Chapter 188: Straight Into Bount's Headquarters

In the world of living, Karakura Town.

Inside a manor.

On the surface, it looked like an ordinary rich man's mansion, but in truth, the owner of that mansion had been removed in advance, and now it had become Bount's headquarters in Karakura Town.

Karakura Town was a well-known land of high spiritual concentration, and the probability of birthing souls with spiritual power here was far higher than other places. So it was also a rare good place for them.

In the past, Bount lived by sucking the souls of the dead, but after they decided to take revenge on the Soul Society, they inevitably set their sights on the souls of the living. So, the kind of souls which possessed spiritual power were the best for them. If such a soul goes to the Soul Society, there was a high probability that it can become a shinigami.

In the quiet manor, a middle-aged man in a brown short robe, a short silver-white short cut and a short scar on his jaw was drinking afternoon tea. He seemed to be in a good mood.

This person was none other than the leader of the Bount, Kariya Jin.

A middle-aged gentleman with brown back hair and two mustaches walked over slowly, and said to Jin, "Kariya-sama, Ichinose Maki wants to see you."

Before Jin responded, the expressions of several figures at the edge of the hall became weird at the same time.

Yoshi, who had long green hair, wearing a purple robe and yellow trousers, said directly dissatisfied: "What is that guy doing here? What a nuisance."


Koga, the uncle with bronze skin and a blue headset hanging around his neck, said, "After all, he is a companion with the same ambition as us, so we should not say such things in the future."


Mabashi, who had orange-yellow hair and a nail in his mouth, couldn't help but sneered, "A mere shinigami, what qualifications does he has to be our, the Bount's companion?"

Hearing his companions express their dissatisfaction with that person, Ugaki, who was wearing gold-rimmed glasses and looked very refined, said in a low voice, "No need to say anymore words, the other party has already arrived. I know you are dissatisfied with him, but haven't you seen that the leader didn't say anything against it?"

Sawatari, who had gray hair and looked like an old man, was a little disdainful. He snorted coldly, looked outside the door, and immediately saw a young man in casual clothes with a white hood on his head coming in.

"Masaki, long time no see"

Kariya, who was holding a cup of tea, greeted the young man after seeing him.

"Kariya-sama!" Maki greeted Jin, and then glanced at the other people who were also present. He felt the unkind eyes of these Bount looking at him, but he didn't care about it at all, and asked Jin, "Where are Soma-sama and the brothers Ho and Ban?"

The Soma-sama in his words refers to Yoshino Soma. She had a face very similar to that of the creator of Bount, Ran'Tao.

The so-called Ho and Ban brothers were the only two children in Bount. They were a pair of twins who looked exactly the same.

"They went hunting and haven't come back yet." Jin explained, and then asked Maki, "Maki, what is the matter with you coming here at this time?"

"Something has happened in the Soul Society." Maki said to Jin with a calm expression.


Jin was a little curious and the few Bounts beside him were also a little curious.

Although many of them despise Maki, thinking that he, a shinigami once from the Eleventh Division of Gotei 13 was not qualified to be their companion, but it had to be said that the other party, as the former shinigami, even if he had left the Soul Society, he still had several ways to learn news about the Soul Society. 

It was also for this reason that no matter how much they disdain Maki verbally, they had to admit that Maki was still useful and would not outright oust him.

"Gotei 13's Aizen Sosuke, captain of Fifth Division, Tousen Kaname, captain of Ninth Division, and the vice-captain of Third Division defected. Because of the turmoil they caused before their defection, many captains of Gotei 13 were seriously injured, and now the entire Gotei 13 has fallen into chaos."

Maki explained.

When the Bount next to him, the old man Sawatari heard his words, he couldn't help but say, "In this way, our luck is quite good."

After a lot of preparations, Jin was preparing to lead them to launch a general attack on the Soul Society in the near future, but now they got the news that the Soul Society had already been messed up first, and its vitality had been seriously injured. It was almost like that fate was on their side.

The rest of Bount also reacted when they heard the news that Maki brought, and realized that this was indeed a god-sent opportunity for them.

On the other hand, Jin was not too excited, he nodded slightly to show that he was well aware of the meaning of such a matter, and then asked Maki, "Is there any news about Ran'Tao?"

Maki said: "Sorry, I'm still checking about it."

Kariya no longer said anything more.


A pitch-black passage opened in mid-air, and two figures sprang out of it. Because the concentration of spirit particles in the world of living was far lower than that of Soul Society, so shinigami could stand in the sky in the world of living.

Mazuru and Ran'Tao stood on the sky, and Ran'Tao held a special instrument in her hand, and she was carefully detecting the traces of Bount using it.

If all went well, Mazuru and Ran'Tao would have come to the world of living a few days ago, but some preparations and Ran'Tao's body which could not stand the high amount of labor caused them to delay. The name of the experiment she conducted back then was called "eternal life", which literally means to create beings with eternal life. Because of an accident in the experiment, the Bount were born, and later, when she was exiled by the Seireitei and stripped of her powers, she continued to conduct experiments and transformed herself. 

She was not sure whether the experiment was successful or not, but she did obtain eternal youth.

This could be seen in her youthful appearance.

Although shinigami had a long lifespan, it does not mean that they will not age, instead it meant that their aging rate was many times slower than that of ordinary people.

While staying young, Ran'Tao also paid the corresponding price that she had limited time for daily activities, and she had to stay asleep most of the time in order to accumulate physical strength for activities.

Due to the limited time for daily activities and the need to prepare the equipment to detect the Bount's reiatsu, it was delayed for a few days. So today, after finally completing their preparations, Mazuru and Ran'Tao came to the world together.

Of course, the way to come to the world of living was illegal means of travel.

Although the Soul Society had formal Senkaimon to travel between the realms, passing through the formal Senkaimon required cumbersome procedure, and the likes of Mazuru had to be stamped with a limited spiritual seal. It was really troublesome so Mazuru directly chose the illegal way to travel to go wherever he wanted.

Although Aizen had already left the Soul Society, he left behind many informal channels of travel, which were all inherited by Mazuru after he left.

With the help of the instrument in Ran'Tao's hands, they quickly locked on the location of the Bount.

Mazuru and Ran'Tao came to the sky above a manor, and immediately, Mazuru pulled out his Zanpakuto.


A crimson barrier opened, instantly covering the whole manor.

In the manor, Jin who was still drinking tea slowly, suddenly found out that the surrounding environment had turned crimson, and his expression immediately froze. The remaining people's complexion also changed one after another.


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