Chapter 049: Inauguration As The Captain Of Third Division

There is no need to continue the battle.

In terms of captain assessment alone, the progress of Mazuru and Shunsui's battle so far, whether it is reiatsu or combat ability, they are enough to be a captain of Gotei 13 Division.

As for the Bankai that must be mastered to be the captain.

Whether it is Mazuru or Shunsui, it seems that neither of them intends to use Bankai.

In this regard, Captain Yamamoto did not insist.

Bankai, as the ultimate awakening of Shinigami's Zanpakuto, is often the trump card of many Shinigami. To preserve the power of Bankai is to keep some secrecy about their trump card. Moreover, Shunsui's Bankai is also familiar to him, which is really not suitable to use here. But except for using Bankai, it seemed that there was nothing more Mazuru could show, so the battle ended quietly.

However, after Mazuru and Shunsui stopped, Captain Yamamoto still asked Mazuru for a word.

"Mazuru, have you mastered Bankai?"

Mazuru nodded without denying this.

So Captain Yamamoto no longer has any doubts.

There seemed to be a smile on his old face, he looked at Mazuru and said, "Mazuru, congratulations, you have passed the captain's assessment."

"The old man will hold a captain's meeting today to announce that you will be promoted to a new captain of the Gotei 13."

"But before that, I still have a question for you."

Captain Yamamoto looked at Mazuru.

Mazuru felt a sharp gaze on his face, but he didn't show any signs of panic, "What does the captain wants to ask?"

"Which division do you want to be the captain of?"

The question the head-captain asked was this. If it was in the past, naturally he wouldn't have asked such a question, but it can't help that the Gotei 13 Division has lost six captains at once, which makes Shinigami who passed the captain's assessment have a lot of room for choice.

But it is a choice, in fact, there are only three divisions to choose from.

The captain of the Second, Fifth and Twelfth Divisions, Captain Yamamoto has other plans in his mind. Among them, the Fifth Division is because there is a more suitable candidate, the Vice-captain Aizen Sōsuke is strong enough to be the captain. The Second Division and the Twelfth Division are due to the different nature of those divisions, one is a Secret Corps, the other is a technical team and the selection conditions for the captain are also different.

"Third Division, Seventh Division and Ninth Division, the captain of these three divisions, you can choose one!"

Mazuru couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the head-captain's words.

He thought about it for a while, and quickly gave his answer, "Seventh Division is the Inner Court Guard, responsible for assisting and protecting First Division and Central 46. I'm not very interested in protection work, so let's rule out the Seventh Division first."

The main reason is that Mazuru doesn't like the group of nobles living in Central 46, just like the Celestial Dragons in One Piece world, some of the styles of the group of nobles are really unlikable.

Naturally, he would not choose the Seventh Division to become the noble's bodyguard.

"The Ninth Division is the Prison Team, responsible for interrogating, extorting confessions and guarding criminals, so I choose the Third Division!"

"The Third Division is a Support Team. I think that under the current situation, many divisions need support!"

Mazuru talked eloquently, and explained the situation of each division. Originally, the head-captain wanted to preach to Mazuru after hearing that Mazuru was not interested in protection work, but after hearing the answer Mazuru gave with sufficient reason, he chose to give up.

In this turbulent time, it is indeed a good move to give priority to stabilizing the "support team" of the Third Division, and then take care of the rest of divisions.


*Bang bang bang!*

A rushing voice suddenly resounded in the calm Seireitei.

Gotei 13 is no stranger to this sound, it is a sign of the captain's meeting, and as expected, the voice of the head-captain rang out, summoning others for the captain's meeting again.

After that night's accident, the entire Gotei 13 Division fell into an unprecedented dangerous situation. During this period of time, the head-captain has held countless captain meetings.

But in this meeting, the head-captain focused on one point, so it seemed a little different.

Just like when Urahara Kisuke was promoted to the captain of the Twelfth Division, the head-captain announced that someone passed the captain's assessment and was about to be promoted to become a new captain.

Although they know that now that Gotei 13 has suffered a catastrophe, the head-captain will fill up these vacant captain positions in time, but the fact that someone passed the captain's assessment so quickly still surprised many Shinigami of Gotei 13.

The captains and vice-captains of each division went to the First Division one after another. In some divisions, the captain and vice-captain had accidents at the same time, so the 3rd seats temporarily took over and went for the meeting.

Soon, in the First Division quarters, Gotei 13 gathered, many of them were vice-captains and third seats with sad faces.

What happened that night was an extremely heavy blow to many divisions.

Captain Yamamoto came forward, tapped the crutch in his hand lightly on the ground, and his old voice sounded.

"Because of the earlier incident, Gotei 13 has come to an unprecedented critical moment, so after that incident, I have carried out the selection of the captain in time. As of today, someone has passed the captain's assessment."

"So today's captain meeting is held to announce that the new captain will take office."

When the captains of the various divisions were convened earlier, Captain Yamamoto explained the situation that someone passed the captain's assessment, but now he said it again in an official place.

The head-captain didn't have any extra talks. After all, it was an extraordinary period. For the captain's meeting, even the total number captain and vice-captain couldn't come together, it can already be seen that they are really in a predicament.

He looked directly in the direction of the door, "Mazuru, come in."

Mazuru walked in slowly.

After seeing Mazuru, a strange look flashed in the eyes of many Shinigami in the hall.

For Mazuru, of course they know him.

The vice-captain of the Thirteenth Division.

It would be understandable if he had passed the captain's assessment. After all, he was at the vice-captain level, so he naturally had strength.

After Mazuru came in, Captain Yamamoto said again, "After being recommended by Jushiro Ukitake, the captain of the Thirteenth Division, the old man and the other three captains conducted a captain assessment on Kyo Mazuru, the former vice-captain of the Thirteenth Division, and confirmed his eligibity for the captain position based on his ability and personality. I think he can take on important responsibilities, so I appointed Kyo Mazuru, the former vice-captain of the Thirteenth Division, as the new captain of the Third Division!"

Captain Yamamoto finished his speech quickly, and then Mazuru personally put on the haori that represented the captain of the Third Division under the watchful eyes of all the Shinigami present and officially became their colleague under their watchful eyes.

Then, the head-captain said a few more words, and the captain meeting was completely over.

Mazuru first went to talk to his former captain, Jushiro, and then walked to the Third Division's vice-captain, Chikane Iba, a woman with a somewhat old appearance and a fiery personality.

"Vice-captain, it's nice to meet you let's work hard."

Because of the disappearance of the former captain Otoribashi Rojuro, Chikane Iba has been keeping a cold face these days. After hearing Mazuru's words, she couldn't help showing a smile.


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