and vice-captain disappeared at the same time and the head-captain was forced to summon the other captains urgently."

"The captain and the others should be able to handle it, right vice-captain?"

Mazuru didn't answer, but what came to mind was some of Aizen's exclamations back then.

Then, feeling the breeze blowing at night, he couldn't help sighing softly.

"The night just got windy..."


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